Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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Obama destroyed America
Yes my breeds of choice can cause more damage if they do attack, but I still think that my dogs are no more prone to attack than the labs or German Shepherds, etc... You "think"... you are ignoring the 20 years of research by the CDC??

That's where most of our differences in opinion lies. I hope to he!! I'm never proven wrong, The CDC has already proven you wrong Kat. :shrug: I do my best to protect the public, it would probably be only me paying the price if they do prove me a liar. Probably? You're willing to risk your childs life with that?

I think<--- there are those words again... that with RESPONSIBLE owners, your chances of being bit by a pit are slim in public, but you would be more likely to be bit by the lab or other dog. Why? Because, the owners of the other dogs are less careful with them, looser leash walking, sure come pet my dog, and pay more attention to everything else other than the dog.... A responsible Pit owner uses a very short leash and would never encourage someone to just walk up and pet their dog and is aware of whatever is approaching them. Why own a breed that can't be trusted?

Short end - BSL is wrong, it's being proven every day in other places that it doesn't work. So far the winning choice is "Ban the deed, not the breed". Your opinion...

We will forever disagree on pits. That's what makes each of us unique is our choices in life.

After all, I think the crotch rockets (motorcycles) are MORE dangerous than other bikes, should they be illegal to ride on the street? Poor analogy. Comparing an inanimate object controlled by a human to a living animal controlled by it's own mind.

Thank you all for your comments and voting.


New Member
Yes my breeds of choice can cause more damage if they do attack, but I still think that my dogs are no more prone to attack than the labs or German Shepherds, etc...

After all, I think the crotch rockets (motorcycles) are MORE dangerous than other bikes, should they be illegal to ride on the street?

Thank you all for your comments and voting.

as to your first point;
the difference is the result of the attack combined with the likelyhood creates a greater risk.
if a minipin 'attacks' me i would kick it away or pick it up by the scruff of the neck and toss it. an attack by a pit would probably require soemthing along the lines of me gouging out its eyes with my thumbs to get it to stop.


as to the second point: you better believe if people other than the operators of motorcycles were getting hurt by there use on the highways they would be illegal. As it stands, only the riders are in any statistical danger.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
Those crotch rockets have the potential due to their UNRESPONSIBLE drivers to cause accidents which could result in death...

Yes, I trust MY dogs and dogs of other responsible owners (I trust the owners).

I have NO children, so there is no one in danger at my home other than myself.

I DO trust the breed.

And yes, I do "think" and I'm one that usually thinks before talking or leaping into anything.


New Member
as to your first point;
the difference is the result of the attack combined with the likelyhood creates a greater risk.
if a minipin 'attacks' me i would kick it away or pick it up by the scruff of the neck and toss it. an attack by a pit would probably require soemthing along the lines of me gouging out its eyes with my thumbs to get it to stop.


That is not a good point. A very large pit would be 100lbs. Most are not over 70 lbs,

What about dogs like Mastifs that can be 250 lbs. Wouldn't they be a lot harder to fight off than a pit?

The pit is just the current popular "Bad dog" in the media.
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Boss Lady
They scare me. Maybe I just don't know enough about the breed to make a judgement. Any animal that kills people scare me. Then again my lab killed a baby chick when she was a puppy. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Here's why MV....

Other dogs don't do the damage this type does on a consistant basis (Except Rotties).

Well hell lets ban black people too they statistically commit more homicides.

Dose black mix count in these stats? Or is it just anyone with dark skin that they can't account for origin?


New Member
That is not a good point. A very large pit would be 100lbs. Most are not over 70 lbs,

What about dogs like Mastifs that can be 250 lbs. Wouldn't they be a lot harder to fight off than a pit?

The pit is just the current popular "Bad dog" in the media.

i never said other large agressive breeds were any safer to own.

the pit has earned its reputaion, partially through breeding and partially through irresponsible owners, but it is an earned reputation.


New Member
Part of the breading of a pit is to be non people agressive? Acording to the AKC the pit is one of the best dogs to have with small children.

The majority of pits do not have good owners. The worldwide figures state the only 1 out of every 600 pits find a home with a good owner.

From the past history of the Bull Terrier, the modern dog draws its character of indomitable courage, high intelligence, and tenacity. This, coupled with its affection for its friends, and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, makes it a foremost all-purpose dog.
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Obama destroyed America
Well hell lets ban black people too they statistically commit more homicides.

Dose black mix count in these stats? Or is it just anyone with dark skin that they can't account for origin?

So you're comparing an unpredictable, aggressive animal that kills spontaneously to a black person. Interesting analogy G. :faint:


Obama destroyed America
Part of the breading of a pit is to be non people agressive? Acording to the AKC the pit is one of the best dogs to have with small children.

The majority of pits do not have good owners. The worldwide figures state the only 1 out of every 600 pits find a home with a good owner.
Hey dumbass, read the entire thread. Especially my posts with pics of the kids that these "child friendly" dogs chewed on. :smack:

Where are your "worldwide" figures coming from? :duh:



New Member
So you're comparing an unpredictable, aggressive animal that kills spontaneously to a black person. Interesting analogy G. :faint:

They do not kill spontainiously. Go watch a documentary on Dog fighting then you will undersand that these dogs a trained to kill and that they do not just do this on thier own.


New Member
The majority of pits do not have good owners. The worldwide figures state the only 1 out of every 600 pits find a home with a good owner.

if 599 out of 600 are living with irresponsible owners than we are all at risk.

i dont see how that helps your point.


Well-Known Member
There are how many thousand breeds of dogs? Why does anyone feel the need to own one that has proven itself to be violent? It's not even a pretty dog.


Obama destroyed America
There are how many thousand breeds of dogs? Why does anyone feel the need to own one that has proven itself to be violent? It's not even a pretty dog.
Over 50% of fatal maulings are done by 1-3% of the dog population. Guess which breed that is??


New Member
Most of these dogs are in china where dog fighting is a national sport.

oh, so they are breed for fighting, now i see why they are supposed to be such great dogs :sarcasm:

look, they are your statistics, i'm not the idiot that said only 1 out of 600 in the world are in responsible homes.


Well-Known Member
Pit bulls and your... 02-27-2008 10:43 AM nobody asked you to come attention hoin' around this thread. STFU you fat cow

Awww....poor wittle Tommy has a stick up his bum today. :poorbaby: