Ski Bug


Cleopatra Jones
I was so deprived as a child that I wasn't even allowed to play in the snow as a child. Not even one stinking snow angel. My parent knew that one idea breeds another, first a snow angel, then I'd want a sled, next I'd want to go skiing and before they knew it'd I'd expect a college education. It was very lonely inside my livingroom. I was like a puppy with my nose pressed to the window just waiting for someone to rescue me.....
pixiegirl said:
I was so deprived as a child that I wasn't even allowed to play in the snow as a child. Not even one stinking snow angel. My parent knew that one idea breeds another, first a snow angel, then I'd want a sled, next I'd want to go skiing and before they knew it'd I'd expect a college education. It was very lonely inside my livingroom. I was like a puppy with my nose pressed to the window just waiting for someone to rescue me.....
Ya know, if you had taken that extra time to play with your boobs they would be bigger by now and you could be saving a bundle on plastic surgery. :ohwell:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
I was so deprived as a child that I wasn't even allowed to play in the snow as a child. Not even one stinking snow angel. My parent knew that one idea breeds another, first a snow angel, then I'd want a sled, next I'd want to go skiing and before they knew it'd I'd expect a college education. It was very lonely inside my livingroom. I was like a puppy with my nose pressed to the window just waiting for someone to rescue me.....

Uh oh. So now you want boobs and next will be butt implants then a new nose.... :lmao:


Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
Ya know, if you had taken that extra time to play with your boobs they would be bigger by now and you could be saving a bundle on plastic surgery. :ohwell:

Too late for that. My traumatic childhood has irrepairly damaged me. My shrink says that there is no hope for me. My loose morals will make me frivalously spend until I end up bankrupt. Least I have someone to blame though. :yay:
pixiegirl said:
Too late for that. My traumatic childhood has irrepairly damaged me. My shrink says that there is no hope for me. My loose morals will make me frivalously spend until I end up bankrupt. Least I have someone to blame though. :yay:
So... if you end up declaring bankruptcy, do they send someone out to pop your implants...:confused:


Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
So... if you end up declaring bankruptcy, do they send someone out to pop your implants...:confused:

No silly. My lack of morals got me someone else to foot the bill. The part time job is paying off. :diva:


Bow wow
pixiegirl said:
I was so deprived as a child that I wasn't even allowed to play in the snow as a child. Not even one stinking snow angel. My parent knew that one idea breeds another, first a snow angel, then I'd want a sled, next I'd want to go skiing and before they knew it'd I'd expect a college education. It was very lonely inside my livingroom. I was like a puppy with my nose pressed to the window just waiting for someone to rescue me.....
:lmao: :lmao:


Pitty Party
SeaRide said:
matching clothing? I don't really care about matching clothing. I've seen people in their bikinis or whatever and go skiing during April. so what's the big deal?

I went to Colorado several years back and we were skiing in shorts. Sitting on the patio drinking something cold.


Cleopatra Jones
Janey, you should be ashamed!

Ski Bug 02-16-2005 02:29 PM you're such a b!tch --Janey

Least I'm a b!tch that has the money to go skiing and get boobs! :yay:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
Too late for that. My traumatic childhood has irrepairly damaged me. My shrink says that there is no hope for me. My loose morals will make me frivalously spend until I end up bankrupt. Least I have someone to blame though. :yay:
:smoochy: You poor poor child!


Cleopatra Jones
You know we're not suppose to use anything obscene in our karma... Wonder what board mommy would say about Janey breaking the rules? :confused:


Twenty Something
pixiegirl said:
Janey, you should be ashamed!

Ski Bug 02-16-2005 02:29 PM you're such a b!tch --Janey

Least I'm a b!tch that has the money to go skiing and get boobs! :yay:

Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.


New Member
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
Go right ahead, I'll enjoy my college classes, graduate, find a job and buy a house....and I'll get married before I have children. Oh, and I'll do all of this with real boobs, tyvm.

Talk to me when you've actually done all that ok. :yay: Until you have a real life outside of what mommy and daddy have provided you your opinion on anything outside of "Oxiclean" is nothing more then speculation based on the sheltered life you've lived. In the 2 minutes it took to have my first son I made more of an impact on the world then you have in your 22 years. Come talk to me when you've made one major accomplishment in life.
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Right Where I Belong
pixiegirl said:
I was so deprived as a child that I wasn't even allowed to play in the snow as a child. Not even one stinking snow angel. My parent knew that one idea breeds another, first a snow angel, then I'd want a sled, next I'd want to go skiing and before they knew it'd I'd expect a college education. It was very lonely inside my livingroom. I was like a puppy with my nose pressed to the window just waiting for someone to rescue me.....