St. Mary's Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault


New Member
Originally posted by ThayerP
Doesn't sound like a very smart parent to me. What kind of idiot parent would leave their child with someone who has no more concern about them than that? Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.

If you want to be specific, the only concerns of the child that the babysitter needs to be concerned with is what makes him happy. Yes, the babysitter knows about the child's activities at school. Yes the babysitter knows about the child's friends. And as I mentioned about the child's favorite foods, toys, music and things to watch of TV.

But the one thing that the babysitter does NOT have first hand knowledge of is about her divorce (and yes, she is divorced). As a matter of fact, if the babysitter is EVER caught discussing anything having to do with the divorce, I guarantee, she would be fired, if not worse. That is just not a place for just anyone.


American Beauty
PREMO Member

I am sensing a great deal of pent up hostility.

It really must have hurt you when your priest broke it off with you for a younger model.


Originally posted by http
But the one thing that the babysitter does NOT have first hand knowledge of is about her divorce (and yes, she is divorced). As a matter of fact, if the babysitter is EVER caught discussing anything having to do with the divorce, I guarantee, she would be fired, if not worse. That is just not a place for just anyone.

Huh? :confused:


New Member
Originally posted by http
If you want to be specific, the only concerns of the child that the babysitter needs to be concerned with is what makes him happy. Yes, the babysitter knows about the child's activities at school. Yes the babysitter knows about the child's friends. And as I mentioned about the child's favorite foods, toys, music and things to watch of TV.

But the one thing that the babysitter does NOT have first hand knowledge of is about her divorce (and yes, she is divorced). As a matter of fact, if the babysitter is EVER caught discussing anything having to do with the divorce, I guarantee, she would be fired, if not worse. That is just not a place for just anyone.
So they do trust the babysitter with the child. And this babysitter could be a child molester as well. If the child was molested would the parent feel victimized?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
If you want to be specific, the only concerns of the child that the babysitter needs to be concerned with is what makes him happy. Yes, the babysitter knows about the child's activities at school. Yes the babysitter knows about the child's friends. And as I mentioned about the child's favorite foods, toys, music and things to watch of TV.

Guess that makes you a :liar: too.

My best friend's babysitter (who has a 3 year old) knows NOTHING about ANYTHING about her child except what he likes to eat, what videos he likes to watch and her cell phone number and THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by ThayerP
This looks like an attempt to spin out of a bad spiral down the wrong side of a debate. :biggrin: Nice try...but it won't work here.

Look son, I'm not afraid of your or anyone here. Besides, the question was not addressed to you. He/she can send me a private message if they deem. I would just like to know, they offered.


New Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Guess that makes you a :liar: too.

:loser: [/B]

What a liar? I prefaced by saying that I was going to be specific. That's where the previously ommitted details came from.


New Member
Originally posted by http
Look son, I'm not afraid of your or anyone here. Besides, the question was not addressed to you. He/she can send me a private message if they deem. I would just like to know, they offered., thanks for making me feel so young. I really appreciate that. For the record, you also could have sent a PM to them about this. Instead you addressed it to the entire board and someone responded to it and said what they say it as.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm trying to take a hardline one way or the other here but I keep contradicting myself.

On one hand, stuff does happen and parents aren't always as vigilant as they could be. Kids get molested by family members all the time - does that mean ALL family members are suspect? Of course not.

BUT I do think predators send off a vibe. And I think attentive parents will pick up on it. Unfortunately, a lot of us live in a dream world where we've never known anyone who was molested - we think it only happens to "other" people's kids.

This doesn't mean that your kid can't have a friendly relationship with their teacher. It just means that if that teacher does something to perk up your "Mommy radar", don't ignore it.


Originally posted by ThayerP
This looks like an attempt to spin out of a bad spiral down the wrong side of a debate. Nice try...but it won't work here.

Well, I thought it was a great quote! :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm trying to take a hardline one way or the other here but I keep contradicting myself.

On one hand, stuff does happen and parents aren't always as vigilant as they could be. Kids get molested by family members all the time - does that mean ALL family members are suspect? Of course not.

BUT I do think predators send off a vibe. And I think attentive parents will pick up on it. Unfortunately, a lot of us live in a dream world where we've never known anyone who was molested - we think it only happens to "other" people's kids.

This doesn't mean that your kid can't have a friendly relationship with their teacher. It just means that if that teacher does something to perk up your "Mommy radar", don't ignore it.


or "Daddy Radar". Yes we have them too. :smile:


Not too talkative
Originally posted by http
Really? Why don't you try tell me all about my education and upbringing then?

Just commenting on the fact that the way I was brought up was that the language you tend to use here (i.e., the repeated use of the word fvck) was a sign of ignorance and poor upbringing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also, I did a quick fact check and HHS website said kids are FAR more likely to be molested by a relative or family friend than they are a stranger. I thought that was interesting.

Anyway, this is an pretty good topic so ya'll should quit insulting each other so we can discuss it.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
BUT I do think predators send off a vibe. And I think attentive parents will pick up on it.

We all better hope so..... I for one am not convinced this is true.

Remember our famous serial killers. Were they sending out a vibe? :confused:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Anyway, this is an pretty good topic so ya'll should quit insulting each other so we can discuss it.
:shrug: I'm insulted because he keeps using the "fvck" word..... :rolleyes:


Not too talkative
Originally posted by http
If you want to be specific, the only concerns of the child that the babysitter needs to be concerned with is what makes him happy.

If that is the only criteria you and your friend use to hire a babysitter, then this child is in danger. If the child decides jumping off the roof makes him happy then your babysitter will allow it? The who is to blame for the broken legs - don't expect it to be the babysitter, you guys wanted the child happy.

The babysitters I hire tend to concern themselves with what will keep the child safe.


This is a tough pill to swallow but..... criminals sometimes, tend to be the most charming among us. :frown: