Price of Gasoline.



The thing is... oil isn't selling for $75 a barrel... oil futures are selling for $75 a barrel. Oil futures don't actually mean do-do in the real World. There's absolutely nothing stopping the price of oil from dropping to $50 or less tommorrow if the market value drops. There is no global shortage, there is no war in Iran, there are no hurricanes tearing up the gulf states. All we need is to take some actions that will cause the futures market to drop and the price of gasoline would be lower in no time.

Bush took the first step, stopping purchases for the strategic reserves, today. The next thing he should do is announce that we will begin drilling in Anwar and wherever else we can get oil from so that we can greatly reduce our need for external (re: OPEc) oil. Just that policy change alone would cause panic in the oil futures market even before the first new well is drilled.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Bush says he can help :shrug:
Yeah, he can help, but he doesn't set or control the price. The one thing that he has just done is suspend the EPA rule for the switch to the cleaner burning fuels. This is what the oil companies have wanted and they delayed long enough to make it look like the only quick fix solution.


New Member
I know that there has been a big push in the last few months at least to get teh old oil fields in TX that were closed due to bankrupt claims or non-profitability due to over seas sales and such, back up and running again. I know folks that are on the crews to get the old equipment running again, or replaced.

Would be nice to see those old oil rigs actually working and producing instead of acting as buzzard stands.


Ken King said:
Yeah, he can help, but he doesn't set or control the price. The one thing that he has just done is suspend the EPA rule for the switch to the cleaner burning fuels. This is what the oil companies have wanted and they delayed long enough to make it look like the only quick fix solution.

It's true that he doesn't set or control the price, and neither does the president and CEO of Exxon. The price of oil is set by the global trading market, and the price is set based on the anticipated value of oil in the future. Bush has a tremendous amount of influence on this price as if it appears that the US is making serious moves to get off the global oil teet, and taking the biggest user of oil off the global market, the price of oil will plummet.


New Member
Bruzilla said:
The thing is... oil isn't selling for $75 a barrel... oil futures are selling for $75 a barrel. Oil futures don't actually mean do-do in the real World. There's absolutely nothing stopping the price of oil from dropping to $50 or less tommorrow if the market value drops. There is no global shortage, there is no war in Iran, there are no hurricanes tearing up the gulf states. All we need is to take some actions that will cause the futures market to drop and the price of gasoline would be lower in no time.

Bush took the first step, stopping purchases for the strategic reserves, today. The next thing he should do is announce that we will begin drilling in Anwar and wherever else we can get oil from so that we can greatly reduce our need for external (re: OPEc) oil. Just that policy change alone would cause panic in the oil futures market even before the first new well is drilled.

Alternatively, there is also nothing stopping the price of oil futures from going to $100 or more tomorrow if the market value increases. Believe it or not, the oil futures do run the market for crude oil. The futures are contracts for oil shipments, with the most often quoted prices being the front (or current) month contract. Big 'firms' buy and sell these contracts to a) buy large quantities of oil on the open market, b) hedge future purchases. Shortage or not, fear or not, the price is what it is. It's a free market, with the highest bidder winning the contract. The contract will be fulfilled at its settlement price and the oil will be delivered.

Drilling in ANWAR (and everywhere else) is only part of the solution. The reserves that are left in the US, proven and unproven, are not enough to make a big difference for very long. Oil sands in Canada and other places hold promise but the technology to remove the oil is early on and the cost to extract it is high at this point. The US government sticking its nose into a global market will make no difference in the long run. A prolonged change in supply or demand will.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

RoseRed said:
Silly! Don't you know that the voices in his head tell him. :lmao:
:coffee: It is better to believe what I tell myself rather then having other people telling us what to think and to believe. It is very true that I do what I believe.

Codependency is when persons believe what others tell them instead of making up one's own mind. I do the latter.


Well-Known Member
dck4shrt said:
Oil sands in Canada and other places hold promise but the technology to remove the oil is early on and the cost to extract it is high at this point.


I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's where our biggest foreign supply of oil IS coming from - the oil sands of Alberta, Canada. The technology IS here.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

BS Gal said:
YOU should not even be commenting on this issue since you don't drive. How is the price of gas even affecting you? ... ...
:flowers: It is true that I do not drive anymore and I do not buy gas but I am still concerned about how things are affecting the community. My world is much bigger then my own self interest.

I also could easily exit and get away from the Navy Base growth but to me that would be like jumping off a sinking ship when I have the ability to stop it from sinking.

The same is true for me and child support as it does not affect me anymore but the injustices of our laws against other parents still concerns me because I care.


New Member
SamSpade said:

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's where our biggest foreign supply of oil IS coming from - the oil sands of Alberta, Canada. The technology IS here.

The technology is here to remove it but only at high oil prices. Currently it costs something like $35/bbl to extract. Somewhere around $50 oil it's profitable and worthwhile. At cheaper oil prices extraction becomes a lost cause. Better technology will lower the cost of separating the oil and sand.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Toxick said:
Are you sure about this?
:coffee: Yes, I am very sure about that. Codependency is my specialty.

:yay: To be codependent is to have one's own beliefs / feelings / decisions / actions / etc., being based and dependent on another person and not on one's own reasoning. It is natural in a child and forced onto soldiers and meshed into families and in society.

:coffee: Now to be sure, there are a lot of different interpretations out there and even some anti-codependency stuff but mine is well formulated and well researched.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Yes, I am very sure about that. Codependency is my specialty.

:yay: To be codependent is to have one's own beliefs / feelings / decisions / actions / etc., being based and dependent on another person and not on one's own reasoning. It is natural in a child and forced onto soldiers and meshed into families and in society.

:coffee: Now to be sure, there are a lot of different interpretations out there and even some anti-codependency stuff but mine is well formulated and well researched.
Actually it is something somewhat different then what you believe, which is no great surprise.

Codependency as defined by Merriam-Webster is "a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin)."


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: Yes, I am very sure about that. Codependency is my specialty.

:yay: To be codependent is to have one's own beliefs / feelings / decisions / actions / etc., being based and dependent on another person and not on one's own reasoning. It is natural in a child and forced onto soldiers and meshed into families and in society.

:coffee: Now to be sure, there are a lot of different interpretations out there and even some anti-codependency stuff but mine is well formulated and well researched.
When you decide to make up your own words, it might work better if you started with a word that is not already well defined. Co-dependency is well defined in the medical community, and it has nothing to do with your definition.

Why don't you use the word "psychosis" or "schizophrenia" instead. They are a little closer to your true "specialty".


Lem Putt
Ken King said:
Actually it is something somewhat different then what you believe, which is no great surprise.

Codependency as defined by Merriam-Webster is "a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin)."
He was told this last month, but chose not to believe it then. Remember, he's self educated, so mere things like facts don't matter to him.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

Ken King said:
Actually it is something somewhat different then what you believe, which is no great surprise.

Codependency as defined by Merriam-Webster is "a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin)."
:coffee: That quote of KK's is showing the point that I made in my post. He is giving a dictionary deffinition as his own deffinition and thus his belief is dependent / codependent on the writer of the dictionary. So if the dictionary were to change its deffinition then KK's deffinition would change too because he has no independent or self dependent interpretation as like I gave in my post. Now I too could change my own belief and my own deffinition but then even if I do change it then it is still my own and not dependent / codependent on another person.

So the dictionary deffinition is still fine and it helps us very much but it is one deffinition and not the only one.

:yay: I prefer to think for myself and to only believe what I believe to be true and accurate and a dictionary deffinition is not always a real life application deffinition.

The discovery and treatment of codependency is very likely the most powerful psychology advancement of them all for those of us that know how it works, that is in my opinion of course.

Now I connect codependency to the Bible text at Jeremiah 17:5a "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man," KJV., plus man means "male and female" per Genesis 1:27


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: That quote of KK's is showing the point that I made in my post. He is giving a dictionary deffinition as his own deffinition and thus his belief is dependent / codependent on the writer of the dictionary. So if the dictionary were to change its deffinition then KK's deffinition would change too because he has no independent or self dependent interpretation as like I gave in my post. Now I too could change my own belief and my own deffinition but then even if I do change it then it is still my own and not dependent / codependent on another person.

So the dictionary deffinition is still fine and it helps us very much but it is one deffinition and not the only one.

:yay: I prefer to think for myself and to only believe what I believe to be true and accurate and a dictionary deffinition is not always a real life application deffinition.

The discovery and treatment of codependency is very likely the most powerful psychology advancement of them all for those of us that know how it works, that is in my opinion of course.

Now I connect codependency to the Bible text at Jeremiah 17:5a "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man," KJV., plus man means "male and female" per Genesis 1:27

If you knew how to use a dictionary, you would know how to spell definition.


24/7 Single Dad
JPC said:
He is giving a dictionary deffinition as his own deffinition and thus his belief is dependent / codependent on the writer of the dictionary. So if the dictionary were to change its deffinition then KK's deffinition would change too because he has no independent or self dependent interpretation as like I gave in my post.
So if I get a ticket for running a red light, would you appear in court and explain to the judge that it would be co-dependent of me to accept the defined meaning of a red traffic signal as STOP?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: That quote of KK's is showing the point that I made in my post. He is giving a dictionary deffinition as his own deffinition and thus his belief is dependent / codependent on the writer of the dictionary. So if the dictionary were to change its deffinition then KK's deffinition would change too because he has no independent or self dependent interpretation as like I gave in my post. Now I too could change my own belief and my own deffinition but then even if I do change it then it is still my own and not dependent / codependent on another person.

So the dictionary deffinition is still fine and it helps us very much but it is one deffinition and not the only one.

:yay: I prefer to think for myself and to only believe what I believe to be true and accurate and a dictionary deffinition is not always a real life application deffinition.

The discovery and treatment of codependency is very likely the most powerful psychology advancement of them all for those of us that know how it works, that is in my opinion of course.

Now I connect codependency to the Bible text at Jeremiah 17:5a "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man," KJV., plus man means "male and female" per Genesis 1:27
I gave the dictionary definition to provide an authoritative reference, not because I do not think for myself. You on the other hand simply fabricate a definition to meet your need to validate yourself as you spew nonsense and ignorance. The fact that you are trying to "control" our beliefs as to the meaning of the word is a sign of your dysfunctional impairment, not ours.


Lem Putt
aps45819 said:
So if I get a ticket for running a red light, would you appear in court and explain to the judge that it would be co-dependent of me to accept the defined meaning of a red traffic signal as STOP?
The last time he appeared in court, it took a jury 10 minutes to convict him. He was sentenced to three years for a misdemeanor. Are you sure you want him in the courthouse with you? :killingme :lmao: