Roadside Memorials


Fat Momma

Mikeinsmd said:
Why in the hell are you posting by yourself in a thread that's 2 years old?? :confused:

because it hit home and I feel better getting it off my chest, I do not care if anyone see's it, it makes me feel better. Why are you in here?

Fat Momma

BS Gal said:
I don't like you.

YOU DON'T know me, ohhhh BS Gal does not like me...oh my heart is breaking....get over yourself you ain't crap to me.

Fat Momma

Fat Momma said:
YOU DON'T know me, ohhhh BS Gal does not like me...oh my heart is breaking....get over yourself you ain't crap to me.

I am as fat as you are dumb and ugly....what a loser...BUT if you want to get to know me...then come meet for coffee. Takes a brain to figure that one out.

Talk talk talk talk talk that is all you got....
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Fat Momma

FireBrand said:
Fat Momma's so fat,
when she hauls a$$, she has to make two trips.

oh look another brain come into play. How old is that joke????

Another sterling example of how lame some of the people are in here.

You wanting to step up now?? Same offer goes to you. Name a time and a place and we can have coffee...otherwise you just wasting time to blowing hot is cheap.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Fat Momma said:
Look big mouth. We're typing, shouldn't it be "big fingers"? If you want to get to know me...then come meet for coffee, at the lake. Takes a brain to figure that one out.

Type type type type that is all you got....

Fat Momma

kom526 said:

white people are so freaking lame you talk the talk but you never want to walk the walk, that was so stupid proving yet again how freaking dumb some of the people are in here. Please post yet another insightful remark back...I cannot wait to see how clever your next post is going to be.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Fat Momma said:
white people are so freaking lame you talk the talk but you never want to walk the walk, that was so stupid proving yet again how freaking dumb some of the people are in here. Please post yet another insightful remark back...I cannot wait to see how clever your next post is going to be.
Name the place and time. I'll meet you for coffee. I'll be the little one on the motorcyle. Time, place, please. Oh, I'm white.

Fat Momma

BS Gal said:
Name the place and time. I'll meet you for coffee. I'll be the little one on the motorcyle. Time, place, please. Oh, I'm white.

I tell you what meet me in the flat tops out side of gate two tonight around 11:30. You won't miss me and mines.


Fat Momma said:
white people are so freaking lame you talk the talk but you never want to walk the walk, that was so stupid proving yet again how freaking dumb some of the people are in here. Please post yet another insightful remark back...I cannot wait to see how clever your next post is going to be.

I kinda agreed with Obese Momma on the issue of roadside memorials. I really don't have a problem with them but when she made a general statement about "white people," I lost any respect I had for her. Where did the race thing come from? Did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
bdh802 said:
I kinda agreed with Obese Momma on the issue of roadside memorials. I really don't have a problem with them but when she made a general statement about "white people," I lost any respect I had for her. Where did the race thing come from? Did I miss something?
Just meet her at the Lake, I'm sure she'll clear things up for you.


Fat Momma said:
white people are so freaking lame you talk the talk but you never want to walk the walk, that was so stupid proving yet again how freaking dumb some of the people are in here. Please post yet another insightful remark back...I cannot wait to see how clever your next post is going to be.

I happen to like the forums.... so I guess you are trying to say dumb and meaning really incredibly smart and beautiful....

If you didn't like the forums... then why bother entering them? Why bother signing up just to say you hate something.... that makes no sense...

Judge Judy says if it doesn't make sense then it isn't true.... so you must love us all! :howdy:

Fat Momma

residentofcre said:
I happen to like the forums.... so I guess you are trying to say dumb and meaning really incredibly smart and beautiful....

If you didn't like the forums... then why bother entering them? Why bother signing up just to say you hate something.... that makes no sense...

Judge Judy says if it doesn't make sense then it isn't true.... so you must love us all! :howdy:


if that is all you got from my posts then I feel sorry for you. Perhaps you should reread them all then get back to me. you think because I am black I am incapable of having an intelligent thought?

Because I stand up for something I believe in then I am a hater? but these people can say or do whatever they want?

Not even close.


Fat Momma said:

if that is all you got from my posts then I feel sorry for you. Perhaps you should reread them all then get back to me. you think because I am black I am incapable of having an intelligent thought?

Because I stand up for something I believe in then I am a hater? but these people can say or do whatever they want?

Not even close.

Becky never even mentioned Race.
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Fat Momma

And as a candidate for county commissioner I am wondering why out of all the other posts in this entire website did you choose mine? Is it because I am black?

I am black. Both you and I know that. I also know that while I am black I am a human being. Therefore I have the right to speak my mind and come in here or for that matter for into any forum I chose.

So now here you come and you want to add your two cents into it and that is fine but if what I said did not apply to you then why bother to engage in a psychological struggle?

Like in this country black people do not have have the right to use the words they
want to use without white people giving their sanction?

They can come in here and say what they want but I as a strong black woman am forced to defend my position over and over?

Go back through all the posts not only here but for the poor missing man named mark and keep in mind those are only two out many. Then you and I can talk about this.

For that matter set aside that I am black and tell me that the other posts were perfectly acceptable.


Fat Momma said:
And as a candidate for county commissioner I am wondering why out of all the other posts in this entire website did you choose mine? Is it because I am black?

I am black. Both you and I know that. I also know that while I am black I am a human being. Therefore I have the right to speak my mind and come in here or for that matter for into any forum I chose.

So now here you come and you want to add your two cents into it and that is fine but if what I said did not apply to you then why bother to engage in a psychological struggle?

Like in this country black people do not have have the right to use the words they
want to use without white people giving their sanction?

They can come in here and say what they want but I as a strong black woman am forced to defend my position over and over?

Go back through all the posts not only here but for the poor missing man named mark and keep in mind those are only two out many. Then you and I can talk about this.

For that matter set aside that I am black and tell me that the other posts were perfectly acceptable.

I chose yours because you seemed to be very mean... and insulting... so I thought I would diffuse the situation before commenting further....

I am working on my response to this .... I cannot tell the color of a person who posts here on-line... that's the beauty of this forum... people can speak their hearts without prejudice or bias....

I also rarely notice the names because they are not real.

Please allow me to answer the rest of this post in another posting.... :howdy:


Fat Momma said:
Pray tell how that is funny?
Are you an MPD (you can query that online if you like)?

You played the Race Card, when the Race Card wasn't even valid.

I don't care what color you are, but do not injustice your Race by playing the Race Card when it's not even valid.