Push for 'shall-issue' concealed carry in MD


Active Member
Ken King said:
Maybe it was green you sent, but as you are scoring in the RED your's goes out as gray. And I am fairly loose as I am not the one that sees everyone that legally owns a weapon as a threat to my safety, it's those that illegally obtain them that I want to be able to protect myself from.
More unsigned red karma ;\

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
More unsigned red karma ;\
I can only hit you once in a 24 hour period and only after spreading the wealth, plus I sign mine when I do so Red or Green. The last timetag from me should have been this AM.


Let's get drunk
Sorry but knowing that people can carry a concealed weapon legally doesn't give me a sense of safety... What is going to stop someone from using it wrecklessly. If there was a shoot out from a robbery and the legal concealled weapon accidentally hits a bystander. Now someone lost a life over a few dollars in the register, or some other item that would of got replaced by an insurance company anyway...I feel that the only place you have a right to defend is your home... There really isn't an immediate need for a concealled weapon in St. Mary's unless you are up to no good..PLEASE SIGN ALL RED KARMA Thanks:)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
J.South said:
Sorry but knowing that people can carry a concealed weapon legally doesn't give me a sense of safety... What is going to stop someone from using it wrecklessly. If there was a shoot out from a robbery and the legal concealled weapon accidentally hits a bystander. Now someone lost a life over a few dollars in the register, or some other item that would of got replaced by an insurance company anyway...I feel that the only place you have a right to defend is your home... There really isn't an immediate need for a concealled weapon in St. Mary's unless you are up to no good..PLEASE SIGN ALL RED KARMA Thanks:)
I take it that you are unaware that businesses can have weapon under the counter and use it during a holdup. Also you fail to comprehend that if criminals knew that people could be carrying a weapon they might think twice before committing a crime. And this isn't a county ordinance we are talking about but a state law.

Karma signed as always.


Let's get drunk
I think that if a criminal knew that you could have a gun they'd shoot first then rob you. It just easier that way. Now you re dead and he has your .45

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
J.South said:
I think that if a criminal knew that you could have a gun they'd shoot first then rob you. It just easier that way. Now you re dead and he has your .45
And I think you have no clue about personal protection issues and are just willing to bend over and take it up the ass because you are too much of a coward to say enough is enough and fight back. Maryland has become a haven for the scum of the earth and it is time to reclaim our state from the criminally inclined.


Let's get drunk
Ken King said:
Maryland has become a haven for the scum of the earth and it is time to reclaim our state from the criminally inclined.

Well I want Bush gone as much as you do :lmao: But Im no coward I just dont trust people in Public with guns. One person will always screw up a good thing. Where in maryland is this haven you speak of and why do you go there.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
J.South said:
Well I want Bush gone as much as you do :lmao: But Im no coward I just dont trust people in Public with guns. One person will always screw up a good thing. Where in maryland is this haven you speak of and why do you go there.
You ever been in PG county, anywhere bordering DC, Baltimore, how about Lexington Park. And this has nothing to do with our President, though I knew a person of your cerebral processing prowess would eventually bring it up. You know only a paranoid person or criminal would fear law-abiding citizens carrying weapons.


Let's get drunk
Been to all those places (please Lexington Park come on) probably more frequently than you. Face it you are scared maybe from a bad experience or whatever the reason it is just going to elevate the amount of force criminals use. If I were a criminal and going to mug someone knowing that they might have a weapon I'd be carefull but they would still get robbed


Let's get drunk
Like you said in the past threads criminals don't think and dont really give an ef. Carrying guns might help for awhile untill criminals adapt and then what?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
J.South said:
Been to all those places (please Lexington Park come on) probably more frequently than you. Face it you are scared maybe from a bad experience or whatever the reason it is just going to elevate the amount of force criminals use. If I were a criminal and going to mug someone knowing that they might have a weapon I'd be carefull but they would still get robbed
I've known people beaten, stabbed, shot and robbed in all these locations. It's about having a choice, one that you deny for no specific reason other then you don't like people that can protect themselves. No bad experiences, not scared either, just tired of dumbasses like you. What I desire is my God given right to protect myself.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
J.South said:
Like you said in the past threads criminals don't think and dont really give an ef. Carrying guns might help for awhile untill criminals adapt and then what?
Where did I say criminals don't think? I said if we in Maryland had the ability to conceal carry it might make them think twice before doing a crime. The more you post the more I am convinced you are a criminal afraid of what an armed citizen would do to you when you come crawling out of the shadows.


Let's get drunk
Ken King said:
I've known people beaten, stabbed, shot and robbed in all these locations. It's about having a choice, one that you deny for no specific reason other then you don't like people that can protect themselves. No bad experiences, not scared either, just tired of dumbasses like you. What I desire is my God given right to protect myself.

Well, who doesn' t know people who have beaten, stabbed, shot and robbed in all these locations and other places too these are called bad experiences Ken. Nobody is saying you'll screw it up but someone will they always do even you know that or should know it. Old as you are


Let's get drunk
Ken King said:
Where did I say criminals don't think? I said if we in Maryland had the ability to conceal carry it might make them think twice before doing a crime. The more you post the more I am convinced you are a criminal afraid of what an armed citizen would do to you when you come crawling out of the shadows.

If I was a criminal you wouldn't even see me coming in time to pull any weapon you'll have just enough time to soil yourself.


24/7 Single Dad
J.South said:
If I was a criminal you wouldn't even see me coming in time to pull any weapon you'll have just enough time to soil yourself.
So you're saying that IF you were a criminal, you'd murder people without worry about witnesses, on the chance you might get $2 out of their wallet?
You're to dumb to be a criminal.


Let's get drunk
aps45819 said:
So you're saying that IF you were a criminal, you'd murder people without worry about witnesses, on the chance you might get $2 out of their wallet?
You're to dumb to be a criminal.

How many armed robberies went unsolved last year with fatalities? I promise you that stat will increase just because criminals are paranoid just like you are and will shoot first then take your wallet, sell your credit cards, sell your identity to some illegal. You acting like you are never alone or always with people that will able to protect you.
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Let's get drunk
aps45819 said:
So you're saying that IF you were a criminal, you'd murder people without worry about witnesses, on the chance you might get $2 out of their wallet?
You're to dumb to be a criminal.

You have to be stupid if you think that doesn't happen