St. Mary's Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault


New Member
Originally posted by http
[BMy point is the idiot parents shouldn't have let it get that far in the first place. Obviously they fvcked up, right? Look what happened? Why are you defending them? Their best buddy raped their child, not me... [/B]
The parents are victims as well in this case. Everybody trusts people with their kids at one time or another. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to stay home and take care of their children. You said your mom was a single mother, Who was your babysitter? Why did your mom trust them?


New Member
Originally posted by ThayerP
Well, that would explain why http thinks the parents are not victims also...:rolleyes:

Oh, please, save it and the rolleyes too.

3 entries found for victim.
vic·tim ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vktm)
1. One who is harmed or killed by another: a victim of a mugging.
2. A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.
3. One who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition: victims of war.
4. A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking: You are a victim of your own scheming.
5. A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of: the victim of a cruel hoax.

Again, as I said before, until I see one of the parents with the teacher's c@ck in their mouth, they're not victims. If they were worried about being sexual offender victims, then they wouldn't have let their child hang out with Pee Wee in the first fvckin place.


My Sweetest Boy

3. One who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition:

Works for me...


A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of

I think that covers it.


New Member
Originally posted by http
Oh, please, save it and the rolleyes too.

3 entries found for victim.
vic·tim ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vktm)
1. One who is harmed or killed by another: a victim of a mugging.
2. A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.
3. One who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition: victims of war.
4. A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking: You are a victim of your own scheming.
5. A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of: the victim of a cruel hoax.

Again, as I said before, until I see one of the parents with the teacher's c@ck in their mouth, they're not victims. If they were worried about being sexual offender victims, then they wouldn't have let their child hang out with Pee Wee in the first fvckin place.

Excuse me!!! Read your definitions... I'd say that number 3 and number 5 would BOTH apply in this situation for the parents. Do you really think that the parents simpky said, "Oh, cool, myu kid got molested by a former teacher. That neat." Or do you think they were "harmed by or made to suffer from an act" committed by the teacher. Or were they simply " tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of" by the former teacher.

You just shot yourself in the foot.


New Member
Originally posted by Sharon
#3 & #5 seem to fit the bill for the parents. :popcorn:

Possibly, number 5. And like I said before, they're idiots. How hard is this? Don't let your kids sleepover a teacher's house? WHAT THE FVCK DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by ThayerP
The parents are victims as well in this case. Everybody trusts people with their kids at one time or another. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to stay home and take care of their children. You said your mom was a single mother, Who was your babysitter? Why did your mom trust them?

There is a big difference between a babysitter and as one of the gang before said:

"Apparently, the teacher helped the boy cope with his parents' divorce, when he was in elementary school. The teacher became a role model and mentor to the boy. The teacher had gained the trust of the boy and his parents over the last few years"

My best friend's babysitter (who has a 3 year old) knows NOTHING about ANYTHING about her child except what he likes to eat, what videos he likes to watch and her cell phone number and THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by http
Possibly, number 5. And like I said before, they're idiots. How hard is this? Don't let your kids sleepover a teacher's house? WHAT THE FVCK DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It could have been ANYBODY that the parents trusted. It just so happened it was a former teacher of the kid. What if it had been the babysitter? Or the parents of a friend where the kid spent the night? The fact that this was a teacher is beside the point. Do you simply no let your children go anywhere for a sleepover?


Not too talkative
Originally posted by http
Oh, please, save it and the rolleyes too.

3 entries found for victim.
vic·tim ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vktm)
5. A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of:

So the teacher did not "take advantage" of the parents good will?

By the way, your "education and upbringing" is showing -
in the first fvckin place.

There are thousands of other words in the dictionary - you don't need to use the same one in every paragraph you write


New Member
To all of you above on #3 and #5...

...I'll post it again:

"Possibly, number 5. And like I said before, they're idiots. How hard is this? Don't let your kids sleepover a teacher's house? WHAT THE FVCK DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Football season!
Originally posted by http
Possibly, number 5. And like I said before, they're idiots. How hard is this? Don't let your kids sleepover a teacher's house? WHAT THE FVCK DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid parents indeed. Never send your kid to someone's house without giving them your assault rifle first.


Originally posted by http
Possibly, number 5. And like I said before, they're idiots. How hard is this? Don't let your kids sleepover a teacher's house? WHAT THE FVCK DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are very vulgar. I guess that this stems from anger. :frown:

Is it o.k. to let your kids spend the night at Grandma's house? Why?

Is it o.k. to let your 15 year old spend the night at his best friends house? Why?

This does not fit neatly into a nice snug package no matter how hard you try to jam it in.


New Member
Originally posted by http
My best friend's babysitter (who has a 3 year old) knows NOTHING about ANYTHING about her child except what he likes to eat, what videos he likes to watch and her cell phone number and THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn't sound like a very smart parent to me. What kind of idiot parent would leave their child with someone who has no more concern about them than that? Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.


New Member
Originally posted by http
Really? Why don't you try tell me all about my education and upbringing then?
This looks like an attempt to spin out of a bad spiral down the wrong side of a debate. :biggrin: Nice try...but it won't work here.