Roadside Memorials


Right Where I Belong
This is a touchy area for me. I don't approve of roadside memorials. I wonder sometimes if the deceased person would have wanted to be remembered that way. When my brother was murdered I didn't want to erect a memorial at the site where he died. That was a place of great sorrow and tragedy for me and my family. Knowing my brother, he would be angry if this was how we remembered him. Instead..I chose to remember him with all the good times we had and the positives...not a reminder of the horror.
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Football addict
czygvtwkr said:
Roadside memorials show how soon a person forgets about someone they miss so much that they need to errect one. After all in 2 weeks time in the winter the memorial is soggy, stained, and really nasty looking. Where is the person who cared so much about the dead to errect it? Surely they care enough about this person to keep it looking like new trash instead of old trash.

An old faded out dirty roadside memorial says to me that you don't care enough about the person to keep it up beyond the 10 minutes you took to errect it.
This is not to say that all roadside memorials are not taken care of. If it is such a hindrance to so many why is there not an outcry to pass a law to allow a family to put something in remembrance down for a certain amount of time?
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Football addict
KCM said:
This is a touchy area for me. I don't approve of roadside memorials. I wonder sometimes if the deceased person would have wanted to be remembered that way. When my brother was murdered I didn't want to erect a memorial at the site where he died. That was a place of great sorrow and tragedy for me and my family. Knowing my brother, he would be angry if this was how we remembered him. Instead..I chose to remember him with all the good times we had and the positives...not a reminder of the horror.
You have a right to your opinion and I respect that. However, will you stand up to those who want to put a memorial out for a loved one?


Right Where I Belong
BuddyLee said:
You have a right to your opinion and I respect that. However, will you stand up to those who want to put a memorial out for a loved one?
This was my own personal opinion BL. If it is someones desire to place a memorial for their loved be it. I was stating that this is something that I personally do not care to do. I have never been one to tell someone what they should or shouldn't do. I state my opinion..and others can state theirs. We don't have to agree.


Football addict
KCM said:
This was my own personal opinion BL. If it is someones desire to place a memorial for their loved be it. I was stating that this is something that I personally do not care to do. I have never been one to tell someone what they should or shouldn't do. I state my opinion..and others can state theirs. We don't have to agree.
Noted. Just seems as if so many want none at all. I don't see it hampering them in any way.


Right Where I Belong
BuddyLee said:
Noted. Just seems as if so many want none at all. I don't see it hampering them in any way.
Like I said...I am not one to tell someone how to grieve. That is not my nature to do so. But I personally couldn't do that. It would be a constant reminder (to me at least) of death..not life. To lose someone is very hard...and grieving and rememberance is a personal and individual choice in how that should be done.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
:cheers: Look I can use the English lessons.
As I have stated openly on this forum before.
As to answer your question? No I didn't attend school much.
I have been learning to spell and use grammar on this forum.
No thanks to those who play bully of the sand box.

I am glad that you got the point not to crack on others for there grammar skills . It was very rude and a let down for me because I have always enjoyed reading your post's
And admired the way you put together words.

How ever it is very un becoming of you for your wife to chime in with her childish name calling when there is a debate with you.
I find this is very PW.

I do not like gangs nor do I like when people gang up on others.
I find this very cowardly.

I do apologize for cracking on your wife, But I do not apologize to her for it.
If that makes any since or is that sense? To YOU.

You can clearly do your own battles, So what is her need, other than to have an excuse to be mean. No need to explain I understand!

Like I had said before if you had not started in with the rude remarks when I first posted Shotgun. Nor the rude remarks to others about there intelligence
This battle would not be taking place.

Thank you for the English lesson I need it. Thanks for the new word usurps.

I still think you should apologize to the folk's you have offended with your rude remarks of them not being intelligent because there grammar skills are not as good as yours. But I won't press my luck.
I knew if I stayed on you long enough ,Someone would help me point out your lack of respect for others.
Keep up the posts I enjoy.. Just lighten up a bit with some of the replies.

Is the E in English always capitol? :cheers:

Here is the deal.

I find that those that do not use proper English skills communicate poorly. If they are doing so in chat, who cares. It is on the screen and gone again. On a forum, I think people should put a little more effort into their posts since it is often not in the context of one person talking solely to another person but is open to be read by the entire forum population. This post of yours certainly has many English errors in it but is well thought out and communicates well. Kudos to you. Knowing that you indeed do lack English skills and it's not because you just don't care, I will cease correcting your English.

Your admission that you did not attend school much is admirable but regrettable. School, even as bad as the public school system is, is an opportunity to develop skills necessary to life. I have not played "bully of the sandbox". I don't often play in Chit Chat or many of the other areas because I find most of the threads mundane not that there is no place for those threads. They just lack interest for me except occasionally when the originator is someone I know IRL or the title strikes my fancy.

