Ski Bug


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
No, you think that just because I have a different way of thinking than you do, and because I'm younger (OH MY GOD -- 3 years!), then I'm obviously not as worldly as you -- Pixie. Well you know what? I had to work very hard to get to where I'm at now -- I'm not changing diapers and grocery shopping, but I'm going to classes, taking exams, studying and trying to get through classes when all the professors think their class is your only class -- is no easy feat. And I'm here all the time, I never get to go home, I have no kids or fiancee or boyfriend to go to when I need a break, I eat and sleep just a few feet from where my classes are. That is it. And sometimes I can do laundry, do.

Funny, I change diapers and will graduate the same time you do and already have a job, house, etc...

You may want to consider transfering schools.... You can't even do simple math. There is a difference of 4 between 79 and 83. :ohwell:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
Don't talk to me about life, you have no idea what my life is like. Just because I haven't had kids doesn't mean I don't know anything about the real world. Just because I have dreams of what I want to do after college doesn't make me a sheltered little girl, I'll bet you that you had more stability growing up than I did. Most kids b!tch and moan when they have to move for the first time at 15, whereas I was moving up and down all over the place before I could even remember. I didn't complain, I sucked it up and adjusted to every new place we had to go. My dad was always gone because the Marines needed him this place and that place, and I didn't complain. I rarely saw my grandparents and extended family when I was growing up, and I still rarely see them -- but I suck it up and move on. When I decided I wanted to go to college, I didn't have anyone to help me prepare -- no one in my family had gone and I was basically thrown into a world I knew nothing about. All the times I got homesick, I had to suck it up because I couldn't go home. My first year away at college, and I get a phone call that my dad is diagnosed with cancer, and I have to wait 'til the end of the semester to see him, see him at Walter Reed Hospital and know that I can do nothing about what he had to go through. And now I am very close to getting a degree which has not been easy at all, in fact has been years of struggle and worry....because of health problems, finances......and I haven't had kids, but I have been very successful with writing, and I have been for right now, that is fine for me. And I'm going to be self-sufficient, so even if I don't get married for awhile, that is fine with me because I want to do things with my life and go places.
You are not the only military child on this board that has moved around every 3 years during their childhood, nor are you the first to work your way through college. Everyone has their dreams- good for you but,.......most have been there and done that is all everyone is trying to get across to you.


Right Where I Belong
janey83 said:
No, you think that just because I have a different way of thinking than you do, and because I'm younger (OH MY GOD -- 3 years!), then I'm obviously not as worldly as you -- Pixie. Well you know what? I had to work very hard to get to where I'm at now -- I'm not changing diapers and grocery shopping, but I'm going to classes, taking exams, studying and trying to get through classes when all the professors think their class is your only class -- is no easy feat. And I'm here all the time, I never get to go home, I have no kids or fiancee or boyfriend to go to when I need a break, I eat and sleep just a few feet from where my classes are. That is it. And sometimes I can do laundry, do.
Weren't you the one to call Pixie vain because she wanted to get a boob job? Just because it is something you don't agree upon doesn't mean everyone has the same opinion on the matter as you. Why call her vain??


Right Where I Belong
PrepH4U said:
You are not the only military child on this board that has moved around every 3 years during their childhood, nor are you the first to work your way through college. Everyone has their dreams- good for you but,.......most have been there and done that is all everyone is trying to get across to you.
:yeahthat: Exactly. What makes your situation any more difficult, Janey?


New Member
before this goes back to skiing..

Janey, we all have our crosses to bear. We all have been through some sh!t in this life. It's when you start talking about morals and casting stones at others and their lives that it comes off as whiny, judgemental and that you are better than everyone. No one is better, just different and to call people out on their choices is just plain wrong. I am glad we are all different, I am glad we have choices and what you choose over someone else doesn't make their choice immoral or wrong.
janey83 said:
No, you think that just because I have a different way of thinking than you do, and because I'm younger (OH MY GOD -- 3 years!), then I'm obviously not as worldly as you -- Pixie. Well you know what? I had to work very hard to get to where I'm at now -- I'm not changing diapers and grocery shopping, but I'm going to classes, taking exams, studying and trying to get through classes when all the professors think their class is your only class -- is no easy feat. And I'm here all the time, I never get to go home, I have no kids or fiancee or boyfriend to go to when I need a break, I eat and sleep just a few feet from where my classes are. That is it. And sometimes I can do laundry, do.
I worked 2 jobs and went to school to get my degree. You make it sound so easy to graduate, get a job, etc.. Well it's not. The people who have done that know it isn't easy and your happy go lucky attitude that it is pizzes alot of people off. Also you didn't have to go away to school. Last I checked we had CSM right here in the county..


Twenty Something
pixiegirl said:
You can't even do simple math. There is a difference of 4 between 79 and 83. :ohwell:

you said you were 25, so that's how I did my math, and I'm already 22 :shrug:


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
you said you were 25, so that's how I did my math, and I'm already 22 :shrug:

And in a couple months I'll be 26. I was born in 79. So unless we want to get really anal and split hairs we'll call it 4 years.


Twenty Something
workin hard said:
I worked 2 jobs and went to school to get my degree. You make it sound so easy to graduate, get a job, etc.. Well it's not. The people who have done that know it isn't easy and your happy go lucky attitude that it is pizzes alot of people off. Also you didn't have to go away to school. Last I checked we had CSM right here in the county..

I wanted to go to a 4-year university, so that's what I did. Didn't say it was easy to get a job, but I am determined to do what I want after college. Because if you want anything bad enough, you can make it happen. And what is wrong with happy go lucky? As soon as I voice my OPINION, everyone gets on my case and think I'm b!tchy.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
I wanted to go to a 4-year university, so that's what I did. Didn't say it was easy to get a job, but I am determined to do what I want after college. Because if you want anything bad enough, you can make it happen. And what is wrong with happy go lucky? As soon as I voice my OPINION, everyone gets on my case and think I'm b!tchy.

Casting stones on other peoples virtues or morality is b!tchy! :yay:


Right Where I Belong
janey83 said:
As soon as I voice my OPINION, everyone gets on my case and think I'm b!tchy.
No. It's because you are judgmental and condenscending towards people.


Twenty Something
pixiegirl said:
And in a couple months I'll be 26. I was born in 79. So unless we want to get really anal and split hairs we'll call it 4 years.

well excuse me missy, I said 25 thinking you were gonna be 25 for the remainder of the year. :rolleyes:


Twenty Something
pixiegirl said:
Casting stones on other peoples virtues or morality is b!tchy! :yay:

yeah, and I saw someone made this thread when I wasn't around, and everyone had to contribute to it and say nasty stuff behind my back. that's real mature, yep.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
well excuse me missy, I said 25 thinking you were gonna be 25 for the remainder of the year. :rolleyes:

I don't know what's funnier... The fact that you called me missy or that you claim to be so smart but didn't even look at my profile to get an accurate date before you started ranting about how I was only 3 years older.

I see you want to split hairs and be anal. :ohwell:

Nanny Pam

janey83 said:
I wanted to go to a 4-year university, so that's what I did. Didn't say it was easy to get a job, but I am determined to do what I want after college. Because if you want anything bad enough, you can make it happen. And what is wrong with happy go lucky? As soon as I voice my OPINION, everyone gets on my case and think I'm b!tchy.

Is it that time of the month? (again/still)
janey83 said:
I wanted to go to a 4-year university, so that's what I did..

Then don't whine when about how your away from home

janey83 said:
Didn't say it was easy to get a job, but I am determined to do what I want after college. Because if you want anything bad enough, you can make it happen. And what is wrong with happy go lucky? As soon as I voice my OPINION, everyone gets on my case and think I'm b!tchy.
It is the way you voice your opinion that makes you appear immature. I'm a happy go lucky person myself but I don't make opinions on things I haven't even experienced yet..