restaurants smoking


Re: Re: Re: special dedication...

Originally posted by Danzig
The main problem is the stink azz smokers that think it's a god given right to blow smoke wherever they want and with no regard to others around them. They have done this to them selves and I for one can’t wait till the law is passed in restaurants, I do think they should allow smoking in bars but the way it looks now that won’t be happening. Like it’s my fault you addicted and weak and can’t wait ten minutes to go outside to smoke? Well soon I won’t have to put up with it.:clap:

Seig Heil.

I think they should ban people who try to enforce their own puritanical behaviors on others.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We've had this conversation before on here and it's just amazing to me the complete selfishness of some people. If you don't like smoking, go to non-smoking restaurants. It's that simple.

It's an interesting psychosis that causes people to be so self-centered and inflexible that, rather than just not eating at restaurants that allow smoking, they want to make ALL restaurants cater to their wants and NONE that cater to the wants of smokers. They think it's their right to inconvenience others so that they don't have to be inconvenienced themselves.



Originally posted by vraiblonde
We've had this conversation before on here and it's just amazing to me the complete selfishness of some people. If you don't like smoking, go to non-smoking restaurants. It's that simple.

100% accurate: It's nothing but selfishness - pure and simple. My way or the highway. It's all about ME. Me, me, me.

Funny story (not funny, ha-ha - funny, boggle-at-the-ignorance):

I once worked with someone with this philosophy that smoking should be outlawed everywhere outside the home. (I have the feeling that he wanted to outlaw that too, but was magnanimous enough to allow the privelige of smoking in the home because he was all about freedom, and fancied himself some sort of libertarian/anarchist).

Anyway - the irony was this person had a 50,000 amp subwoofer in his car, and wasn't reluctant to use it.

I oftentimes commented on how courteous that was for him to share his music with all the people who didn't bring their own.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Re: Re: Re: special dedication...

Originally posted by Danzig
The main problem is the stink azz smokers that think it's a god given right to blow smoke wherever they want and with no regard to others around them. They have done this to them selves and I for one can’t wait till the law is passed in restaurants, I do think they should allow smoking in bars but the way it looks now that won’t be happening. Like it’s my fault you addicted and weak and can’t wait ten minutes to go outside to smoke? Well soon I won’t have to put up with it.:clap:

(Toxick- Seig Heil- lmfao!!)


Make smokers carry BALLOONS around with them! (Only colors that non-smokers like, though.)
Then, whenever it's time to exhale, they do it into the balloon, and not into everyone's faces, wherever they please.

Then you have a fun filled atmosphere, with cool semi-transparent smoke filled balloons!
Everyone loves balloons! Yay!

Problem solved.


Originally posted by Ken King
I have plenty of concern for children; it's just that mine weren't genetic defects like yours seem to be. Sure you implied that you would be taking your kids there or else why even bring it up as it being a problem for your children? And if you don't patronize these establishments what problem is it since you aren't going into them?

No, my argument was that you seek to limit others for your benefit, like you deserve special treatment. And for your information when I go to a restaurant I don't smoke in the seating area and do go outside or to the bar because I have become accustomed to doing so.

Also while you might not need my recommendation you have it and I have another for you along the lines as the one Cheney gave to Leahy. And here is another one, why not place your little mutants in a plastic bubble like the gerbils that they are to further facilitate their inability to handle the type environment that the majority have no problem coping with.

I was wrong, it isn't that you don't have any concern for children, you don't have any concern for anyone. You must be a very miserable person to need to downgrade anyone (especially a child) to try to make a point. It is obvious that no one taught you any manners (or you just chose to ignore them.)

I do not want any other treatment than that is afforded to me by the constitution. I do not believe I am anymore special than any other human--I do believe I, like any other human, has the right to not be affected by someone else's actions or choices. If you choose to smoke-GREAT. I choose not to and when you smoke in a closed in area, YOU are forcing me to inhale YOUR smoke.

And further, you stated that there is no proof that secondhand smoke causes problems. You may want to do your research again. And even if there is no direct proof (which there is), there is also no proof that it does not cause problems.

I am not being a selfish person because I want to take my family to a restaurant to EAT not smoke.
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Well-Known Member
Yep, Vrai and Toxic, you're right. It's all about ME! Pure selfish. You're just on the wrong side of the fence on who is selfish. You are telling us to find someplace else to eat and I'm merely asking you to wait and take your smoke outside after dinner. I doubt if this would be any where near the problem it is if there wasn't so many "in your face" smokers. People that appear to go out of their way to aggravate the crowd.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by DLBENENATI
You don't have any concern for anyone.
Spoken like a true selfish person... you want to ban all smoking in restaurants.

It should be up to the owner what the rules in his/her private establishment will be, not the government.


Originally posted by DLBENENATI
It is obvious that no one taught you any mannors (or you just chose to ignor them.)

