Almost all rescues do a home and vet check before adopting a dog to an unknown person. Where some may see it is an invasion of privacy, if they have nothing to hide what is the problem? If they can give you personal references of someone you may know- that might be enough. You, the rescue organization, want to make sure the animal is going to a home that can accomodate his needs both physically and financially. Because the person will sign a contract stating they will return the dog to you if they ever need to, you want to make sure you are making a good match and hopefully- will not be getting the dog back. You need to check and make sure they have the fenced yard like they said they did. You need to make sure they are not living in a tent in the woods or have a fighting ring going on or dogs chained up all over the property. You need to make sure it is a good environment for said animal. Many rescues check references with vet's to make sure their previous animals were taken care of. As one rescuer told me once, sometimes you have to follow your gut. This may not have been a good home for Boxy. I do trust the perfect home will come along.