Price of Gasoline.


JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

vraiblonde said:
Hey Candidate! I would like to have my question answered. :tap:
:popcorn: I did see your question and I was getting to it.

I think 18.4 cents Federal tax per gallon,

and 23.5 cents MD. State tax per gallon,

is nothing compared to $2.87 as the price and rising.

If you want the bottom line reason for the gasoline problem then look no farther then the top Republicans and Pres. G.W. Bush in particular. But do not look to them for any solution.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC said:
If you want the bottom line reason for the gasoline problem then look no farther then the top Republicans and Pres. G.W. Bush in particular.
Please tell me how they are responsible for gas prices, Mr. Candidate.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:popcorn: I did see your question and I was getting to it.

I think 18.4 cents Federal tax per gallon,

and 23.5 cents MD. State tax per gallon,

is nothing compared to $2.87 as the price and rising.

If you want the bottom line reason for the gasoline problem then look no farther then the top Republicans and Pres. G.W. Bush in particular. But do not look to them for any solution.
Maybe because you aren't a consumer. This would have been a great campaign platform for you, but you blew it.

You see, since the taxpayers (read people with jobs) rely on gas to commute, this has a serious effect on the economy of the state. Have you ever noticed that there's no sales tax on food? Do you know why? Because people can't survive without it. In our current economy, gas is required to earn money to buy food. That hurts every working person. We can't just give it up or we'd all be deadbeat freeloaders like you.

Go ahead and freak about being a deadbeat, while ignoring the issues that the people care about. You fit very well into the oligarchy.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
Please tell me how they are responsible for gas prices, Mr. Candidate.
:howdy: I know! The war is about oil! That's why gas prices have dropped so drastically since we removed the democratically elected benevolent leader of Iraq!


hmmm doesn't George Bush and his father both have ownership in a few oil wells in TX ???? must be working on his retirement fund!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ah, the web...

Valarocque said:
WOW! I'm still in Hawaii and I thought gas was expensive here... but you guys have it worse.... The gas prices are out of control. I wonder how much that stuff goes for wholesale.

$2.23 for regular this AM.

PS: This is the rack price, meaning, on the truck. It does not include getting it to your station. Figure another nickel to a dime a gallon is what the station is paying.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

vraiblonde said:
Please tell me how they are responsible for gas prices, Mr. Candidate.
:coffee: Because the buck stops there!!!

:wench: It seems better if I stick to 29B issues and not go global. So even as a MD. Delegate and we did get rid of the 23 cent State gas tax and get rid of 2 cents from the Federal gas tax then that quarter less for gasoline would make very little impact.

The American fuel is not controlled from the State of Maryland. :howdy:

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Toxick said:
Try getting from Charlotte Hall to St. Inigoes by 8AM on public transit.

And then tell me how well that went.
:popcorn: It is true that the transit is not perfect and I have difficulties with it too, but it was not that long ago when we did not have any STS Bus and the system now is heavily subsidized. So I feel grateful for the little Buses that we do have.

:yay: I would like to see a connection from 29B to Baltimore or at least to Annapolis but I will leave that up to the transportation Depts.


New Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: It is true that the transit is not perfect and I have difficulties with it too, but it was not that long ago when we did not have any STS Bus and the system now is heavily subsidized. So I feel grateful for the little Buses that we do have.

:yay: I would like to see a connection from 29B to Baltimore or at least to Annapolis but I will leave that up to the transportation Depts.

Do you think that the STS buses were a direct benefit - paid for by the additional taxes revenues generated by the many employees that have moved to the area as a result of the expanded work at PAX ?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC said:
It seems better if I stick to 29B issues and not go global.
Even better than that would be if you stuck with spray painting government buildings and stayed out of politics altogether.


JPC said:
:popcorn: It is true that the transit is not perfect and I have difficulties with it too

"Not perfect"... That's one way of putting it.

Of course that's the verbal equivalent of saying that someone who's in the middle of a tsunami is experiencing "moisture".

JPC said:
but it was not that long ago when we did not have any STS Bus and the system now is heavily subsidized.

Which is why I rarely complain about it. There was nada before, and the alternative now is nada. However, given my current situation, and my needs, it's not very useful to me.

JPC said:
So I feel grateful for the little Buses that we do have.

Really? I'm can't help but wonder how much the PAX population explosion is responsible for the development of public transit around here. The public transfit, for which you just now expressed gratitude.

JPC said:
I would like to see a connection from 29B to Baltimore or at least to Annapolis but I will leave that up to the transportation Depts.

Keller-bus can get you to and from DC - And although I'm not certain, I feel safe in saying that there's probably a very easy way to use public transport to get from DC to Baltimore and back.


Football season!
My Explorer is a flex fuel vehicle, and thought about tryng E85. Right not, it has two drawbacks. 1) Costs more than regular unleaded. 2) Loss of MPG (but a gain in HP).

The high cost is blamed on insufficient import of ethanol.
I thought the whole reason for going E85 was because we could handle it domestically?


24/7 Single Dad
Toxick said:
"Really? I'm can't help but wonder how much the PAX population explosion is responsible for the development of public transit around here. The public transfit, for which you just now expressed gratitude.
We're just paying for it. It doesn't seem to be designed to get people to and from work. It would take over an hour and I'd have to walk a couple of miles if I tried to use it to get back and forth to work.
Takes about 10 minutes to drive


juggy4805 said:
Anybody wanna buy a 5.7 liter V8 truck?....Please!........Anybody? :jameo:

Let's throw this against the wall and see what sticks.
I would like to see a "User Tax" for anyone who is driving a luxury car, a V-8 truck, SUV or any other vehicle that does not get a realistic 25plus miles per gallon. The people who buy these monster gas users obviously have the desire and the money to afford it. Lets say it would be like the user tax everybody wanted on cigarettes. You want to smoke, pay the price. You want a Hummer, hum on this tax.
I have no pity on those paying $100. or $200. a week to drive there Benz or Town Car just like I have no pity for the people who paid a rediculous $400,000 for a house that cost me $150,000 a few years ago.


Lem Putt
chuckster said:
Let's throw this against the wall and see what sticks.
I would like to see a "User Tax" for anyone who is driving a luxury car, a V-8 truck, SUV or any other vehicle that does not get a realistic 25plus miles per gallon. The people who buy these monster gas users obviously have the desire and the money to afford it. Lets say it would be like the user tax everybody wanted on cigarettes. You want to smoke, pay the price. You want a Hummer, hum on this tax.
I have no pity on those paying $100. or $200. a week to drive there Benz or Town Car just like I have no pity for the people who paid a rediculous $400,000 for a house that cost me $150,000 a few years ago.

Fact: If you buy a more expensive car, you pay more sales tax.

Fact: If you get worse mileage, you pay more gas tax.

Now you want to tack on a user tax also? Raising taxes will never be a solution. This is a completely psycho idea.


MMDad said:
Fact: If you buy a more expensive car, you pay more sales tax.

Fact: If you get worse mileage, you pay more gas tax.

Now you want to tack on a user tax also? Raising taxes will never be a solution. This is a completely psycho idea.
I don't care about the sales tax.
The tax on gas is per gallon not per dollar.
And yes, I think an extra tax when purchasing the vehicle plus and a tax everytime you renew the tags is a good idea. Lets say you drive a Hummer. A gas guzzler tax of $1000. at the time of purchase with a $750. tax every time you register the thirsty beast.
Makes just as much sence as the extra tax I have to pay evry time I purchase cigarettes. I want them so I pay for them. You want to waste energy, pay for it.


This is from 2002

"Americans' penchant for large, gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles is largely responsible for a steady decline in fuel efficiency since 1988. Light trucks including SUVs, whose average fuel efficiency was 17.3 mpg last year, now account for about half of the new vehicles sold in the United States."

"Right now people are valuing other attributes -- things like towing ability, seating capacity and cargo space -- higher than fuel economy," Steed said. "That's because the price of gasoline is pretty cheap at this point." (Remember from 2002)

The EPA has estimated that a driver can save $1,500 over five years by switching to a car that gets 30 mpg from a 20 mpg model. That's assuming a cost of $1.50 per gallon of gas and 15,000 miles driven each year.(Figure at $3.00 per gallon)

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:coffee: Because the buck stops there!!!

:wench: It seems better if I stick to 29B issues and not go global. So even as a MD. Delegate and we did get rid of the 23 cent State gas tax and get rid of 2 cents from the Federal gas tax then that quarter less for gasoline would make very little impact.

The American fuel is not controlled from the State of Maryland. :howdy:
YOU should not even be commenting on this issue since you don't drive. How is the price of gas even affecting you? Get off this issue. You don't deserve to be here commenting on this. You don't pay for gas. You depend on people you know to get you from place to place. THEY pay for your gas just like we paid for your child.