Larry Gude;2576743
So said:
the work [/B]of the Lord? .
No their place is as a shepard which has a lot of dutties that sadly most pastors pick and choose and do those they like and neglect the rest. Woe is to them, as they will be held accountable!
They are to proclaim the gospel rightly devining the word of truth. In other words they are to present Gods word (not there topical sermon) our pastor reads the word of God than explains it as we read over it a second time, explaining things so we dont misunderstand what we read. Get this he even does a question and answer period after certain sermons.
A pastor is to watch over his sheep he should know more than just your name so he can help/relate to you.
He is in the end responsible for what gets taught in his church even if someone else administers that function.
He is responsible to teach you what that demonation believes so you understand it and how it differs from others!
He is responsible for the spirtual health of his congretation!
He is responsible for explaining to his membership what is required of them in service to the church as well as to each other.
He has a responsibility to the community to be available to them and to have his church assitt in time a need, to be a becon of light.
These are just a few off the top of my head but as you can see its more than collecting his pay and the rent money and making you feel good so you come back next week with an offering!
If a pastor that knows of sin in his congretation and does not preach against it (for fear they will leave) or rebuke those folks in private he is derlict in his dutties.
He is responsible that the worship service is to exalt God and bring honnor and glory to God, not make it like Starbucks, the circus, or the movie theater or a concert hall.
To bring honnor and Glory to God and eddify the believers. Not build a model on seekers. He should however present the gospel, for those he does not know there spirtual condition.
It's the congretations job to go out and win souls and bring them in not intice the lost in, and then feed them what they want to hear!