Roadside Memorials


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oldman said:
Not that I'm insensative to anyone that has lost a loved one but I just do not see any sense in roadside memorials. I think one might have more impact if their car were towed to and placed in front of your property. That way you are reminded and can pray daily but as for myself I'd rather go to the grave site where they lay at eternal rest or where their ashes were spread.

But maybe the markers mean something different to the ones that place them.


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FireBrand said:
I agree with Nicole,
Those on private property should be by complete permission of the property
and those on public property should be cleared with public officials.

Excellent point FireBrand!

Fat Momma

Nicole_in_somd said:
Excellent point FireBrand!

I agree with the little one too. But would also like to add that if someone set's them up then they need to be maintained our of respect.


Fat Momma said:
I agree with the little one too. But would also like to add that if someone set's them up then they need to be maintained out of respect.

Agreed, Big Babe,
Nothing worse than a shabby looking memorial.. !!!!
Little One ???? Let's meet for coffee !!!!!!
Stop all the racial Shiat.........O.K.
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Fat Momma

FireBrand said:
Agreed, Big Babe,
Nothing worse than a shabby looking memorial.. !!!!
Little One ???? Let's meet for coffee !!!!!!
Stop all the racial Shiat.........O.K.

little one was meant for Nicole and hotstuff is meant for you. :lmao: you got it hot stuff no more racial BS I will keep that to the nasty racial PM's I got and keep it out of here. Deal?


Fat Momma said:
little one was meant for Nicole and hotstuff is meant for you. :lmao: you got it hot stuff no more racial BS I will keep that to the nasty racial PM's I got and keep it out of here. Deal?

Here is my call on racism, see if you agree.........
Let's consider ourselves racist, that's OK.
We were born and raised that way. !!!!
Let's spend every day of our lives proving ourselves wrong in the
deeds that we do and the interactions that we have.
You can still enjoy your whitey cracker milk toast jokes and I can
still enjoy my N*ggy jokes....but when we meet at the front door of
Wal-Mart or wherever, Let's treat each other with mutual love and respect.


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FireBrand said:
Here is my call on racism, see if you agree.........
Let's consider ourselves racist, that's OK.
We were born and raised that way. !!!!
Let's spend every day of our lives proving ourselves wrong in the
deeds that we do and the interactions that we have.
You can still enjoy your whitey cracker milk toast jokes and I can
still enjoy my N*ggy jokes....but when we meet at the front door of
Wal-Mart or wherever, Let's treat each other with mutual love and respect.

Agreed! I hate racism, love to you Fat momma

Fat Momma

Nicole_in_somd said:
Agreed! I hate racism, love to you Fat momma

You got it. I have no problem with that,it was the PM's that started it. But it's all good.


People that use race to try to win an arguement that has nothing to do with race to begin with are ignorant and are just grasping for straws because they don't have any facts to back up what their stance is in the discussion.

Fat Momma

nomoney said:
People that use race to try to win an arguement that has nothing to do with race to begin with are ignorant and are just grasping for straws because they don't have any facts to back up what their stance is in the discussion.

That may be the case but unless you have all the facts on a given situation or know everything about that person then it would not apply.


24/7 Single Dad
Nicole_in_somd said:
I think the Roadside memorials are something very personal to the ones that erect them and are a way of marking the location where the life of someone they cared about was lost.
I've always considered them monuments to stupidity. They mark the spot where somebody screwed up and somebody got killed.


Fat Momma said:
That may be the case but unless you have all the facts on a given situation or know everything about that person then it would not apply.

same goes for those that use the excuse of "I'm black so why are you disagreeing with me? Is it because I'm black".


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aps45819 said:
I've always considered them monuments to stupidity. They mark the spot where somebody screwed up and somebody got killed.

So after readng all the threads in here do you still feel the same way?


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nomoney said:
same goes for those that use the excuse of "I'm black so why are you disagreeing with me? Is it because I'm black".


She said that it started when she got some nasty red karam and PM's so maybe there was something in those that made her go that way.


Nicole_in_somd said:

She said that it started when she got some nasty red karam and PM's so maybe there was something in those that made her go that way.

so the eff what :shrug: Maybe she should go whine somewhere else. I get red karma all the time....but you're right- maybe I should act like fat chick and start yelling at everyone because someone called me a dumbass white chick :wink: That would make it okay. Right? I mean that would show that mean karma giver.


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nomoney said:
so the eff what :shrug: Maybe she should go whine somewhere else. I get red karma all the time....but you're right- maybe I should act like fat chick and start yelling at everyone because someone called me a dumbass white chick :wink: That would make it okay. Right? I mean that would show that mean karma giver.

Nomoney that is not what I said at all and if you think I did then you misunderstood. Just because you get red karma all the time does not mean she has to handle it the way you do or think she should.

She made a bad choice as some of us do....and it's over and done with. I do not know her well but from the PM's she is not a bad person once you get to talking with her.
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aps45819 said:
Driving is a skill. The roadside memorials celebrate somebody's lack of skill.

I understand what you are saying but what about all the other things that people brought up in here. Do you think they have any bearings as to why they do what they do?


Nicole_in_somd said:
Nomoney that is not what I said at all and if you think I did then you misunderstood. Just because you get red karma all the time does not mean she has to handle it the way you do or think she should.

She made a bad choice and it's over and done with.

That's all fine and dandy, but a stupid excuse is a stupid excuse. She gave you a stupid excuse for the way she acted and you fell for it. Your bad.


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nomoney said:
That's all fine and dandy, but a stupid excuse is a stupid excuse. She gave you a stupid excuse for the way she acted and you fell for it. Your bad. happened. It is over why keep dragging it on?
Stupid to you but maybe not her. Right? We all have those moments in our life at one time or another. But I cannot stand here and defend her, that is not my place. You have a good point but as far as I am concerend I am going to let it go....