Roadside Memorials


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
What are you a English teacher :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
No. And you, with your lack of ability to use even the simple quote function of the forum have again proved your ineptness and lack of skill at anything that has been observable so far. Did you just get home on the :shortbus: ?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
Infringed is something I feel everytime you breath my air !

Pardon me but the words are every time. It is properly two words, not one. Got it? :ding: Ignorance alert.

Your air? My, aren't you possessive? I wonder how the rest of the world feels about you claiming that all the air is yours? Oh. Are you showing us this, :moon: , because that is where you breathe? Don't you find it stuffy up there?


2ndAmendment said:
Pardon me but the words are every time. It is properly two words, not one. Got it? :ding: Ignorance alert.

As usual your over inflated ego has let the point go over your head !

I Said shotgun Because the average person dose not spend a bunch of time preparing for the worst, As you.

And your panties got all bunched up !

And I point out, That because someone dose not spell well dose not make you more intelligent! Your panties got waded up again !

So will you please try to refrain yourself from thinking your so much better than every one else that you disagree with.

You are human with flaw's like everyone else..
But you choose to point them out to every one, Like this makes you better or of higher intelligence :confused:

Judge not ! :whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
2ndAmendment said:
Pardon me but the words are every time. It is properly two words, not one. Got it? :ding: Ignorance alert.

As usual your over inflated ego has let the point go over your head !

I Said shotgun Because the average person dose not spend a bunch of time preparing for the worst, As you.

And your panties got all bunched up !

And I point out, That because someone dose not spell well dose not make you more intelligent! Your panties got waded up again !

So will you please try to refrain yourself from thinking your so much better than every one else that you disagree with.

You are human with flaw's like everyone else..
But you choose to point them out to every one, Like this makes you better or of higher intelligence :confused:

Judge not ! :whistle:
Ah, showing your prowess again with the forum quote function. I could care less about your opinion on shotgun vs handgun. I am not judging you; you are doing quite well at showing your ignorance all by yourself.


amendment said:
Ah, showing your prowess again with the forum quote function. I could care less about your opinion on shotgun vs handgun. I am not judging you; you are doing quite well at showing your ignorance all by yourself.

It is not about me you moron ! It is about you putting down people on this forum.
Because of spelling or grammar. Just because you use it more often than some dose not make any one beneath you.

Intelligence is the capacity for reasoning.(look it up Mr. Know it all )

But you keep referring to others ,that they are unintelligent because of there spelling and grammar.

So this dose not say allot for your capacity for reasoning !

This would be no different than a Carpenter telling you that you are ignorant because you don't know what he knows.

Spelling and grammar is a skill like any thing else those who use what skills they have are better with them.
It dose not make any one not intelligent, ignorant ,stupid
or an Idiot..
So if you stop trying to belittle people I will leave you alone.
So why do you continue to bust on folks ?
Dose this make you feel like a big man because your wife won't let you be one in the house :boxing:


New Member
I have always said that good grammer and spelling has always stood in the way of good communication. Myself, I could care less about how a person uses the grammer or even if they can or can not spelling.. What is most important is the message. I also believe that the only stupid question are those not asked..

When I was going to college my English Professor told me that I can communicate on any level I choose. She then asked me why I talk like I do.. I told her that communication can acheive 3 goals. It can intimidate, impress or transfer ideas.. I told her that if I speak or write with intentions to imtimidate, then the chance of transfering ideas is null because the one you are trying to intimidating builds a wall to defend themselves.. If I speak or write to impress, then I'm on a fools errone errand. I impress my Bride of 31 years, 31 years ago and have no need to impress anyone else. You take 2 roosters and put them into the same chicken lot and they will strut in the hopes of impressing not only the hens but the other rooster as well in hopes of imtimidating it not to fight.. Impressing others is simply not important to me because I could care less what they think of me.. I know who and what I am as does my wife and that is all that matters. Now we come to the most important reason to speak or write, the Transfer of Ideas.. Plain and simple exchange of thoughts and the quicker and easier I get it done the better off I am.

So if you are going to try and Intimidate me, want work because I neither get scared nor worried.. I may get po'ed, but I pray over that which eases me.

If you are going to try and impress me, you are wasting your time because I simply ain't interested in Brown Nosing.. What's more important is that you are wasting my time and I ain't got much left.

However if you simply wish to ask questions, chat or what ever with out all the BS (Bull Stuff) of fancy footing around (beating around the brush) err displaying an attitude, I'm here and ready to talk with you..

I try to be honest, open and straight forward and have never been accused of being politically correct.. But regardless I'll still love ya no matter what.


Sharon said:
Don't mind're my biatch. :dork:
Yes I am quite aware of who wears the pants..

Thanks for all the little red thingy's there so cute.

Now my cp look's like X-MAS
green, red and white.......... that's nice :flowers:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
It is not about me you moron ! It is about you putting down people on this forum.
Because of spelling or grammar. Just because you use it more often than some dose not make any one beneath you.

Intelligence is the capacity for reasoning.(look it up Mr. Know it all )

But you keep referring to others ,that they are unintelligent because of there spelling and grammar.

So this dose not say allot for your capacity for reasoning !

This would be no different than a Carpenter telling you that you are ignorant because you don't know what he knows.

Spelling and grammar is a skill like any thing else those who use what skills they have are better with them.
It dose not make any one not intelligent, ignorant ,stupid
or an Idiot..
So if you stop trying to belittle people I will leave you alone.
So why do you continue to bust on folks ?
Dose this make you feel like a big man because your wife won't let you be one in the house :boxing:
Soup for brains,
First, I would like to address this statement and question, "So if you stop trying to belittle people I will leave you alone. So why do you continue to bust on folks ?". I have stopped busting others for their grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I offered you a olive branch and you broke it and threw down the gantlet. Now, I am devoting my attention to these skills to your posts.

Now I will address the rest of this post.
1) There is no space between the end of a sentence and the punctuation mark.
2) Although the word "dose" is correctly spelled, it does not fit in this sentence structure with any true meaning, thus the word must be "does".
3) I have never claimed to be all knowing; I leave that to God and would not dream to usurp His position.
4) There is no space before the comma, but there is one after the comma.
5) The word is "their", the possessive form of they. The words "their", "there", and contraction "they're" are not interchangeable even though they are homophones. Translated for you, homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings.
6) Ah, but I would be ignorant of carpentry if I had not worked for a master carpenter for a summer job. I am certainly not an expert carpenter though.
7) The word carpenter is not capitalized in the middle of a sentence except when talking of Jesus being the Carpenter.
8) Again the word "dose" is correctly spelled, but it does not fit in this sentence structure with any true meaning, thus the word must be "does".
9) You keep repeating the same mistakes. See #1. Your teachers must have been very frustrated by you in school. You did go to school, right?
10) "Anything" is properly one word in this case and not two, but your usage is a common mis-practice.
11) The word idiot is not capitalized in the middle of a sentence. I would suggest not calling God an idiot, so the caveat of #7 does not apply.
12) Again, there is no space before the comma, but there is one after the comma.
13) A sentence does not have two periods after it. If your were trying to use an ellipsis, it takes the form of three dots, one dot centered vertically surrounded by spaces, or two dashes.
14) Again the word "Dose" is correctly spelled, but it does not fit in this sentence structure with any true meaning, thus the word must be "Does".

As to my manhood, I have not challenged yours, so why are you stooping to lower levels? Besides that, I am quite confident of my manhood. Being a gentleman, I do not discuss my relationship with my wife outside the context of this forum.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bogart said:
I have always said that good grammer and spelling has always stood in the way of good communication. Myself, I could care less about how a person uses the grammer or even if they can or can not spelling.. What is most important is the message. I also believe that the only stupid question are those not asked..

When I was going to college my English Professor told me that I can communicate on any level I choose. She then asked me why I talk like I do.. I told her that communication can acheive 3 goals. It can intimidate, impress or transfer ideas.. I told her that if I speak or write with intentions to imtimidate, then the chance of transfering ideas is null because the one you are trying to intimidating builds a wall to defend themselves.. If I speak or write to impress, then I'm on a fools errone errand. I impress my Bride of 31 years, 31 years ago and have no need to impress anyone else. You take 2 roosters and put them into the same chicken lot and they will strut in the hopes of impressing not only the hens but the other rooster as well in hopes of imtimidating it not to fight.. Impressing others is simply not important to me because I could care less what they think of me.. I know who and what I am as does my wife and that is all that matters. Now we come to the most important reason to speak or write, the Transfer of Ideas.. Plain and simple exchange of thoughts and the quicker and easier I get it done the better off I am.

So if you are going to try and Intimidate me, want work because I neither get scared nor worried.. I may get po'ed, but I pray over that which eases me.

If you are going to try and impress me, you are wasting your time because I simply ain't interested in Brown Nosing.. What's more important is that you are wasting my time and I ain't got much left.

However if you simply wish to ask questions, chat or what ever with out all the BS (Bull Stuff) of fancy footing around (beating around the brush) err displaying an attitude, I'm here and ready to talk with you..

I try to be honest, open and straight forward and have never been accused of being politically correct.. But regardless I'll still love ya no matter what.
Well said even if some English rules and spellings are broken. I say this not to bust, but to thank you for communicating in a manner that is understandable and clear, and to illustrate that I no longer wish criticize the English of others (except Gumbo). :cheers: I will say no more of proper English regarding others.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
Yes I am quite aware of who wears the pants..
You don't do well with sarcasm either do you? Sarcasm is a hard form of humor to gasp. It takes a high level of intelligence which pond scum does not possess.


2ndAmendment said:
Well said even if some English rules and spellings are broken. I say this not to bust, but to thank you for communicating in a manner that is understandable and clear, and to illustrate that I no longer wish criticize the English of others (except Gumbo). :cheers: I will say no more of proper English regarding others.

:cheers: Look I can use the English lessons.
As I have stated openly on this forum before.
As to answer your question? No I didn't attend school much.
I have been learning to spell and use grammar on this forum.
No thanks to those who play bully of the sand box.

I am glad that you got the point not to crack on others for there grammar skills . It was very rude and a let down for me because I have always enjoyed reading your post's
And admired the way you put together words.

How ever it is very un becoming of you for your wife to chime in with her childish name calling when there is a debate with you.
I find this is very PW.

I do not like gangs nor do I like when people gang up on others.
I find this very cowardly.

I do apologize for cracking on your wife, But I do not apologize to her for it.
If that makes any since or is that sense? To YOU.

You can clearly do your own battles, So what is her need, other than to have an excuse to be mean. No need to explain I understand!

Like I had said before if you had not started in with the rude remarks when I first posted Shotgun. Nor the rude remarks to others about there intelligence
This battle would not be taking place.

Thank you for the English lesson I need it. Thanks for the new word usurps.

I still think you should apologize to the folk's you have offended with your rude remarks of them not being intelligent because there grammar skills are not as good as yours. But I won't press my luck.
I knew if I stayed on you long enough ,Someone would help me point out your lack of respect for others.
Keep up the posts I enjoy.. Just lighten up a bit with some of the replies.

Is the E in English always capitol? :cheers:


If someone thinks I care if I got red karma or green they are sadly mistaking.

A gang is a group of cowards.
So you that belong to Sharron's hen pin can keep on cluckin
Hens-chickens- cowards- all in the same with no shame


Loving My Life...
gumbo said:
If someone thinks I care if I got red karma or green they are sadly mistaking.

A gang is a group of cowards.
So you that belong to Sharron's hen pin can keep on cluckin

Hens-chickens- cowards- all in the same with no shame
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to gumbo again.

No one should be offended by this... Not supporting his words Trying to give him some green...

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gumbo said:
:cheers: Look I can use the English lessons.
As I have stated openly on this forum before.
As to answer your question? No I didn't attend school much.
I have been learning to spell and use grammar on this forum.
No thanks to those who play bully of the sand box.

I am glad that you got the point not to crack on others for there grammar skills . It was very rude and a let down for me because I have always enjoyed reading your post's
And admired the way you put together words.

How ever it is very un becoming of you for your wife to chime in with her childish name calling when there is a debate with you.
I find this is very PW.

I do not like gangs nor do I like when people gang up on others.
I find this very cowardly.

I do apologize for cracking on your wife, But I do not apologize to her for it.
If that makes any since or is that sense? To YOU.

You can clearly do your own battles, So what is her need, other than to have an excuse to be mean. No need to explain I understand!

Like I had said before if you had not started in with the rude remarks when I first posted Shotgun. Nor the rude remarks to others about there intelligence
This battle would not be taking place.

Thank you for the English lesson I need it. Thanks for the new word usurps.

I still think you should apologize to the folk's you have offended with your rude remarks of them not being intelligent because there grammar skills are not as good as yours. But I won't press my luck.
I knew if I stayed on you long enough ,Someone would help me point out your lack of respect for others.
Keep up the posts I enjoy.. Just lighten up a bit with some of the replies.

Is the E in English always capitol? :cheers:
Well said.:huggy: :smooch:


Roadside memorials show how soon a person forgets about someone they miss so much that they need to errect one. After all in 2 weeks time in the winter the memorial is soggy, stained, and really nasty looking. Where is the person who cared so much about the dead to errect it? Surely they care enough about this person to keep it looking like new trash instead of old trash.

An old faded out dirty roadside memorial says to me that you don't care enough about the person to keep it up beyond the 10 minutes you took to errect it.