It is not because of you or anyone else that I no longer come down on the English skills of others in Chit Chat or other non-serious portions of these forums. So your "I knew if I stayed on you long enough ..." had absolutely nothing to do with it. If you think it did, you have no idea of my ability to stick to a position and defend it. I stopped because of my own realization that many on here do not have the advantage of good formal education or if they had the opportunity, did not take advantage of that opportunity. I also know that my skills are certainly not perfect. I have admitted that often.

I find it very troubling that someone would try to lecture me on a subject in Politics or Religion when they do not have the English skills to properly communicate. That said, I do apologize to those I may have busted on elsewhere, other than Politics or Religion, for their English skills. In the Politics or Religion forums, I would expect that the communication would be at a higher level. I am certainly more tolerant of those in Religion who are there for true discussion of faith rather than disruption; I am led that I should attempt to help the best the Holy Spirit is able through me. I have been guilty of deriding some in Politics for their apparent lack of comprehension suspecting that they had their head in a place where reading would be difficult.

Regarding the shotgun vs handgun issue, I have said I could care less what you use. I said as much in the gun locks thread, but you insisted on pushing your point of view as the only point of view. I and others tried to point out that that may be right for you and even for some others but also pointed out the drawbacks to your position and the advantages of other positions. You were basically told that we recognized your point of view and you were free to keep it but that we disagreed with it. At that point, if you had not pressed that everyone was wrong but you, then the thread would have died a peaceful death instead of escalating into a brouhaha.

I am not PWed in any way, nor do I dominate our relationship. Sharon picks her own battles and has her own opinions and expresses them in her own way. She is perfectly capable of picking and defending her own battles. She certainly does not just jump into every discussion I have on this board. She has an interest in guns and also prefers handguns to a shotgun for home defense. She was not in that thread to defend me; she was there for her own position. I will leave that there and suggest that you do not bring it up again if you want the animosity to die between us.

I do not take direction from you regarding my posts. I will be as light or heavy handed as the situation merits in my own mind.

Yes, English is always capitalized as are all languages, countries, and proper names, even, much to my disdain, French and France.


2ndAmendment said:
Here is the deal.

I find that those that do not use proper English skills communicate poorly. If they are doing so in chat, who cares. It is on the screen and gone again. On a forum, I think people should put a little more effort into their posts since it is often not in the context of one person talking solely to another person but is open to be read by the entire forum population. This post of yours certainly has many English errors in it but is well thought out and communicates well. Kudos to you. Knowing that you indeed do lack English skills and it's not because you just don't care, I will cease correcting your English.

Your admission that you did not attend school much is admirable but regrettable. School, even as bad as the public school system is, is an opportunity to develop skills necessary to life. I have not played "bully of the sandbox". I don't often play in Chit Chat or many of the other areas because I find most of the threads mundane not that there is no place for those threads. They just lack interest for me except occasionally when the originator is someone I know IRL or the title strikes my fancy.

It is not because of you or anyone else that I no longer come down on the English skills of others in Chit Chat or other non-serious portions of these forums. So your "I knew if I stayed on you long enough ..." had absolutely nothing to do with it. If you think it did, you have no idea of my ability to stick to a position and defend it. I stopped because of my own realization that many on here do not have the advantage of good formal education or if they had the opportunity, did not take advantage of that opportunity. I also know that my skills are certainly not perfect. I have admitted that often.

I find it very troubling that someone would try to lecture me on a subject in Politics or Religion when they do not have the English skills to properly communicate. That said, I do apologize to those I may have busted on elsewhere, other than Politics or Religion, for their English skills. In the Politics or Religion forums, I would expect that the communication would be at a higher level. I am certainly more tolerant of those in Religion who are there for true discussion of faith rather than disruption; I am led that I should attempt to help the best the Holy Spirit is able through me. I have been guilty of deriding some in Politics for their apparent lack of comprehension suspecting that they had their head in a place where reading would be difficult.

Regarding the shotgun vs handgun issue, I have said I could care less what you use. I said as much in the gun locks thread, but you insisted on pushing your point of view as the only point of view. I and others tried to point out that that may be right for you and even for some others but also pointed out the drawbacks to your position and the advantages of other positions. You were basically told that we recognized your point of view and you were free to keep it but that we disagreed with it. At that point, if you had not pressed that everyone was wrong but you, then the thread would have died a peaceful death instead of escalating into a brouhaha.

I am not PWed in any way, nor do I dominate our relationship. Sharon picks her own battles and has her own opinions and expresses them in her own way. She is perfectly capable of picking and defending her own battles. She certainly does not just jump into every discussion I have on this board. She has an interest in guns and also prefers handguns to a shotgun for home defense. She was not in that thread to defend me; she was there for her own position. I will leave that there and suggest that you do not bring it up again if you want the animosity to die between us.

I do not take direction from you regarding my posts. I will be as light or heavy handed as the situation merits in my own mind.

Yes, English is always capitalized as are all languages, countries, and proper names, even, much to my disdain, French and France.

