Ski Bug


Yo Gabba Gabba
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.
Dang! Janey I meant to give you red with my message but I effed up. The red's coming as soon as I can though.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
Talk to me when you've actually done all that ok. :yay: Until you have a real life outside of what mommy and daddy have provided you your opinion on anything outside of "Oxiclean" is nothing more then speculation based on the sheltered life you've lived. In the 2 minutes it took to have my first son I made more of an impact on the world then you have in your 22 years. Come talk to me when you've made one major accomplishment in life.
I think she's accomplished pizzing off alot of people here with a holier than thou attitude.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.

And another thing little girl. As for me being a b!tch... My 3 year old has more freaking common sense then you do and is probably more mature too. Even he knows if you mess with a grown up enough you get spanked.


New Member
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.
No picket fence? :lmao:
Hey they still stay "real" boobs, they are just enhanced. They don't cut off the whole "real" boob to put in implants you know.
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.
It is just as easy as that in the real world :yay:


Pitty Party
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.

Let me tell you one thing about two things young lady.. :otter:

Ah the hell with it.. Ain't worth it..

:peace: out


Cleopatra Jones
Look at the freak out PM! Well she did call me a b!tch I may as well prove it...

Don't talk to me about life, you have no idea what my life is like. Just because I haven't had kids doesn't mean I don't know anything about the real world. Just because I have dreams of what I want to do after college doesn't make me a sheltered little girl, I'll bet you that you had more stability growing up than I did. Most kids b!tch and moan when they have to move for the first time at 15, whereas I was moving up and down all over the place before I could even remember. I didn't complain, I sucked it up and adjusted to every new place we had to go. My dad was always gone because the Marines needed him this place and that place, and I didn't complain. I rarely saw my grandparents and extended family when I was growing up, and I still rarely see them -- but I suck it up and move on. When I decided I wanted to go to college, I didn't have anyone to help me prepare -- no one in my family had gone and I was basically thrown into a world I knew nothing about. All the times I got homesick, I had to suck it up because I couldn't go home. My first year away at college, and I get a phone call that my dad is diagnosed with cancer, and I have to wait 'til the end of the semester to see him, see him at Walter Reed Hospital and know that I can do nothing about what he had to go through. And now I am very close to getting a degree which has not been easy at all, in fact has been years of struggle and worry....because of health problems, finances......and I haven't had kids, but I have been very successful with writing, and I have been for right now, that is fine for me. And I'm going to be self-sufficient, so even if I don't get married for awhile, that is fine with me because I want to do things with my life and go places.


Twenty Something
morganj614 said:
I think she's accomplished pizzing off alot of people here with a holier than thou attitude.

No but I hate the fact that just because I may be a few years younger and have taken a different route in life, that I'm therefore soooo immature & so inexperienced. And ya know what? I'm sick of that. Is it wrong to have plans for the future? Because I'm very confident of where I want to be in 10 years, and I don't even care if I'm married or not...I did not go through all this college to have some guy take care of me.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
No but I hate the fact that just because I may be a few years younger and have taken a different route in life, that I'm therefore soooo immature & so inexperienced. And ya know what? I'm sick of that. Is it wrong to have plans for the future? Because I'm very confident of where I want to be in 10 years, and I don't even care if I'm married or not...I did not go through all this college to have some guy take care of me.

You're holier then thou attitude when you haven't accomplished crap in life that matters is what gets to people. You judge my "morals" because I'm going to get boobs, because I have 2 kids and I'm not married, you have a freaking opinion about everything yet have been through NOTHING in life. And what you stated in your PM is NOTHING compared to what people out in the real world go through every freaking day. You'll see.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
and Pixie? there's a reason it's called a PRIVATE MESSAGE.

So you judge me on a regular basis, then you call me a b!tch but you expect me to respect your privacy. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Grown up lesson #1. What goes around comes around. :yay:


Right Where I Belong
pixiegirl said:
You're holier then thou attitude when you haven't accomplished crap in life that matters is what gets to people. You judge my "morals" because I'm going to get boobs, because I have 2 kids and I'm not married, you have a freaking opinion about everything yet have been through NOTHING in life. And what you stated in your PM is NOTHING compared to what people out in the real world go through every freaking day. You'll see.
:yeahthat: I have to totally agree. I was raised by ONE parent. Not because my parents divorced but because my father died. My mother was ill for many, many years. I watched her slowly die and couldn't do anything for her. I had to help take care of her and do things that other teens didn't have to do because they had two healthy parents. But you know the attitude you do present bothers me Janey.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
You're holier then thou attitude when you haven't accomplished crap in life that matters is what gets to people. You judge my "morals" because I'm going to get boobs, because I have 2 kids and I'm not married, you have a freaking opinion about everything yet have been through NOTHING in life. And what you stated in your PM is NOTHING compared to what people out in the real world go through every freaking day. You'll see.

Pixie, I am sorry but she just doesn't get it. Maybe if she re-reads some of her posts, one day it'll sink in. Stop banging your head against a brick wall. :poorbaby: I have met lots of people here and we all have had different paths. The best part of the journey is the people you meet along the way!


Twenty Something
No, you think that just because I have a different way of thinking than you do, and because I'm younger (OH MY GOD -- 3 years!), then I'm obviously not as worldly as you -- Pixie. Well you know what? I had to work very hard to get to where I'm at now -- I'm not changing diapers and grocery shopping, but I'm going to classes, taking exams, studying and trying to get through classes when all the professors think their class is your only class -- is no easy feat. And I'm here all the time, I never get to go home, I have no kids or fiancee or boyfriend to go to when I need a break, I eat and sleep just a few feet from where my classes are. That is it. And sometimes I can do laundry, do.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
So you judge me on a regular basis, then you call me a b!tch but you expect me to respect your privacy. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Grown up lesson #1. What goes around comes around. :yay:
TELL HER JANEY :high5: :jet: she DOES think shes all dat and a bag of chips she a bag alright a bag of goat feed yo go gurl :high5: :shocking:


Pitty Party
morganj614 said:
Pixie, I am sorry but she just doesn't get it. Maybe if she re-reads some of her posts, one day it'll sink in. Stop banging your head against a brick wall. :poorbaby: I have met lots of people here and we all have had different paths. The best part of the journey is the people you meet along the way!

FYI ladies - Thread is called "Ski Bug"! Hellooooo. Aint this a kick in the pants? :cool:



New Member
janey83 said:
No, you think that just because I have a different way of thinking than you do, and because I'm younger (OH MY GOD -- 3 years!), then I'm obviously not as worldly as you -- Pixie. Well you know what? I had to work very hard to get to where I'm at now -- I'm not changing diapers and grocery shopping, but I'm going to classes, taking exams, studying and trying to get through classes when all the professors think their class is your only class -- is no easy feat. And I'm here all the time, I never get to go home, I have no kids or fiancee or boyfriend to go to when I need a break, I eat and sleep just a few feet from where my classes are. That is it. And sometimes I can do laundry, do.
i'm on janeys side ive seen the venom pixietwirl reeks :boxing: :boxing: :boxing: