sushisamba said:
Look, I could've taken him to court and fought for sole custody but I didn't because the children deserve to have a relationship with their father.
You're catching an attitude here.
Remember that YOU came in here asking for advice or validation, and it sounds like you're getting P.Oed because you're not getting the advice and validation that you wanted.
You are behaving unreasonably toward your children, your ex, and now us.
sushisamba said:
Unfortunately for me, on the days that I am trying to nurture my relationship with them, he calls.
for you? Nuff said.
He's their
sushisamba said:
The fact that you don't see a problem with that astounds me.
He's their
sushisamba said:
He's insecure and immature and tries to turn my quality time with my children into being all about him.
Based on your behavior thus far, I'm really doubting this. I believe that
you believe it - but I don't think that's how it is.
sushisamba said:
If they aren't asking to talk to him, why can't I enjoy my time without the constant reminder that he is their father?
Because he is their
sushisamba said:
Is that really too much to ask?
As a matter of fact, it is.
You might find a sympathetic ear on JPCusick, but I doubt you'll get validation from anyone else. Your behavior is unreasonable, unfair, selfish and unjustified. Period.
Sorry if you don't like it - but that's the way it is.