Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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I heart CLeValley
Dogs are like children - they learn from the environment they are raised. If you are mean and beat them and show them no respect - you get what you get in return. A nasty, non-caring dog just like an angry child that grows up to be a nasty non-caring adult.


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American Beauty
PREMO Member
I don't trust them. I was visiting a house recently and they had two. One was kenneled and the other wasn't. They put the other in the kennel at our request. The smaller of the two (already kenneled) was one mean SOB and would have loved to have gotten a hold of us. The other was HUGE and an absolutely sweet animal. Lickmonster!

I have also known some pits to be quite friendly and some quite mean.

Doesn't mean I want to have one for a pet.


Well-Known Member
Dogs are like children - they learn from the environment they are raised. If you are mean and beat them and show them no respect - you get what you get in return. A nasty, non-caring dog just like an angry child that grows up to be a nasty non-caring adult.

I would like to think it's a simple as that. :ohwell:


New Member
All dogs have teeth and so that means they can bite. How a dog behaves is how it is raised. Dont condemn a breed becuase of bad owners. I have trained pits, rotts and some are sweet and other have been nasty. People need to know what kind of dog they are getting. Please do research and ask breeders and other dog owners. Do your homework, getting a dog is a big deciscion.
Ok off my soapbox, have a great day,
Need any dog training info please email me


There currently are 74.8 million dogs in the USA.

Almost 800,000 bites per year -- one out of every 6 -- are serious enough to require medical attention.

Getting bitten by a dog is the seventh most frequent cause of visits to emergency rooms caused by activities common among children.
(#1 Falls #2 struck by or against objects #3 cut or pierced #4 natural or environmental #5 poisoning #6motor vehicle)

Every year 2,851 letter carriers are bitten. (US Postal Service.)

Number of fatal dog attacks. It is most accurate to say that the average number was 17 in the 1980s and 1990s, and that it has risen to 26 in this decade.

Over 50 percent of dog attacks occur on the dog owner’s property.

In Canine homicides and the dog bite epidemic: do not confuse them, it has been pointed out that the dog bite epidemic as a whole involves all dogs and all dog owners, not just the breeds most likely to kill.

In all fairness, therefore, it must be noted that:
Any dog, treated harshly or trained to attack, may bite a person. Any dog can be turned into a dangerous dog. The owner or handler most often is responsible for making a dog into something dangerous.

An irresponsible owner or dog handler might create a situation that places another person in danger by a dog, without the dog itself being dangerous, as in the case of the Pomeranian that killed the infant .
(Look at most of the trash thats attracted to and own Rotts and Pits) MICHELL VICK, DRUNKS, DRUG DEALERS,DRUG USERS,TRAILER TRASH, and those having an IQ in double digits.. You got to look tuff when your stupid.

Any individual dog may be a good, loving pet, even though its breed is considered to be potentially dangerous.
A responsible owner can win the love and respect of a dog, no matter its breed. One cannot look at an individual dog, recognize its breed, and then state whether or not it is going to attack.

As I see it, a lot of the problem is in the breeding.
It seems that everytime time a breed is in popular demand, retarded owners start inbreeding with out any regards to the breed.( gotta get the money)

I also know for a fact. That most of these reports of what kind of breed it was that attacked. Are done by the local animal controll that was called to the sceen.
These people are some low IQ idiots. Let me remind you that they are allowed to run around your neighborhood (full of children) with a loaded shotgun in pursuit of a dog.
These idiots shot my friends Great Dane and reported that it was a vicious pit bull on the prowl. (All because it had cropped ears.) Not only wasn't the dog a Pit Bull, but it was in it's own front yard with an underground shock fence and shock collar on.

I also had these same idiots run around my yard with shotguns while there were about 10 children playing in the yard. And I went the hell off on them.
Their sorry ass excuse was, We are in pursuit of a vicious pit bull!:rolleyes:
Which ended up being our family dog and it didn't look anything like a Pit.
The dog was a mutt, all black and had webbed toes. Two weeks later the dog got out again and the idiots shot it. Not even doing that right!
They hit the dog in its hind quarters.

The police are not allowed to use shotguns un less there is a riot or the officer is out number with hostile people. They call this using excessive force.
But yet these bumbling idoits know as the animal controll unit, with no training are allowed to run our neighborhoods (with children at play) with shotguns.

All in all it is my opinion that a high percentage of Pit Bull attacks are not even Pit Bulls.


Long before there were breeds of dogs like the Golden Retriever and German Shepherd, there were types of dogs named for the jobs they did. Retrievers fetched the hunters’ game and shepherds guarded the herds. As people became more interested in specialized types of dogs, they would breed to highlight the traits they were looking for. Slowly, individualized breeds were developed.

Pit bulls are descended from Mastiffs, Bulldogs, and Terriers. These dogs did not have a job like the shepherds. They were placed in a ring to fight bulls and were called Bull and Terriers. The ring was called a pit, and the dogs became known as pit bulls. When large protests resulted in banning bull baiting, the dogs were bred to fight each other. Breeders sought to create agile dogs, so bulldogs were bred with terriers and the pit bull as we know it was created.

It is important to note that even though the dogs were bred to fight each other, aggression towards humans was not tolerated. Owners and handlers were able to reach in to the “pit” without harm. Any dog that showed human aggression was destroyed. These dogs were so loyal to their humans that they became known as the “nanny dog” because of their great temperament and affection toward children.
During the early 1900’s the Pit Bull Terrier was the most respected dog in the United States!

They were so highly regarded that they represented the United States in World War I on our war posters.
They are also the only breed to have graced the cover of LIFE magazine three times.
The first Pit Bull movie star was born, Petey of the Little Rascals.
Sgt. Stubby, the first WWI Canine Hero who was a decorated soldier was also an American Pit Bull Terrier!
President Roosevelt owned a Pit Bull Terrier and so did Helen Keller.
Unfortunately, the Pit Bull terrier doesn’t receive the same respect they once did in America. There are many reasons for this: irresponsible ownership; back yard breeding (the breeding of dogs by unlicensed, inexperienced, or irresponsible people); media misrepresentation and stereotyping; and more.

Pit Bull is a common term used to describe a type of dog; there are actually three breeds that can be easily confused. The correct designations are:

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) - Recognized by the American Dog Breeders Association and United Kennel Club
The American Staffordshire Terrier (AmStaff or AST) - Recognized by the American Kennel Club
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT) - Recognized by the American Kennel Club and United Kennel Club
They are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for a different purpose and/or size standard since the mid 1930's. How can we tell the difference? We can't really. We can only try to guess the breed based on some very subtle factors that may differentiate them. Note that even experts can't always tell if a Pit Bull is an APBT, AST or a SBT.


The easy way to do things is make the owner (and any owner) accountable for what their dog does. If it bites a kid make it just the same as if the owner bit the kid and so on.

Im sure that would fix most of the problems and wouldn't punish the ones that have such great dogs. But I would wager that some people that say their dog would never hurt a fly would thing twice about everything.


professional daydreamer
They are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for a different purpose and/or size standard since the mid 1930's. How can we tell the difference? We can't really. We can only try to guess the breed based on some very subtle factors that may differentiate them. Note that even experts can't always tell if a Pit Bull is an APBT, AST or a SBT.





Experts can't always tell if a Pit Bull is an APBT, AST or a SBT.

APBT is American Pit Bull Terrier
AST is American Staffordshire Terrier
SBT is Staffordshire Bull Terrier

United Kennel Club calls them APBT
American Kennel Club calls them AST
And some kennel club in England calls them SBT
The reason no can tell the differance..... is there isn't any, their all the same dog.
Pit Bull is a nick name.
I've had a pit that was registered both UKC and AKC. Same dog ones called it a Staff the other calls it a Pit.


professional daydreamer

APBT is American Pit Bull Terrier
AST is American Staffordshire Terrier
SBT is Staffordshire Bull Terrier

United Kennel Club calls them APBT
American Kennel Club calls them AST
And some kennel club in England calls them SBT
The reason no can tell the differance..... is there isn't any, their all the same dog.
Pit Bull is a nick name.
I've had a pit that was registered both UKC and AKC. Same dog ones called it a Staff the other calls it a Pit.

Pit Bull lovers argue that you can't tell these dogs apart, and they are being falsely labeled. I argue that they are all part of a group of aggressive dogs. Someone told me to prove it and I declined...so, thank you.


New Member
There may be some owners out there who love their pit bulls for their strength and beauty,but there are way too many out there who buy them to intimidate other people with.
These people---cowardly bullies themselves---mistreat the dogs and turn the dog into a bully.

Personally I dont trust the breed. Too many stories of them ripping into kids or owners. I can have a 357 Magnum lying in my drawer and it will never go off unless the trigger is pulled. I dont like the idea of having a dangerous weapon lying around that could go off on its own. Especially when that weapon has a reputation for doing just that.


New Member
Sorry Slik,
This isn't my first time to this rodeo. If we were talking about just bites, I'd agree but we're talking dangerous dogs that maul and kill. Lets try non-biased sources....
Special Report
DOG BITE LAW - Statistics about dog bites in the USA and elsewhere

Wait - what rodeo ? I didn't know we were talking about horses. I've been bitten by horses before - had a friend stomped on by one also. Heard of people becoming cripples from riding them ~ I say ban them all. :lmao:

Your NON-BIASED source is hosted by Attorney Kenneth Phillips - who is he ?
Attorney Kenneth Phillips is the author of this web site. He has a unique law practice: he represents only people who have been bitten by a dog.
DOG BITE LAW - the most trusted and extensive resource for dog bite victims, parents of victims, and dog owners needing legal information.

I like a good debate, hopefully we can agree that maybe, if nothing else, we've learned something from the these posts.
My intention is not to try and change your mind - we can agree to disagree on this point.
I can only hope that any future involvement you may have with a "pit bull" will be a more positive one.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
Well, there's a hell of a shortage of those, now isn't there?

Yes there is, but BYBs still continue to breed these dogs and sell/give them to anyone that has the $$.

I will never believe an animal has to die just because of what it is.


New Member
Dogs are like children - they learn from the environment they are raised. If you are mean and beat them and show them no respect - you get what you get in return. A nasty, non-caring dog just like an angry child that grows up to be a nasty non-caring adult.

thats just retarded.

anybody have stereotypes of breeds that they have found to be true?

jack russels tend to be yippie car chasing ankle biters

Labs love the water....

german shepherds are protective....

collies will herd your kids around the backyard jumping and bumbing you

beagles will run like crazy when you let them off the leash

bird dogs are hyper

all of these traits we find in other breeds and its OK to say "If you get a greyhound just know that it is gonna want to run".

So why is it wrong to say "pits were bred to fight, so understand that you have the potential for this thing to put the squeeze on a pet or unsuspecting person"?