Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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New Member
people always blame the animal. it's how you raise them. it's not bred into they're genes for them to be mean. you can take any breed of dog, whether it be a lab, shepard heck even a ####zu and treat it like #### and make it a mean dog who's going to attack someone. it's not one specific breed. and i for one cannot stand the fact that when i'm walking around the amish market in charlotte hall and see people walking around with pit bulls with the huge spike collars on them trying to make them look "hard". just the other day i saw two guys walking a little pit puppy on a leash and the poor dog was so scared it wouldn't even walk, they were dragging it. my point is don't just assume "oh my god its a pit bull, kill it". any dog can be a mean dog, not just pit bull's. and the funny thing is, I don't even have a dog. I'm a cat person. But I still like dogs, and hate to see one particular breed get catagorized(sp?) like this.


New Member
Good idea. I'm sure animal behavior changes a lot in 10 years. :yay:

as has the behavior of idiots........

i was watching a judge show the other day where a lady had 3 pits (all were the nicest dogs you would ever meet), that 'escaped' from her yard and killed the neighbors poodle. The lady didn't think she was responsible because the fence that separated the two yards had never been completly secured, so it was an act of god. Funny thing, it was her freaking fence.........

this idiot was putting her dogs out for hours at a time in a yard that was only partially fenced. Its just too bad animal control couldn't have put down the onwer instead of the pits.
Animal Popularity and demographics do. :yay: The more popular a dog gets in a certain area will most certainly affect statistics.

Pix, I watched a show on National Geographic last night about how humans created all dog breeds. Each dog breed was created to satisfy desired traits. I don't understand why you deny the purpose behind the creation of the pitbull...:confused:


New Member
Pix, I watched a show on National Geographic last night about how humans created all dog breeds. Each dog breed was created to satisfy desired traits. I don't understand why you deny the purpose behind the creation of the pitbull...:confused:

people actually think they were bred to be gaurd dogs.......


Obama destroyed America
I said I wasn't going to argue and I don't intend to but I checked out your article and it would probably help immensly if you used something that had statistics that were more current than 10 years old.

That goes for you too Socks. The CDC stats are from 1998. :yay:
I know. Valid point. That's what I found and it's enough for me to make an informed decision. I have an open mind. I'd like those defending the dogs to post more current data from a valid, non-biased source.


Obama destroyed America
people always blame the animal. it's how you raise them. it's not bred into they're genes for them to be mean. you can take any breed of dog, whether it be a lab, shepard heck even a ####zu and treat it like #### and make it a mean dog who's going to attack someone. it's not one specific breed. and i for one cannot stand the fact that when i'm walking around the amish market in charlotte hall and see people walking around with pit bulls with the huge spike collars on them trying to make them look "hard". just the other day i saw two guys walking a little pit puppy on a leash and the poor dog was so scared it wouldn't even walk, they were dragging it. my point is don't just assume "oh my god its a pit bull, kill it". any dog can be a mean dog, not just pit bull's. and the funny thing is, I don't even have a dog. I'm a cat person. But I still like dogs, and hate to see one particular breed get catagorized(sp?) like this.
:duh: :smack:


professional daydreamer
Its possible. My point was I'd like to see something newer than 10 years old and I don't think it's good practice to use 10 year old stats.

As Baja already stated..."I'd like those defending the dogs to post more current data from a valid, non-biased source. "

At least those who don't care for the breed are coming up with stats. Those defending the dogs aren't even coming up with old stats to back their arguments.


My Sweetest Boy
Pix, I watched a show on National Geographic last night about how humans created all dog breeds. Each dog breed was created to satisfy desired traits. I don't understand why you deny the purpose behind the creation of the pitbull...:confused:

No denying that it was created for DOG fighting..not to kill/maim people. Overbreeding, careless handling, etc. account for a good bit of the problem.

Twenty years ago, Dobermans and German Shepherds were in the same position that the Pitts are today.

Heck, after the first 101 Dalmatian movie came out, shelters were overrun with "defective" Dals, because they aren't really family pets and the people buying them didn't really bother to "know" that before obtaining one.

Generally speaking, I wouldn't want to take a chance on a Pitt, especially these days since so many of them are so poorly bred. But our Buster definitely has some Pitt in him even though I have papers that say he is a purebred Boxer.


Cleopatra Jones
Pix, I watched a show on National Geographic last night about how humans created all dog breeds. Each dog breed was created to satisfy desired traits. I don't understand why you deny the purpose behind the creation of the pitbull...:confused:

So, did they mention the Pit Bull? It wasn't bred to be a gaurd dog or even human aggressive.