Question for the men...


Nothing to see here
cattitude said:
Here ya go, baby.

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

Hey baby, can I buy you a fish sandwich?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Seriously, a man can make any woman believe she is a goddess by how he talks to and treats her no matter what she might look like.
That is very true. It's also true a woman can do the same for a man.

Attraction to me is much more than physical. It's also a mental attraction based on common interests, compatibility, the ability to laugh together, sharing emotions, being able to talk to each other, and a thousand other things. It's having trust in a person to give your love unconditionally and without reservation and having it returned. It is simply the greatest gift one person can give another.
jazz lady said:
Attraction to me is much more than physical. It's also a mental attraction based on common interests, compatibility, the ability to laugh together, sharing emotions, being able to talk to each other, and a thousand other things.
I'm flattered, Jazzy... but I don't swing that way...:blushing:
Here's an example of a relationship built on a faulty foundation... Let it go 'Me' ... 'friendship' without 'the spark' doesn't last...:ohwell:

Me -- Wednesday, 27 July 2005, at 12:31 p.m.

I dont even know if you will even read this but i thought that i would at least give it a try. I thought that i gave you everything and i always thought that i was a nice to you as i could be. I tried to be the best girlfriend that i could be to you. I keep thinking back at everything and you never seemed that unhappy. I dont think that you changed me, i think that you made me a better person. I still dont understand everything, every relationship has its arguments, and problems but their was also A LOT of great times. Why the sudden change and everything i mean everything has seemed fine!! I wish there was something i could do. I loved you with all my heart!! Please think about everthing.. Why? Everytime i close my eyes i see your smile, i just wish i could hold you one last time...


New Member
CityGrl said:
Here's my question: are men (even in their mid-30s) so superficial that looks mean EVERYTHING? You figure that single men in their 30s are probably looking for the same thing as my friend (commitment, settling down) and realize that the choices are thinning out

I don't think men are as worried about choices thinning out. I may be wrong but I notice more older men with younger women than the other way around. Plus men can have kids even if they're old enough to be great-grandfathers. So no internal clock ticking.


New Member
Oysters are nasty. If I want a fried loogie, I'll spit in a frying pan.

Did ya know that a young oyster is called a spat?


New Member

I put an add up there once... I immediatly got an email from them stating that, " At this time, we could not find a match for you. Keep you head up and we will inform you the minute someone compatible registers."
After they promised...:bawl:

Out of millions of poeple:bawl:

They fix up everyone, but told me that there's no one for me in the whole wide world. :bawl:

By the way, I'm chubby.


24/7 Single Dad
Triggerfish said:
Plus men can have kids even if they're old enough to be great-grandfathers. So no internal clock ticking.
:yay: Every now and then, some sales clerk will ask my son if he's having fun with his grandpa. The boy gets all confused, the clerk gets emberassed. :lol:


You're all F'in Mad...
CityGrl said:
Are guys really only focused on looks? Maybe I'm too naive...

I want to post something funny, but since this thread seems to be answered mostly by chicks, married older men and RoseRed's posse, here's my male perspective at mid-30's and separated.

It may not be completely superficial. This is somewhat traditionalist, so I don't mean any slight to the upwardly mobile women here. I was always under the impression that women want a husband who will be loyal and dedicated to them, work hard to provide a good living situation, and stick around to raise children with them.

Men can be concerned about the same things. What if he falls in love with an overweight woman. Could he be a widower at an early age, raising children by himself? I'd ask myself that question.

Physical attraction is important but it's also superficial. Mental attraction is far more stimulating during the times when you aren't getting hot and sticky. We men are generally dogs. But we don't have to accept that rap all of the time.