Price of Gasoline.


Lem Putt
chuckster said:
This is from 2002

"Americans' penchant for large, gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles is largely responsible for a steady decline in fuel efficiency since 1988. Light trucks including SUVs, whose average fuel efficiency was 17.3 mpg last year, now account for about half of the new vehicles sold in the United States."

"Right now people are valuing other attributes -- things like towing ability, seating capacity and cargo space -- higher than fuel economy," Steed said. "That's because the price of gasoline is pretty cheap at this point." (Remember from 2002)

The EPA has estimated that a driver can save $1,500 over five years by switching to a car that gets 30 mpg from a 20 mpg model. That's assuming a cost of $1.50 per gallon of gas and 15,000 miles driven each year.(Figure at $3.00 per gallon)
:lmao: :killingme :lmao:
Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future.
It's great how you throw marxist propoganda out there as if it is a legitimate report. If you can't find a reputable reference, why would you even quote?


MMDad said:
:lmao: :killingme :lmao: It's great how you throw marxist propoganda out there as if it is a legitimate report. If you can't find a reputable reference, why would you even quote?

The article came from the San Francisco Chronicle, Oct 30th, 2002. Read the whole thing before throwing rocks.
No matter where it came from, the facts are the facts


Super Genius
chuckster said:
The tax on gas is per gallon not per dollar.
Right. If you drive a "monster gas user", then you are using more gas. Therefore, you are paying higher taxes.

BTW, which is worse...someone who drives an inefficient vehicle rarely or someone who drives an efficient vehicle exessively?


Football season!
ylexot said:
Right. If you drive a "monster gas user", then you are using more gas. Therefore, you are paying higher taxes.

BTW, which is worse...someone who drives an inefficient vehicle rarely or someone who drives an efficient vehicle exessively?

I would go with the two people I know who have 50 mile commutes (each way) and drive their Yukon Denali XLT (whatever is the longest version) most days. :lmao:


Lem Putt
chuckster said:
The article came from the San Francisco Chronicle, Oct 30th, 2002. Read the whole thing before throwing rocks.
No matter where it came from, the facts are the facts
Thanks for proving my point.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

slik said:
Do you think that the STS buses were a direct benefit - paid for by the additional taxes revenues generated by the many employees that have moved to the area as a result of the expanded work at PAX ?
:popcorn: There is some truth to that in that the STS Bus might be come from the Base growth and through the years the Pax Navy Base has been a useful and considerate part of our community, but thanks to misguided policies from Hoyer and his employee and others of the local oligarch have made the Pax Navy Base into the outlet of their greed and now are making the Navy Base a liability and a destructive incroachment force into our area, and I will put a stop to it. I do not mean shut down Pax River Naval Base but just make it start acting like a respectful guest in our home.

:yay: So still it is not directly the fault of the Navy Base because the Navy must bend to political pressures and it is the duty of the Representative, and especially the Representative of 29B, to protect and defend the area and that is who is at fault because sell-out Bohanan (D-29B) has sold us out - he sold out 29B and so when I get elected in his place then we will bring back some sensible government to this area. And Steny Hoyer will never be my boss, and the STS Buses will keep running.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:popcorn: There is some truth to that in that the STS Bus might be come from the Base growth and through the years the Pax Navy Base has been a useful and considerate part of our community, but thanks to misguided policies from Hoyer and his employee and others of the local oligarch have made the Pax Navy Base into the outlet of their greed and now are making the Navy Base a liability and a destructive incroachment force into our area, and I will put a stop to it. I do not mean shut down Pax River Naval Base but just make it start acting like a respectful guest in our home.

:yay: So still it is not directly the fault of the Navy Base because the Navy must bend to political pressures and it is the duty of the Representative, and especially the Representative of 29B, to protect and defend the area and that is who is at fault because sell-out Bohanan (D-29B) has sold us out - he sold out 29B and so when I get elected in his place then we will bring back some sensible government to this area. And Steny Hoyer will never be my boss, and the STS Buses will keep running.
Since you preach limiting growth of the base, how do you feel about the recently announced 20% reduction in the work force?

Will you continue to try to downsize the base beyond that 20%?

Will you work to bring new jobs to the area to replace those that are lost?


Well-Known Member
ylexot said:
Right. If you drive a "monster gas user", then you are using more gas. Therefore, you are paying higher taxes.

BTW, which is worse...someone who drives an inefficient vehicle rarely or someone who drives an efficient vehicle exessively?

Exactly. I've read tons of statistics which verify that people with cars that are fuel efficient tend to drive more miles than people who have cars that are not; that people with fuel-efficient cars are less likely to carpool, than those that do not have them; and that persons with fuel efficient cars are far more likely to drive alone, than persons with gas-guzzlers.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

MMDad said:
Since you preach limiting growth of the base, how do you feel about the recently announced 20% reduction in the work force?

Will you continue to try to downsize the base beyond that 20%?

