Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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New Member
Pit bulls and your... 02-27-2008 10:43 AM nobody asked you to come attention hoin' around this thread. STFU you fat cow

Awww....poor wittle Tommy has a stick up his bum today. :poorbaby:

awwww, poor, stupid, fat azzed cowgirl didn't get the attention she wanted from pming me, instead she got the predictable STFU in PM form.......

you may now ####inue your attention hoin'


Well-Known Member
awwww, poor, stupid, fat azzed cowgirl didn't get the attention she wanted from pming me, instead she got the predictable STFU in PM form.......

you may now ####inue your attention hoin'

I just wanted to share your lovely attitude with the class. :smile:


So you're comparing an unpredictable, aggressive animal that kills spontaneously to a black person. Interesting analogy G. :faint:

Are not the ones that commit homicides unpredictable, aggressive and act like animals that kill spontaneously?

You treat the actions of some as a whole. Why can't I?

Hell yea! Why stop at Pull starts push starts Pit bulls and blacks.
Lets ban Chinks and chilie chomppers too.


professional daydreamer
That list is such boggiest bull crap and lop sided. Most Jack asses that work for animal control wouldn't know a pit bull form a ostrich.

There are numerous breeds of bull dogs. Notice how none are listed.
Hell there isn't even a boxer listed.
That because those morons lump them all into one. If they are not sure what it is, it must be a pit bull.

It said "pit bull type" dogs. Which goes back to earlier posts, and the old argument "you couldn't identify a pit bull if it bit you in the azz". Lame argument. They're all similar in appearance and temperament. They're all from the same stock.
It said "pit bull type" dogs. Which goes back to earlier posts, and the old argument "you couldn't identify a pit bull if it bit you in the azz". Lame argument. They're all similar in appearance and temperament. They're all from the same stock.


Any breed of dog, if they are inbred will have a severe temperament issue.

Unfortunately, the popularity of the Pitbull has caused a mass breeding explosion in this breed. Because of the demographics of people wanting them for some type of status symbol (majority black) these dogs have been inbred for years... I am saying go back 30 years - no fresh blood is coming in. The majority of people wanting these dogs do not have the cash to afford a good dog - thus the dogs are inner-bred and the dogs are sold cheap. Guess what happens?

Any reputable breeder will introduce fresh blood into the mix. This is why you see German Shepherds (GSD's) being bought by Police Service from overseas - they are guaranteed... reputable breeders of GSD's will buy dog from overseas to ensure their blood-line is not mixed.

Harvick29 - you cannot deny the attack of Pitbulls, but I would venture to guess the attacks are from the results of inbreeding. It is unfortunate there is no data to back this up as it is not recorded.


Obama destroyed America
Link please.
Facts & Stats about Dog Bites

Links have been posted in this and other forums. All you need do is look.

In the United States, pit bulls make up one to three per cent of the overall dog population and cause more than 50 per cent of serious attacks.

From 1979 to 1998, at least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in bite related deaths. Pit Bulls and Rottweilers were involved in more than 50 percent of these incidences.


It said "pit bull type" dogs. Which goes back to earlier posts, and the old argument "you couldn't identify a pit bull if it bit you in the azz". Lame argument. They're all similar in appearance and temperament. They're all from the same stock.

Well lets just throw 50 different breeds into the mix and call them pit bulls. Better yet lets just call all breeds Wolfs.

Your reasoning sucks.. Next you're going to say all dark skinned people are Africans because their similar in appearance. They're from the same stock!



It strikes me as funny how people who know the lest about something always have the most sheot to talk.

It's obvious that some of you have never breed dogs, nor know anything about any particular breed..But yet you feel the need to voice your lame opinions based on bull sheot statistics and media hype.

It's really a waste of my time to even try to explain it to a bunch of idiots that are clearly close descendants to those who burnt witch's.

However I will attempt to prod your common sense one more time.

In the last two decades fatal shark attacks have risen to alarming rates.
Does this mean we should kill all sharks?
No this means look at it with some common sense.
In the last two decades there has been an explosion of the amount of morons that want to play with sharks.

So do we kill off all pit bulls because in the last two decades there has been an explosion of morons buying pit bulls and think its cool to make them mean?

Because you are afraid of snakes and don't trust them ,don't make all snakes bad, nor give you the right to banish them from earth.

:blahblah:Carry on Morons


New Member
It strikes me as funny how people who know the lest about something always have the most sheot to talk.

It's obvious that some of you have never breed dogs, nor know anything about any particular breed..But yet you feel the need to voice your lame opinions based on bull sheot statistics and media hype.

It's really a waste of my time to even try to explain it to a bunch of idiots that are clearly close descendants to those who burnt witch's.

However I will attempt to prod your common sense one more time.

In the last two decades fatal shark attacks have risen to alarming rates.
Does this mean we should kill all sharks?
No this means look at it with some common sense.
In the last two decades there has been an explosion of the amount of morons that want to play with sharks.

So do we kill off all pit bulls because in the last two decades there has been an explosion of morons buying pit bulls and think its cool to make them mean?

Because you are afraid of snakes and don't trust them ,don't make all snakes bad, nor give you the right to banish them from earth.

:blahblah:Carry on Morons

Would you like to be the pot or the kettle?


professional daydreamer
It strikes me as funny how people who know the lest about something always have the most sheot to talk.

It's obvious that some of you have never breed dogs, nor know anything about any particular breed..But yet you feel the need to voice your lame opinions based on bull sheot statistics and media hype.

It's really a waste of my time to even try to explain it to a bunch of idiots that are clearly close descendants to those who burnt witch's.

However I will attempt to prod your common sense one more time.

In the last two decades fatal shark attacks have risen to alarming rates.
Does this mean we should kill all sharks?
No this means look at it with some common sense.
In the last two decades there has been an explosion of the amount of morons that want to play with sharks.

So do we kill off all pit bulls because in the last two decades there has been an explosion of morons buying pit bulls and think its cool to make them mean?

Because you are afraid of snakes and don't trust them ,don't make all snakes bad, nor give you the right to banish them from earth.

:blahblah:Carry on Morons

That made me laugh.


New Member
Facts & Stats about Dog Bites

Links have been posted in this and other forums. All you need do is look.

This means nothing. Here is another statement from the same fact sheet you are quoting. No matter what somones opinion is you can always find facts to back it up. Even if you are wrong. There is always some dumb ass who will do a biased study.

Conclusions—Although fatal attacks on humans
appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type
dogs and Rottweilers), other breeds may bite and
cause fatalities at higher rates

your own article states that other breeds are deadlier that pits.
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New Member
This means nothing. Here is another statement from the same fact sheet you are quoting. No matter what somones opinion is you can always find facts to back it up. Even if you are wrong. There is always some dumb ass who will do a biased study.

your own article states that other breeds are deadlier that pits.

no, the article states that fatal attacks on humans appears to be breed specific.

the 'may' in the next part you quoted is the important word. Also, it appears that they are talking inclusively about all breeds in that part. So it may be true that all other dogs bite or even kill more often than pits. but if you look breed by breed i'll be there is no comparision.


Obama destroyed America
no, the article states that fatal attacks on humans appears to be breed specific.

the 'may' in the next part you quoted is the important word. Also, it appears that they are talking inclusively about all breeds in that part. So it may be true that all other dogs bite or even kill more often than pits. but if you look breed by breed i'll be there is no comparision.
Thank you for dumbing it down for him. He's impaired. :yay: