There currently are 74.8 million dogs in the USA.
Almost 800,000 bites per year -- one out of every 6 -- are serious enough to require medical attention.
Getting bitten by a dog is the seventh most frequent cause of visits to emergency rooms caused by activities common among children.
(#1 Falls #2 struck by or against objects #3 cut or pierced #4 natural or environmental #5 poisoning #6motor vehicle)
Every year 2,851 letter carriers are bitten. (US Postal Service.)
Number of fatal dog attacks. It is most accurate to say that the average number was 17 in the 1980s and 1990s, and that it has risen to 26 in this decade.
Over 50 percent of dog attacks occur on the dog owner’s property.
In Canine homicides and the dog bite epidemic: do not confuse them, it has been pointed out that the dog bite epidemic as a whole involves all dogs and all dog owners, not just the breeds most likely to kill.
In all fairness, therefore, it must be noted that:
Any dog, treated harshly or trained to attack, may bite a person. Any dog can be turned into a dangerous dog. The owner or handler most often is responsible for making a dog into something dangerous.
An irresponsible owner or dog handler might create a situation that places another person in danger by a dog, without the dog itself being dangerous, as in the case of the Pomeranian that killed the infant .
(Look at most of the trash thats attracted to and own Rotts and Pits) MICHELL VICK, DRUNKS, DRUG DEALERS,DRUG USERS,TRAILER TRASH, and those having an IQ in double digits.. You got to look tuff when your stupid.
Any individual dog may be a good, loving pet,
even though its breed is considered to be potentially dangerous.
A responsible owner can win the love and respect of a dog, no matter its breed. One cannot look at an individual dog, recognize its breed, and then state whether or not it is going to attack.
As I see it, a lot of the problem is in the breeding.
It seems that everytime time a breed is in popular demand, retarded owners start inbreeding with out any regards to the breed.( gotta get the money)
I also know for a fact. That most of these reports of what kind of breed it was that attacked. Are done by the local animal controll that was called to the sceen.
These people are some low IQ idiots. Let me remind you that they are allowed to run around your neighborhood (full of children) with a loaded shotgun in pursuit of a dog.
These idiots shot my friends Great Dane and reported that it was a vicious pit bull on the prowl. (All because it had cropped ears.) Not only wasn't the dog a Pit Bull, but it was in it's own front yard with an underground shock fence and shock collar on.
I also had these same idiots run around my yard with shotguns while there were about 10 children playing in the yard. And I went the hell off on them.
Their sorry ass excuse was, We are in pursuit of a vicious pit bull!

Which ended up being our family dog and it didn't look anything like a Pit.
The dog was a mutt, all black and had webbed toes. Two weeks later the dog got out again and the idiots shot it. Not even doing that right!
They hit the dog in its hind quarters.
The police are not allowed to use shotguns un less there is a riot or the officer is out number with hostile people. They call this using excessive force.
But yet these bumbling idoits know as the animal controll unit, with no training are allowed to run our neighborhoods (with children at play) with shotguns.
All in all it is my opinion that a high percentage of Pit Bull attacks are not even Pit Bulls.