Will you work to bring new jobs to the area to replace those that are lost?
:coffee: The Navy knows that the Base is overloading the area and it is trying to act right but it was Mikulski and Hoyer that is fighting the reduction in the work force. Those jobs were ending as the workers were retiring or leaving so no one lost their jobs and the Base does not have housing or infrastructure either. The politicians do not belong in the day-to-day opperations of the Navy Base as it will go by the rules if it is left alone but we have those politicians demanding more workers based on numbers and nothing else. If we had real representation in this area then they would stand up to the greed driven oligarchy and tell them that they are wrong. When I get elected then it will stop. Look at Mikulski and Hoyer acting big in the claims but where is the Rep of 29B???? He is quiet and he is Hoyer's employee and his puppet and our Rep has sold us all out. The Base needs to downsize as it is overloaded. The Navy knows all about infrastructures and affecting communities and the Navy will do right if and when we get the greed driven politicians out of their business.
The Exxon in Charlotte Hall was out of midgrade this morning. Or was it high test? Don't know, don't care since I drive an econobox that runs on 87 octane.


Football season!
SamSpade said:
Exactly. I've read tons of statistics which verify that people with cars that are fuel efficient tend to drive more miles than people who have cars that are not; that people with fuel-efficient cars are less likely to carpool, than those that do not have them; and that persons with fuel efficient cars are far more likely to drive alone, than persons with gas-guzzlers.

Not surpising at all.
But on the other hand, many people buy the high effiency cars because they drive long distances, aren't able to take mass transit, and/or have no people to carpool with. So a statistic such as that is probably valid (though no sources listed), a further look into the reasoning may offer other explanations of why this is the case.


New Member
JPC said:
:coffee: The Navy knows that the Base is overloading the area and it is trying to act right but it was Mikulski and Hoyer that is fighting the reduction in the work force. Those jobs were ending as the workers were retiring or leaving so no one lost their jobs and the Base does not have housing or infrastructure either. The politicians do not belong in the day-to-day opperations of the Navy Base as it will go by the rules if it is left alone but we have those politicians demanding more workers based on numbers and nothing else. If we had real representation in this area then they would stand up to the greed driven oligarchy and tell them that they are wrong. When I get elected then it will stop. Look at Mikulski and Hoyer acting big in the claims but where is the Rep of 29B???? He is quiet and he is Hoyer's employee and his puppet and our Rep has sold us all out. The Base needs to downsize as it is overloaded. The Navy knows all about infrastructures and affecting communities and the Navy will do right if and when we get the greed driven politicians out of their business.

WHERE in THE hell do you come UP with this shiat?


New Member
Pete said:
Balzanad beams it to him from the home planet Goober on channel 78 of his TV. :yay:

I'm done. JPC is officially on ignore. I can't take it anymore. I actually wasted about 20 minutes picking apart his last post, then hit myself in the head in anger when I realized that I can never get that 20 minutes back again. :whack:


Well-Known Member
SmallTown said:
Not surpising at all.
But on the other hand, many people buy the high effiency cars because they drive long distances, aren't able to take mass transit, and/or have no people to carpool with. So a statistic such as that is probably valid (though no sources listed), a further look into the reasoning may offer other explanations of why this is the case.

No I didn't source my data - I just remember it from looking stuff up for a paper my wife was working on - refuting the ridiculous notion that gas prices are driven up by SUV purchases. One study pretty much confirmed what we both know from experience - people spend as much on gas as they can comfortably afford - it's their budget that drives how much gas they buy. If they drive a gas guzzler - they cut down on drives, consolidate trips, meet friends so they can ride somewhere together and share gas expenses. Another I found actually showed average miles driven increasing for those who drove gas-sipping cars.

DEMAND increases the price of gas - wasting gas doesn't. There isn't significant reason to believe the ownership of SUV's has been driving demand.
Personally, I don't know a single soul who drives an energy efficient vehicle who takes public transportation or who carpools. Who wants to carpool with someone driving a Ford Focus?

I don't know how people can measure this. I mean, years ago, I worked with folks who compile the data that's used for the basis of the Consumer Price Index, and it was fundamentally flawed. It tracked the price of basic consumer expenditures, but what it DIDN'T track was how higher prices caused consumers to find alternatives. For example, beef prices would go way up, and news would be made of the high cost of living - while ignoring the gradual shift to eating chicken and pork. That's just an example, but in most situations, people have a fixed amount of income, and if gas gets to be too expensive, they will find alternatives - BUT they might not be the ones you expect. People BUY SUV's because they do things other cars used to do, but don't anymore - they carry lots of stuff. How many station wagons do you see, nowadays?


Well-Known Member
SmallTown said:
Bush says he can help :shrug:

Well he could, a little - scale back the taxes on gasoline, open the national oil reserve and investigate gouging - but you can't do much about oil selling internationally for 75 bucks a barrel.