Do you think that it's good mannors to walk into a privately owned building (say, a restaraunt), and start incessant whining about behavior that you don't approve of?

What about those mannors?

Originally posted by DLBENENATI
I do not want any other treatment than that is afforded to me by the constitution.

No you don't. You just seek to limit the behaviors of others to what you have deemed is acceptable.

Originally posted by DLBENENATI
I do not believe I am anymore special than any other human--I do believe I, like anyother human, has the right to not be affected by someone else's actions or choices.

Please direct me to the section of the Constitution that affords you this right.

Originally posted by DLBENENATI
If you chose to smoke-GREAT. I chose not to and when you smoke in a closed in area, You are forcing me to inhale YOUR smoke.

Nobody's forcing you to do anything.

You CHOOSE to go to a restaraunt. If you don't like the smoke there, then get the fck out.

Originally posted by DLBENENATI
I am not being a selfish person because I want to take my family to a restaurant to EAT not smoke.

You're conflating the main debate. Nobody is saying that you're being selfish for wanting to enjoy a smoke-free evening with your family.

You're being selfish, because you're trying to dictate the behavior of others, and establish laws so that you will never be inconvenienced, or confronted - even though you have no qualms about inconveniencing or confronting others.

You want everywhere to be an environment that is friendly to YOU - and anyone else be damned.

This is the definition of selfishness.


Now that I have expressed my opinion and read yours, I will no longer participate in a degrading, non-sense, off subject discussion.

My last posting:

It doesn’t matter what we all think, the smoking ban is coming whether you like it or not. Obviously there are enough problems with smoking to make such a law!!!


Now that I have expressed my opinion and read yours, I will no longer participate in a degrading, non-sense, off subject discussion.

My last posting:

It doesn’t matter what we all think, the smoking ban is coming whether you like it or not. Obviously there are enough problems with smoking to make such a law!!!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by DLBENENATI
My last posting:

It doesn’t matter what we all think, the smoking ban is coming whether you like it or not. Obviously there are enough problems with smoking to make such a law!!!
You forgot this... :SLAM:



Originally posted by DLBENENATI
Now that I have expressed my opinion and read yours, I will no longer participate in a degrading, non-sense, off subject discussion.

My last posting:

It doesn’t matter what we all think, the smoking ban is coming whether you like it or not. Obviously there are enough problems with smoking to make such a law!!!
Silly, there doesn't have to be a problem to make a law. The goobers in legislature do it all the time.


Originally posted by willie
I doubt if this would be any where near the problem it is if there wasn't so many "in your face" smokers. People that appear to go out of their way to aggravate the crowd.


That's crap.

That is pure utter crap.

In all my life dealing with smokers and non-smokers alike, I can tell you that undoubtedly the most obnoxious and in your face people on earth are non-smokers.

That is coming from a non-smoker.

I think the problems would go away if non-smokers (or at least you in the militant anti-smoking gestapo crowd) went to places that catered to them instead of trying to pass laws that force all establishments to cater to them.

Anyone who refuses to understand the selfishness - the unmitigated puritanical fanaticism of this behavior - is engaging in delusional self-indulgence and blatant willful ignorance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What a surprise! She also wants to voice her own opinion but not have to listen to anyone else's.


Originally posted by vraiblonde

They think it's their right to inconvenience others so that they don't have to be inconvenienced themselves.


This type of argument could be used for both sides of the smoking "fence"


Originally posted by DLBENENATI
Now that I have expressed my opinion and read yours, I will no longer participate in a degrading, non-sense, off subject discussion.

Because you know I'm right, and you are running out of arguments.

It also helps if you jam your fingers in your ear and sing "LA-LA-LA-LA" real loud.

Originally posted by DLBENENATI
It doesn’t matter what we all think, the smoking ban is coming whether you like it or not.

That doesn't make it any less wrong.

Originally posted by DLBENENATI
Obviously there are enough problems with smoking to make such a law!!!

Pfffft.... Good one. Because they NEVER pass laws that don't make sense and/or restrict basic freedoms. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by willie
You are telling us to find someplace else to eat and I'm merely asking you to wait and take your smoke outside after dinner.
Willie dear, I've always thought of you as a semi-rational person so, I must say, this outburst surprises me.

There are restaurants that allow smoking and cater to smokers. There are also restaurants that don't allow smoking and cater to non-smokers. Please explain to me how this is unfair?

And, while you're at it, please explain to me why you feel every restaurant should have to cater to you and none to smokers?


Originally posted by valentino
This type of argument could be used for both sides of the smoking "fence"

This is very true.

However only one side of that fence is trying to pass laws that totally negate the rights of the other side.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by valentino
This type of argument could be used for both sides of the smoking "fence"
Then make the argument. Exercise your brain and tell me why all restaurants should cater to non-smokers and none should cater to smokers.