Weax-you are as usual an incredibly simplistic thinker. You see your world,and your situation and don't have room for another viewpoint. Why don't you prove us all wrong. Pretend right now,this moment,you are a woman who just got hit. Now,tell us all EXACTLY what agency will step in TONIGHT,and give you a place to live,even if it is temporary? What shelter guarantees space not only for the woman but also her children? What about their pets? Their belongings? What if she has never worked and never got an education? But in your world,there are open arms waiting. And everyone-your words-has at least 1-200 dollars just waiting for them. Let's pretend everyone has 200.00 free,at their disposal. How far does that get? Furthermore,let's consider that if a woman has been abused and suppressed by her husband and has no job prospects,several children,and no CREDIT in her own name,how does she get by,with no time to prepare? Because what I said was not to stay,but that leaving the minute things happen is not reasonable to expect. Have you ever considered letting people know they have money in the bank-remember,EVERYONE does? Because I know people who swear they are flat broke. Now,let' walk through this while I give you the special ed version of why women don't just roll out at the first sign of trouble. Your husband hits you....or beats you up badly. He goes to work the next day. This is the scenario you laid out. You get on the phone,and start calling agencies. They either are 1.full,or 2.want you to press charges. You are scared to,since you know that piece of paper is worthless and won't protect you. But wait,now you find a place to help you. You say you have kids,and they say no problem. Now,you have a dilemma. You leave,but the car is in his name. You now have no vehicle. You have money in the bank,but he takes care of that as soon as he sees you are gone. You have no credit and your cards are reported stolen by this controlling jerk you just pissed off,so they are useless. Now,you get to leave with nothing but the kids,but wait-they are also having to leave their pet behind,because the shelter won't allow it to come,and a man who will beat his wife will surely abuse her animal. But,no matter,you leave anyway. The shelter won't let you stay indefinitely and now,your kids have no toys,no pets,no nothing in this world,and you feel like it is all your fault. You don't even have a way to feed yourself at this point save for the help of others. I am telling you this not as a made up story,but what really happened to a friend of mine who refused to cool off and do things methodically and left her husband in a rush - as you suggest. No one was hitting her anymore,but she found herself penniless,homeless,and he killed her dog who she had for the past 17 years. Her children wound up being taken from her and her ex got custody because he was financially stable and she had no proof of the abuse,and was homeless. Judges do dumb #### every day. Would you be so quick to risk one giving an angry ex visitation or even custody? I'm tired and I'm rambling at this point,but your stupid,simplistic view is just retarded.