The GOP's TITANIC Shiavo mistake...



Bruzilla said:
I just finished reading Ann Coulter's column that deals with the Schiavo case, and yet another Republican is showing their ass. It seems that she, like so many others, is taking the Schindlers at their word and not bothering to check the facts... which is odd for Ann.

Crap -- something is definately wrong with me, :jet: I am agreeing with Ann Coulter, Pres. Bush and Gov. Bush !! :jet: It just can't be!!! :shocking: What happened to me!!!! :bawl: :drama: :bawl:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
What's that supposed to mean? :tap:
I just re-read that and it came out wrong. I meant that you show that you are thinking rather than just following the Republican position. I know you are always thinking your position. Many in the Republican ranks right now are acting like lemmings.


vraiblonde said:
What's that supposed to mean? :tap:

I think he was saying you think for yourself instead of following along with the parents side, and of course anyone that doesn't agree with his point are "lemmings" and/or "stupid" and those that do agree with his views are considered "thinkers"... :shrug: That's my take on it. :shrug: I would take it as a compliment Vrai. :smile:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
anyone that doesn't agree with his point are "lemmings" and/or "stupid" and those that do agree with his views are considered "thinkers"...
I feel the exact same way! If you agree with me, you're a thinker and an intelligent life form. If you disagree with me, you're an emotional nutbasket who willingly follows tards off the cliff.



New Member
dems4me said:
I think he was saying you think for yourself instead of following along with the parents side, and of course anyone that doesn't agree with his point are "lemmings" and/or "stupid" and those that do agree with his views are considered "thinkers"... :shrug: That's my take on it. :shrug: I would take it as a compliment Vrai. :smile:
:yeahthat: :clap: :clap: very perceptive Miss Dems please move to the front of the class :notworthy


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dear Dems,

Thank you for wanting to stick up for me, but 2A didn't mean anything insulting by that comment. At least not an insult directed at me.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
... of course anyone that doesn't agree with his point are "lemmings" and/or "stupid" and those that do agree with his views are considered "thinkers"...
That is not true. I do not think those that disagree with me that present their thoughts in clear meaningful posts are lemmings or stupid.

If you are referring to me saying your position was stupid, I stand by my statement. Ignoring the preponderance of evidence is stupid. I did not say you were stupid. There is a big difference. One would be name calling and the other is my opinion of your opinion.

I certainly do not think Sam Spade or Ken King are stupid, but I certainly have taken differing positions with them in the past. I think that Sam's acceptance of an acquaintance's diagnosis based on no actual observation is stupid. It is a succinct way of saying I disagree completely and there is no common ground for discussion.

I can see where it can be offensive. It is not intended that way. I will try to find a better word.


vraiblonde said:
Dear Dems,

Thank you for wanting to stick up for me, but 2A didn't mean anything insulting by that comment. At least not an insult directed at me.


yeah because he didn't call your opinion stupid or refer to differnece of opinion as lemmings :yay: :roflmao:

j/k - its ok 2A, I find it hard to be mad at a Christian. We are brothers and sisters in Christ... :huggy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Finding a word is not easy. The discussions are not obtuse since the content is understandable. They could be termed senseless but that word is only slightly less offensive, I would think, than stupid. They are vexatious and they can exasperate.

I think the word vexatious is probably most appropriate, maybe not entirely correct, but until I come up with a better word please substitute vexatious for stupid in reading my previous comments on your posts. Thank you.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
yeah because he didn't call your opinion stupid or refer to differnece of opinion as lemmings :yay: :roflmao:

j/k - its ok 2A, I find it hard to be mad at a Christian. We are brothers and sisters in Christ... :huggy:
:huggy: That is true. And I still think your opinion is vexatious.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I think that Sam's acceptance of an acquaintance's diagnosis based on no actual observation is stupid. It is a succinct way of saying I disagree completely and there is no common ground for discussion.
Yeah, well, thanks anyway.

What transpired was a conversation with someone well acquainted with PVS victims, how they're classified, how the decision is arrived at. This acquaintance has not met Terri, but has only seen the videos. She says Terri's behavior doesn't resemble *any* of the PVS victims she's seen in the last 30 years. Does that mean she ISN'T PVS? No, but it gives me room for doubt - a far cry from asserting it as truth.

I don't go around declaring one way or the other as "truth". I'm saying there's room for doubt. If that's "stupid", well, maybe we should NOT discuss this.

Me, I've never been near a PVS victim. Have you? So I trust their opinion more than my own.

I have serious doubts about courtroom medical diagnoses. We just had a Democrat VP who made a fortune on what is now understood to be fairly fraudulent medical science. Lesson to be learned - when there's money involved, trust NO ONE.


2ndAmendment said:
:huggy: That is true. And I still think your opinion is vexatious.

:huggy: I find your’s to be speciously hebetudinous and just as aphasiac as Terry’s. :huggy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
...This acquaintance has not met Terri, but has only seen the videos.
It has been established that these videos are three or more years old. I would say they are no longer credible evidence of her current state. I think your acceptance of the remote diagnosis is vexatious.


SamSpade said:
Yeah, well, thanks anyway.

What transpired was a conversation with someone well acquainted with PVS victims, how they're classified, how the decision is arrived at. This acquaintance has not met Terri, but has only seen the videos. She says Terri's behavior doesn't resemble *any* of the PVS victims she's seen in the last 30 years. Does that mean she ISN'T PVS? No, but it gives me room for doubt - a far cry from asserting it as truth.

I don't go around declaring one way or the other as "truth". I'm saying there's room for doubt. If that's "stupid", well, maybe we should NOT discuss this.

Me, I've never been near a PVS victim. Have you? So I trust their opinion more than my own.

I have serious doubts about courtroom medical diagnoses. We just had a Democrat VP who made a fortune on what is now understood to be fairly fraudulent medical science. Lesson to be learned - when there's money involved, trust NO ONE.

:clap: I agree, there's lots of room for any reasonable doubt so you should choose the side of life:shrug: kind of like if there's any reasonable doubt with a jury you must acquit...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
This acquaintance has not met Terri, but has only seen the videos. She says Terri's behavior doesn't resemble *any* of the PVS victims she's seen in the last 30 years.
That's because she's only seeing the edited videos. And based on those, I might have thought she was cognizant as well. BUT not long ago they were showing much longer videos and it was obvious that Terri is not following a balloon nor does she realize that her mother's face is inches from her own.

I saw that for myself. So, naturally, when these little snippets started showing up on the news a few weeks ago, I thought to myself, "Self, there is some opinion influencing going on here." Then a few days ago I saw the candystriper being presented as a medical expert and I knew fact certain that I was being lied to.

What I also know is that her doctors and nurses are bound by privacy laws and are not out there talking about her condition or medical history.

I also know that the minute Randall Terry comes on the scene, my bullshit-o-meter starts going crazy.

I believe (but do not know for fact) that 19 state judges would not all be in on a conspiracy to kill Terri Schiavo. And I also believe that federal courts wouldn't back them up on something like that. So there must be some medical evidence that Terri Schiavo is, indeed, PVS and there's no hope for her.