Yes there are a thousand reason's why someone might not have a proper education. Mine I do not wish to go into .And is highly regretted.
But to assume someone is not intelligent,
Because of their grammar skills is wrong. Because intelligence is someone's capability to reason.
Which I and surely yourself has seen very well spoken people that can not reason at all!
Someone from another country learning English would not present their self well either on this forum.
But that does not mean there opinion should not be valued or make them not intelligent.
Your first reply to me was rude and so was your wifes (shotgun)
If you do not have the capacity to understand this or to reason.
That your attacks on peoples English and grammar, with your assumptions of intelligence are wrong.
Then I bid you fair well.
Apparently you have understood my English well enough to keep corresponding. And if I was as unintelligent has you have stated,
You my Man would have put me on ignore a long time ago..
Truce it is if you will accept that


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
This was my first answer to you.
2ndAmendment said:
A typical, really don't know what you are talking about answer. Yes, the rack of a pump shotgun can be intimidating if the perp is familiar enough with the sound of a shotgun to recognize it; likely the perp won't. This is not a sportsman here; this is a B&E, probable drug addict. The pattern of a shotgun at the ranges we are talking about in a typical home confrontation will only expand about 6 to 8 inches. That is not enough to make up for poor aim. Worse, if you are using bird shot, so it won't penetrate walls; it will not penetrate far enough to kill. So now, if the perp is big or high, you have just really pissed him off. Shotguns are too long for good, short range, self defense; the swing arc and moment of inertia is too large to get on target quickly.
I guess I could have left off the first sentence. I can see where it might cause offense. The rest of the post is factual and went on to say why I did not think your thinking was correct.

Let us drop any animosity.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
May I point out that your reply post really upped the ante.
gumbo said:
And just how big is your house
You watch too many movies. The chances of Ninja's B&E your house is slim to none. The odds of being struck by lightning are higher.

Somebody pulling a B&E is just some weasel looking to steal some of your stuff
Not to kiddnap your kids for ransom
Or just to kill you and you ole lady just to be doing it
Un less your doing something we don't know about.
Or some kinda spy.
And if you got shot in my house with #4 shot from 10 yards your going down.
and you are not going to be returning fire cause I just woke up the whole damn town.
You are going to be makin a run for it
Jeez talk about drama



professional daydreamer
Ya' know what irks me? The same people who are saying it's okay to have those tacky azz memorials on the side of the road are the same one's who complain about cigarette butts on the side of the road.


2ndAmendment said:
This was my first answer to you.

I guess I could have left off the first sentence. I can see where it might cause offense. The rest of the post is factual and went on to say why I did not think your thinking was correct.

Let us drop any animosity.

Yes it was the first sentence..I really didn't expect that from you.
Like I said I had admired your words in post's
So your reply caught me of guard and offended me.

So the feud Begin.
As for my thinking I was thinking of the average person that does not have the time to target practice, nor is mentally prepared for such a incident.

Agreed let's do drop the animosity..
TRUCE .... Maybe the both of us have learned a lesson~gumbo~


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
As for my thinking I was thinking of the average person that does not have the time to target practice, nor is mentally prepared for such a incident.
Very few are mentally prepared for such. From a comfort level for the shotgun holder, you may be right. From an actual use point of view though, the pattern of a shotgun at close range is very tight, especially with larger shot. Have you ever shot a shotgun with #4 at a backboard at 10 feet which is typical self defense range? Four inches of spread is all you can expect if you even get that. What I was trying to get across is that the "big shotgun" and "don't have to aim" concepts give a false sense of security. You still have to aim or you will miss. But lets not get into this again. Use what you like.


elaine said:
Ya' know what irks me? The same people who are saying it's okay to have those tacky azz memorials on the side of the road are the same one's who complain about cigarette butts on the side of the road.

No we are not. I hate both, where do you get this info from?


Hmmm I wonder if I wanted to errect some sort of decoration by the side of the road similar to a roadside memorial but just because I think its pretty if it would be allowed. Should the motivation behind doing this be considered?

I think I will get a giant 6ft tall carnival teddy bear and stick a cig in its mouth and a 40 in its hand just cause I think its cool.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
czygvtwkr said:
Hmmm I wonder if I wanted to errect some sort of decoration by the side of the road similar to a roadside memorial but just because I think its pretty if it would be allowed. Should the motivation behind doing this be considered?

I think I will get a giant 6ft tall carnival teddy bear and stick a cig in its mouth and a 40 in its hand just cause I think its cool.
The point exactly. I think I'll erect a roadside monument depicting the Gun Owners of America's minuteman honoring the Second Amendment. Nothing to stop me. How about one honoring the SOMD hens or the SOMD tards? The list goes on and on. Allow one group to erect one and you cannot stop any other under the 14th Amendment, Section 1. :getdown:


2ndAmendment said:
The point exactly. I think I'll erect a roadside monument depicting the Gun Owners of America's minuteman honoring the Second Amendment. Nothing to stop me. How about one honoring the SOMD hens or the SOMD tards? The list goes on and on. Allow one group to erect one and you cannot stop any other under the 14th Amendment, Section 1. :getdown:

You know what 2A, I bet if a few people started doing stuff like this we could get them outlawed. :cheers: