Sean Taylor shot!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
And along with that.. I know, don't judge a book by it's cover.. but

What he shows to the public.. again I don't know him personally.. but judging by his actions, and the persona he usesHe's a decent upstanding citizen that can do well with his money, and be the person I wouldn't mind my kids hanging out with or working for..

That's exactly what child molesters and other closet monsters do too.


New Member
I am not a big fan of the game, but to die this way is horrible.
Even worse to leave his girlfriend and baby without anything...
Since they were not married..she cant get anything and neither can her daugher.
Hopefully the NFL and the team will step up and take care of them.
So very sad.


Peace he thought about them too..just a girfriend..could not marry her and make his daughter HIS..ya know..what kinda of "good" football hero does that?
So he leaves her w/ no child support, no money and baby without daddy's name.
Some "hero" football player....
No sympathy here...shot in the groin, bled out and was gone before they flew him out.
Live hard, deal hard, die fast..dont matter who you are.

No feelings for him...just feel real sorry for his daughter and girlfriend..they gotta live with this for the rest of thier lives.

Whatever. :rolleyes:


I bowl overhand
Even worse to leave his girlfriend and baby without anything...
Since they were not married..she cant get anything and neither can her daugher.


He was a multi milionaire...

Where do you think ALL that money is going to go??

And what law school did you graduate from that the daughter can't and won't get anything?? Married or not.. the girlfriend is out, but the daughter is his heir.

I don't know how the NFL does it, but as I understand new player, part of their orientation is legal, and investments things of that nature. (never mind, it seems Sean chose to skip all of it)

I'm sure they can't FORCE their players to have wills, but I would think they talked about it. (Chances are better than good he had no will)

If a person dies intestate (no will) without a spouse in FL their riches get distributed:

Decedent's lineal descendants. (daughter gets all of it)
Decedent's parent or parents equally.
Decedent's brothers and sisters and the descendants of any deceased siblings.

Basically with no will (assumption) his own family gets screwed. Mom, Dad.. brothers, sisters, they'll get nothing.. and this girlfriend gets to go where-ever she wants with her now rich daughter, and live out the rest of their lives on all of HIS millions.
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Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Michael Wilbon

Leonard Shapiro's column and Michael Wilbon's quote about the "not surprising" Taylor death.

Opinion: Taylor's death is tragic, but not surprising - NFL -

"I've known guys like Taylor all my life, grew up with some. They still have shades of gray and shouldn't be painted in black and white.

"I know how I feel about Taylor, and this latest news isn't surprising in the least, not to me. Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it. He ain't the first and won't be the last. We have no idea what happened, or if what we know now will be revised later. It's sad, yes, but hardly surprising."


I bowl overhand
"Clearly, he seemed to embrace the thug image on and off the field..."

Iinteresting, I seem to remember reading this somewhere before!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it.

They're trying to revise that now and pretend he was some all-American saint. However, it's well documented that he liked to hang in the hood with his homies. That's where his ATVs were stolen, while he was staying in some project house with a buddy.

You'd think once you hit the big time and start making some serious buckage, you'd leave the ghetto behind.


Lem Putt
You'd think once you hit the big time and start making some serious buckage, you'd leave the ghetto behind.

If you suddenly came into megabucks, would you cut off all ties to your childhood friends? Aunts, uncles, and cousins? Would you suddenly become too good to hang with your forumite friends?

I can see someone growing away from that lifestyle, but the megabucks for him is pretty recent. If he was still involved at 30 it would be one thing, but he was really still just a kid.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you suddenly came into megabucks, would you cut off all ties to your childhood friends? Aunts, uncles, and cousins? Would you suddenly become too good to hang with your forumite friends?

None of my family or friends live in the projects. But I had several high school friends who were (and still are) involved with drugs and tacky lifestyles - I don't keep up with them in any way because I grew up and moved past that sort of thing.

So the answer is yes: if I changed my life and the people who were my friends were still doing the same stupid stuff, I would no longer associate with them. You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Just the way it is.

Also, see my sig line.


Lem Putt
None of my family or friends live in the projects. But I had several high school friends who were (and still are) involved with drugs and tacky lifestyles - I don't keep up with them in any way because I grew up and moved past that sort of thing.
Same here, but when I was in my early 20's I wanted to move back to San Jose and hang out with my friends from high school. Fortunately, I grew out of that before I had the chance to do it.

I'm not excusing his connections with thugs, if he even still had them. I'm just saying it is completely understandable when a kid acts like a kid.


I bowl overhand
Same here, but when I was in my early 20's I wanted to move back to San Jose and hang out with my friends from high school. Fortunately, I grew out of that before I had the chance to do it.

I'm not excusing his connections with thugs, if he even still had them. I'm just saying it is completely understandable when a kid acts like a kid.

He wasn't a kid.. he was a 24 year old college grad..

And his dad is a police chief?? I would assume that dad's been a cop his (Sean's) entire life.. Why would a dad allow his son to hang out with thugs? Or are these friends he made after he moved out of Mom and Dad's house, yanno, since he became an ADULT!??


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm just saying it is completely understandable when a kid acts like a kid.

When I was 24, I was a respectable mother of two and my 24 year old husband was two years out of the Army and a satcom engineer. My 24 year old son is an intel instructor, 2 years out of the Army, married and a home owner. None of us had/have friends that are outside our personal value system. Nor did we or any of our friends beat people up and threaten them with a gun.

What is a 24 year old "kid" supposed to act like?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And his dad is a police chief?? I would assume that dad's been a cop his (Sean's) entire life.. Why would a dad allow his son to hang out with thugs?

Wasn't the father out of the picture and Taylor was raised by Mom and a step-dad? It seems to me I read that somewhere.

On another note, it's interesting how I know minute details about the life of a person who, a week ago, I had no idea even existed.


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I was listending to 106.7 yesterday at lunch. One of the people these guys were talking to said that at one time, Sean's basement flooded and he didn't know who to call, so didn't call anyone. They were saying that he really wasn't "mature" in the ways of real life. I mean, most of us would know to call a plumber, but he just was clueless, as he never had to deal with anything like that. They also said that he was supporting a sister with kids somewhere, brothers, dad, cousins, etc. Apparently, his family jumped on his bandwagon and he was financially supporting a bunch of people. It's really kind of sad. The interviewers suggested that the NFL should educate their players, particularly the younger ones, but the interviewee said they basically treat them like pieces of meat. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
I was listending to 106.7 yesterday at lunch. One of the people these guys were talking to said that at one time, Sean's basement flooded and he didn't know who to call, so didn't call anyone. They were saying that he really wasn't "mature" in the ways of real life. I mean, most of us would know to call a plumber, but he just was clueless, as he never had to deal with anything like that. They also said that he was supporting a sister with kids somewhere, brothers, dad, cousins, etc. Apparently, his family jumped on his bandwagon and he was financially supporting a bunch of people. It's really kind of sad. The interviewers suggested that the NFL should educate their players, particularly the younger ones, but the interviewee said they basically treat them like pieces of meat. :shrug:

They do.. they do a roookie symposium where they go over legal stuff, investing schemes.. etc..

Sean chose to skip it, and just pay a fine instead.

BUT I don't think it should be an employers responsibility to educate their employee's about plumbers and electricians...

How would you feel if your employee mandated that kind of training for you??