Roadside Memorials


Football addict
czygvtwkr said:
Hmmm I wonder if I wanted to errect some sort of decoration by the side of the road similar to a roadside memorial but just because I think its pretty if it would be allowed. Should the motivation behind doing this be considered?

I think I will get a giant 6ft tall carnival teddy bear and stick a cig in its mouth and a 40 in its hand just cause I think its cool.
And people wonder why there is so much red tape in the processes we face everyday.:duh:


ok, let me get this correct...
the majority here thinks it's stupid to erect a shrine in the very spot in which their loved ones this case on the side of the road.
but still you are againt a shrine at the place of death.......and if that is the case...
then i guess those of us that placed flowers and still place flowers at 9/11's twin towers are all fools huh?


Football season!
Jaded said:
i guess those of us that placed flowers and still place flowers at 9/11's twin towers are all fools huh?
Don't sell yourself so short. I'm sure you've done plenty of other things that made people call you a fool. :yay:


SmallTown said:
Don't sell yourself so short. I'm sure you've done plenty of other things that made people call you a fool. :yay:
:lol: engaging in a conversation with you would be one of them


Football season!
Jaded said:
:lol: engaging in a conversation with you would be one of them
See kids, now that is a sure sign of stupidity. Why would someone do something when they know they are a fool for doing so.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Jaded said:
ok, let me get this correct...
the majority here thinks it's stupid to erect a shrine in the very spot in which their loved ones this case on the side of the road.
but still you are againt a shrine at the place of death.......and if that is the case...
then i guess those of us that placed flowers and still place flowers at 9/11's twin towers are all fools huh?
You missed the point entirely. ... Oh, it is just not worth it.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Which is my point entirely. There are better things in this world to worry about.
You missed my point in the previous post. I was lamenting that with all the discussion and back and forth that Jaded had not interpreted the gist of the thread or had not really read it and I am not going to rehash it.

But for the ones that can't determine this, roadside memorial does not equal 9/11 memorial. One is a national place of morning similar to the memorial at Pearl Harbor. The others are personal items that should best be place at a grave and, unless maintained, soon become trash.


2ndAmendment said:
You missed my point in the previous post. I was lamenting that with all the discussion and back and forth that Jaded had not interpreted the gist of the thread or had not really read it and I am not going to rehash it.

But for the ones that can't determine this, roadside memorial does not equal 9/11 memorial. One is a national place of morning similar to the memorial at Pearl Harbor. The others are personal items that should best be place at a grave and, unless maintained, soon become trash. are correct...i just skimmed over the thread and presumed the wrong conclusion.
ultimately they do end up as trash, sad but true....but then again there are several hundred thousand graveyards that have the same members place flowers and such..and the ground keepers fail to keep them up....they soon blow away in the wind and end up elsewhere.
my husbands sister was killed at an intersection and we still place flowers at the site. although we just plant flowers and nothing else...she died close to 7 years ago...and now we accidentally started a flower guarden.


I bowl overhand
National Place of Morning must be on the Eastern Shore.. Arlington might be good place to be a national place of mourning though..


New Member
MD Code regarding roadside abandon property/litter

Does anyone happen to know the actual MD Code regarding abaondoning property or littering on the side of the road?

Fat Momma

allan1058 said:
Well I dont care if it is a poll or not, it is still ignorant to bring it up, if families want to put something there for a while to remember their loved ones than so be it. Its not hurting anybody and helps them through the mourning process. Have some respect for the dead!

Hi. I started reading some of the first posts and I have to agree if this is something that helps that family then so be it. I often see these on the side of the road and to me it serves as a reminder that driving accidents can have fatal impacts. Slow down, pay attention and so on.

Fat Momma

RoseRed said:
My cousin died alone in his apartment. I don't go there to visit him or the new tenants.

So you mourn how you want and let other mourn they way they want.

Fat Momma

BuddyLee said:
I think the point is missed here and by many. People erect the roadside memorials not just to remember their loved one(s) but for others to take notice to the sad fact of automobile death. God forbid we not allow some reflection of the idiocy on the roads or should we continue to let the ignoramus who talks on their cell phone, eats a hoagie, and reads a book all at the same time while seemingly paying attention to the road.

That was well said, it is nice to see some people in here have respect for others and do not take every post on this website as a personal joke or venue to attack people.

Fat Momma

Kain99 said:
Backatcha! Innocent Child Hater! :killingme

I wouls not worry about that one. If you read their other posts you would soon find out they are not worth it. They are a complete DumbA$$.

Fat Momma

Hello6 said:
No child is innocent. Why do you think God lets them get runned over by cars?

(grammar error intentional so Kain, Buddy, Iggydetector could comprehend post)

What a freaking loser, you think you are being cute? Funny? The real question is why would someone waste so much time and be so pathetic in your posts??


New Member
Fat Momma said:
What a freaking loser, you think you are being cute? Funny? The real question is why would someone waste so much time and be so pathetic in your posts??
Why in the hell are you posting by yourself in a thread that's 2 years old?? :confused:

Fat Momma

BuddyLee said:
Some instances such as those mentioned above are controversial indeed but they do not encompass all roadside memorials as a whole. Are you saying children don't know what death is? If they don't learn it there they'll learn it somewhere else. How's about all the crosses the local churches put out for abortion? Or a simple cemetary along the road? Disney kills off Bambi's mother!

I know I am a little late in this but I want to say great point.