Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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Well-Known Member
Pure and simple, strong breeds of dogs require RESPONSIBLE and strong owners.

What about the weak, the elderly, the children, the pets of these strong breed dogs with the strong owners that live next door to them? Should they live in one neighborhood that only has strong owners that live in them should they get out and decide to attack? and don't say it doesn't happen, I have pictures to prove it does! Want me to post them? They're very graphic. It's what my neighbors pit bull did to MY dog, in MY yard in the presences of MY children while I tried to beat the dog off and I was 6 months pregnant. The dog and the strong owner lived to see another day. If I ever see them in MY yard again, they won't be as lucky. 'nuff said. MY opinion. I love MOST dogs, not this particular breed.


New Member
What about the weak, the elderly, the children, the pets of these strong breed dogs with the strong owners that live next door to them? Should they live in one neighborhood that only has strong owners that live in them should they get out and decide to attack? and don't say it doesn't happen, I have pictures to prove it does! Want me to post them? They're very graphic. It's what my neighbors pit bull did to MY dog, in MY yard in the presences of MY children while I tried to beat the dog off and I was 6 months pregnant. The dog and the strong owner lived to see another day. If I ever see them in MY yard again, they won't be as lucky. 'nuff said. MY opinion. I love MOST dogs, not this particular breed.

Where was the owner while you were beating his dog? Doesn't sound like your neighbor was a very responsible owner. I think you just proved the point that Krazd was making.


Well-Known Member
Where was the owner while you were beating his dog? Doesn't sound like your neighbor was a very responsible owner. I think you just proved the point that Krazd was making.

Owner was chasing dog across the street as it went charging out the front door. The owner was screaming at me to get a hose and spray it. Owner was screaming for everyone in the neighborhood to help.


Infinite Impetus
It doesn't matter. They're all basically the same thing. Aggressive and dangerous, regardless of how responsible the owner is.

So if it makes people sleep better at night to think it wasn't really a pit bull, then sleep better. It doesn't change a thing.

Prove that for me.
Let's see the breed breakdown and how they're the same things..

Hardly the case and next to impossible to make a breed ban legislation on 'basically the same thing'.


professional daydreamer
Prove that for me.
Let's see the breed breakdown and how they're the same things..

Hardly the case and next to impossible to make a breed ban legislation on 'basically the same thing'.

I don't have to prove anything. If you like 'em, fine. Just don't let one wander into my yard, 'cuz I can't tell one from the other. So there.


Infinite Impetus
I don't have to prove anything. If you like 'em, fine. Just don't let one wander into my yard, 'cuz I can't tell one from the other. So there.

Never said if I liked them one way or the other.. you and many others can't tell the diff was the point..
If no one can tell, how can we ban one breed over another?

(lemme guess, just ban em' all??)


I heart CLeValley
I love pits of all breeds. I think they are a beautiful dog and have a bad rap. I was raised with the Marine Corp mascots and would sleep with them in my bed. I know that it is not the dog that is causing the problems it is the demented people that own them. I also think that anyone who would fight their animal to the death should also demise to the same. Its cruel and sick to do this to any animal - roosters(cockfights) included. It angers me to know people are buying, breeding and trainng these wonderful dogs for money. It especially makes me sick to know that they buy them as training dogs for other dogs to fight better. I think justice would be for the owner to get in the ring with them and fight for their life.


I love pits of all breeds. I think they are a beautiful dog and have a bad rap. I was raised with the Marine Corp mascots and would sleep with them in my bed. I know that it is not the dog that is causing the problems it is the demented people that own them. I also think that anyone who would fight their animal to the death should also demise to the same. Its cruel and sick to do this to any animal - roosters(cockfights) included. It angers me to know people are buying, breeding and trainng these wonderful dogs for money. It especially makes me sick to know that they buy them as training dogs for other dogs to fight better. I think justice would be for the owner to get in the ring with them and fight for their life.


What's yall's German Shep. girl's name ?


Obama destroyed America
Sorry Slik,
This isn't my first time to this rodeo. If we were talking about just bites, I'd agree but we're talking dangerous dogs that maul and kill. Lets try non-biased sources....

Special Report
DOG BITE LAW - Statistics about dog bites in the USA and elsewhere

The dogs that are most responsible
According to the Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings. In more than two-thirds of the cases included in the study, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Clifton states:

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price.

During 1997 and 1998, at least 27 people died of dog bite attacks (18 in 1997 and 9 in 1998). At least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in 238 human DBRF during the past 20 years. Pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers were involved in more than half of these deaths.

The breeds most often involved in fatal attacks are Rottweilers and Pit bulls.

In the United States, pit bulls make up one to three per cent of the overall dog population and cause more than 50 per cent of serious attacks.

Rotties now top Pitts in fatal attacks but by a small margin.
I'm trying to convey that Pitts, although a very small percentage (1-3%) of dogs in the USA, are responsible for over 50% of the most vicious attacks. That's all.

The Pitt owners continue to defend and portray the dogs as friendly, harmless. and wrongly accused. Well maybe their dog is friendly and harmless but Pitts (and Rotties) as a whole are not and their bad reputation is justified.

Very good!! :clap: You found the only known recorded stories on death by Pomeranians!! :killingme
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I heart CLeValley
:lmao: Just a pet peeve of mine. I had shepherds for years! German ones, even. :biggrin:

I have a German Shepherd . She is a pure bred. She is one of the most gentlest animals I have seen. I have a Chihuahua and a cat - they use her as their mom. the cat will nead on her when she is tired and the Chi curls up with her for their afternoon naps. My son and his friends use her as a pillow at night when watching t v. Yes she will go into K9 mode when CLevalley isnt home and boy and I are. But that is her job. She has never had trainng and everything she does is by instinct. She has NEVER bitten anyone. Nor have we ever been worried she would. And now she is going blind due to her age (11 yrs) She is perfectly healthy and the vet laughs because she doesnt look her age. With strangers, she is awesome - she will bark and smell you and then walk away - all dogs have an instinct to know whether you are a threat to their family or not. I almost lost her today due to another dog attacking her. Boy was walking her iand Chi in the woods behind our house and a dog came after him - she went after the dog and was cut. She is cut inside of her leg and just missed her artery. She has a drain tube and sutures. She is home and resting but not doing to great as expected. I am hoping its just the anesthetic wearing off. If not, we are back up to the 24 hour vet in Waldorf.