Sean Taylor shot!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have the POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Larry, in running down the ATV story (because you made me care to learn about it), the ATVs were left unlocked in front of a Miami ghetto house. To Sean's surprise, they weren't there the next morning.

He had no evidence that this Ryan Hill person, whom he beat up and threatened with a gun, stole them. In fact, Taylor actually pulled the gun out and aimed it at this kid, with no evidence that this was his culprit.

Later that day, a vehicle pulled up in front of the house where Taylor was staying and shot holes in his SUV.

Yet Ryan Hill was never arrested. And apparently Taylor forgot all about him after he turned himself in to the police. Didn't think to ask for an investigation into either the ATV theft OR the shooting.

But I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all that.

I am the king Kamaymaya! I make people care! I control their will and desires!!!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Nyu, Nyun...

You keep saying that, but there is no evidence that Ryan Hill stole those ATVs.

So cut it out because you sound retarded, defending a guy who more than likely beat and pointed a gun at an innocent man.

...I would like some more num nums...:drool:

If I need to admit I am wrong about the atv's, so be it.

That STILL does not go to my primary and only point about having a firearm in ones own home.


My Sweetest Boy
Shawn, it seems, was doing good, was making himself a better person. Had he blown these bastards away, in defiance of the law, I would be making the same argument; he should never have been forbidden to defend his own darn home!

I don't know what happened. But, from all accounts, Sean was continuing to mature, accept responsibility and become a team leader on the field as well as in his personal life. People make mistakes, good people, doesn't necessarily make them a thug.

I feel bad for him and for his family, just like I would anybody in this situation. Seems threads like this always take this turn with a few self-righteous people making the same generalizations.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You keep saying that, but there is no evidence that Ryan Hill stole those ATVs.

So cut it out because you sound retarded, defending a guy who more than likely beat and pointed a gun at an innocent man.

...when you sold google, did it stop working on your 'puter as well?

Covering The Redskins: Sean Taylor Trial Update

there are 3 victims and 2 witnesses in the case against Taylor....all have varying criminal backgrounds. Four of the 5 have been arrested since the Taylor incident. Of the 3 alleged "victims", 2 (Ryan Hill and Maurice Williams) were arrested three weeks ago for stealing ATV's-same occurence which led to Taylor's alleged response on the day in question. Both have existing records, Williams for petty theft. The other victim (Julius Gardner) is currently on probation for battery on a police officer which happened the day after the Taylor incident. Both "witnesses" have made interesting life choices as well.....Xavier Gibbs., already on probation for assault, was arrested in November/'05 for stealing jewelry from a jewelry store. Terrence Randolph was arrested for loitering and prowling prior to the Taylor incident.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you listen...

...that faint sound you hear is Vrail gnashing her gorgeous teeth.


there are 3 victims and 2 witnesses in the case against Taylor....all have varying criminal backgrounds. Four of the 5 have been arrested since the Taylor incident. Of the 3 alleged "victims", 2 (Ryan Hill and Maurice Williams) were arrested three weeks ago for stealing ATV's-same occurence which led to Taylor's alleged response on the day in question. Both have existing records, Williams for petty theft. The other victim (Julius Gardner) is currently on probation for battery on a police officer which happened the day after the Taylor incident. Both "witnesses" have made interesting life choices as well.....Xavier Gibbs., already on probation for assault, was arrested in November/'05 for stealing jewelry from a jewelry store. Terrence Randolph was arrested for loitering and prowling prior to the Taylor incident.


And along with that.. I know, don't judge a book by it's cover.. but

Interview with Clinton Portis.. here's ANOTHER multi millionaire, and he looked like a gang banger off of a street corner selling crack.

I don't know ANY of these people personally, and I'm basing my opinion of them by what they represent themselves as to the public.

And from what I see.. Vick, Portis.. Taylor.. they aren't any kind of people I'd want my kids to hang out with or work for. Trailer Park Trash with money..

LT.. What he shows to the public.. again I don't know him personally.. but judging by his actions, and the persona he uses.. He's a decent upstanding citizen that can do well with his money, and be the person I wouldn't mind my kids hanging out with or working for..

I'm sure MOST of the people in the NFL are more like LT than the others, but it's the others that always get the headlines.

You are right, LT looks very wholesome in that Visio commercial.


Tonight on the monday night football game, they said that they are now saying Taylor's attack was deliberate. I was kind of thinking that too when I heard about him being shot in his bedroom. :frown: Also coming home on WTOP, they said about this shooter's last break in this Saturday or last, the person broke in and left a knife on Taylor's nightstand. :frown:


This is truly tragic... and I don't even like professional football!


Active Member
I don't know what happened. But, from all accounts, Sean was continuing to mature, accept responsibility and become a team leader on the field as well as in his personal life. People make mistakes, good people, doesn't necessarily make them a thug.

I feel bad for him and for his family, just like I would anybody in this situation. Seems threads like this always take this turn with a few self-righteous people making the same generalizations.

I couldn't have said that better! :clap: Thanks for having some compassion.


Dancing Up A Storm
Good news indeed - to hear he's responding. I'm sure it was a very long day for his family and friends.

Nobody should have to endure that much pain and anguish.

Now - let's hear about the arrest and trial of those who brought this upon him and his family.


Dancing Up A Storm
FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - Redskins safety Taylor awake, responsive

"Sean was not responding well to blood transfusions and things were going in the wrong direction when totally out of the blue he woke up," the source said. "Anything can happen at any time, but the phrase now being thrown around is cautious optimism. Before the guy was slowly passing away. Now, he's slowly getting stronger."

News of Taylor's revival sent cheers among Taylor's friends and family members gathered at Jackson Memorial Hospital, the source said.



Football addict
Miami Herald reporting that it wasn't a random burglary, but rather was a deliberate attack:

"After Monday's shooting, Taylor's girlfriend tried to call police from the house line, only to discover the line had been cut. She had to use her mobile phone to call 911, which delayed response time, said Redskins Vice President Vinny Cerrato.

''This was a deliberate attack,'' Cerrato said."
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Dancing Up A Storm
From the same article - Fox Sports/MSN.

"Earlier, Taylor had fallen into a coma following surgery for the life-threatening gunshot wound suffered early Monday morning at his South Miami home, learned.
Taylor "flatlined" twice during the surgery, the NFL Network reported."



Football addict
"Earlier, Taylor had fallen into a coma following surgery for the life-threatening gunshot wound suffered early Monday morning at his South Miami home, learned.
Taylor "flatlined" twice during the surgery, the NFL Network reported."

It would be amazing just to see him live through this.