The GOP's TITANIC Shiavo mistake...


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PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
It has been established that these videos are three or more years old. I would say they are no longer credible evidence of her current state. I think your acceptance of the remote diagnosis is vexatious.
You've seen more recent material? Or are you being vexatious?

I thought the most common remark is that her condition has been largely unchanged for better or worse for fifteen years. That the point of a now wished-for autopsy would be vindication that her original lapse has been the cause of her fifteen year state.

In case you haven't read any of my posts of late, I did not say I "accept the remote diagnosis". I've said it gives me cause for doubt. I originally supported her continuation of life. Then I doubted, so I read up on material countering the material I'd read. Then I suspected, she probably IS PVS. Then I talked with someone. Now, I have doubts.

It's "vexatious" (let's just stop the PC and say 'stupid') to doubt? Didn't Larry already establish that speculation on what goes on inside a brain is still unknown?

Why does Terri HAVE TO die, now? If not for 15 years, why the rush? Is she in pain?


vraiblonde said:
I believe (but do not know for fact) that 19 state judges would not all be in on a conspiracy to kill Terri Schiavo. And I also believe that federal courts wouldn't back them up on something like that.

But it could be... :frown: How many millions $$$$$$$$$$$$ was involved in Terry's settlement :shrug:

j/k - just thought I'd have some fun with ya' Vrai!!! :smoochy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
:huggy: I find your’s to be speciously hebetudinous and just as aphasiac as Terry’s. :huggy:
"Aphasiac" is spelled wrong. :lmao: The proper spelling is aphasic.

You are using the words incorrectly. How can my posts be "speciously hebetudinous" or have "deceptive attraction" or "false look of truth" and "dullness" at the same time? They don't really go together now do they? I would think they could be specious or hebetudinous but not both. Since you are the one that seems to have misused the words, I would think it is you that has exhibited loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words. :kiss:


2ndAmendment said:
"Aphasiac" is spelled wrong. :lmao: The proper spelling is aphasic.

You are using the words incorrectly. How can my posts be "speciously hebetudinous" or have "deceptive attraction" or "false look of truth" and "dullness" at the same time? They don't really go together now do they? I would think they could be specious or hebetudinous but not both. Since you are the one that seems to have misused the words, I would think it is you that has exhibited loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words. :kiss:

If you want to go tit for tat on spelling, etc.. in the future, let me know...

But, for the record, asphsiac is indeed spelt correctly and used in proper context concerning you and your posts ... Amerian Heritage Dictionary lists aphasiac - as the "Loss of the ability to speak or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from brain damage" your posts often reflect this...just the same as Terry's speach, but remember, its not you - but your posts and again for the record it was spelt 100% correctly.

Specious - Seemingly true but actually fallacious - as in "a specious argument". (as for dullness and false truth... it's spoken all the time... we call it legalese... :wink: :lol:)

Last but not least... hebetudinous means your favorite word "stupid" ...:wink: :kiss:
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
If you want to go tit for tat on spelling, etc.. in the future, let me know...

But, for the record, asphsiac is indeed spelt correctly and used in proper context concerning you and your posts ... Amerian Heritage Dictionary lists aphasiac - as the "Loss of the ability to speak or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from brain damage" your posts often reflect this...just the same as Terry's speahc, but remember, its not you - but your posts and again for the record it was spelt 100% correctly.

Specious - Seemingly true but actually fallacious - as in "a specious argument".

Last but not least... hebetudinous means your favorite word "stupid" ... as for dullness and false truth... it's spoken all the time... we call it legalese... :lol: :wink: :kiss:
I prefer Webster and Webster says "asphsiac" isn't a word. As to hebetudinous:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400"> <tbody><tr><td align="left"> One entry found for hebetude.<form name="entry" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/dictionary"><table valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <input name="hdwd" value="hebetude" type="hidden"><input name="listword" value="hebetudinous" type="hidden"><input name="book" value="Dictionary" type="hidden">
</td></tr></tbody></table> </form> Main Entry: heb·e·tude
Pronunciation: <tt>'he-b&-"tüd, -"tyüd</tt>
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin hebetudo, from hebEre to be dull; akin to Latin hebes dull
: [size=-1]LETHARGY[/size], [size=-1]DULLNESS[/size]
- heb·e·tu·di·nous /<tt>"he-b&-'tü-d<sup>&</sup>n-&s, -'tyü-</tt>/ adjective </td> <td>
</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

It does not mean stupid as you can see despite your "legalese".


2ndAmendment said:
I prefer Webster and Webster says

Seeings how you prefer Webster and throw out all other dictionaries... why don't you blow the dust of your thesaurus -- I'm assuming you prefer Roget's -- look it up and you will see hebetudinous is listed for a word akin to stupid and vice versa... nothing about dullness... :neener:

Yet again, another specious, hebetudinious and aphasiac post on your part :shrug: JMO. :neener:

Lets pick another time and place to Scrabble slap each other... :lol: :huggy:
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Seeings how you prefer Webster and throw out all other dictionaries... why don't you blow the dust of your thesaurus -- I'm assuming you prefer Roget's -- look it up and you will see hebetudinous is listed for a word akin to stupid and vice versa... nothing about dullness... :neener:

Yet again, another specious, hebetudinious and aphasiac post on your part :shrug: JMO. :neener:

Lets pick another time and place to Scrabble slap each other... :lol: :huggy:
Sorry. You are wrong again. :neener:From the thesaurus:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400"> <tbody><tr><td align="left"> One entry found for hebetude.<form name="entry" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/thesaurus"><table valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <input name="hdwd" value="hebetude" type="hidden"><input name="listword" value="hebetude" type="hidden"><input name="book" value="Thesaurus" type="hidden">
</td></tr></tbody></table> </form> Entry Word: hebetude
Function: noun
Text: Synonyms [size=-1]LETHARGY[/size] 1, coma, dullness, languor, lassitude, sleep, slumber, stupor, torpidity, torpor
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
I would hate to put you on ignore, but you are getting close.:lol:


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
I think the word vexatious is probably most appropriate, maybe not entirely correct, but until I come up with a better word please substitute vexatious for stupid in reading my previous comments on your posts. Thank you.
When I read that word, I imagined you wanting to bang your head against the wall in frustration when you read her post. I had the same reaction when I read one of Cal Thomas' columns, or when I caught a segment of Amy Goodman's show on WPFW, because I can't stand ideological stridency.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
When I read that word, I imagined you wanting to bang your head against the wall in frustration when you read her post. I had the same reaction when I read one of Cal Thomas' columns, or when I caught a segment of Amy Goodman's show on WPFW, because I can't stand ideological stridency.
Yeah. But I often like Cal Thomas. :lmao:


2ndAmendment said:
Sorry. You are wrong again. :neener:From the thesaurus:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400"> <tbody><tr><td align="left"> One entry found for hebetude.<form name="entry" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/thesaurus"><table valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <input name="hdwd" value="hebetude" type="hidden"><input name="listword" value="hebetude" type="hidden"><input name="book" value="Thesaurus" type="hidden">
</td></tr></tbody></table> </form> Entry Word: hebetude
Function: noun
Text: Synonyms [size=-1]LETHARGY[/size] 1, coma, dullness, languor, lassitude, sleep, slumber, stupor, torpidity, torpor
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
I would hate to put you on ignore, but you are getting close.:lol:

I'm not using the root word hebetude... I'm using the word hebetudinous as the way it was correctly used in context in my original post. Look up the correct word that I use and you will see it lists the word "STUPID" or look up the word "STUPID" and it lists the word "HEBETUDINOUS" - why can't you just admit when you are wrong? Eitherway, I know I am correct and I'm using both a dictionary and a Roget's thesaurus to make my point. Those of y'all with any remote interest in this pathetic argument, feel free to look it up yourselves (THE CORRECT WORDS I USED). Good day 2A. :howdy:
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I'm not using the root word hebetude... I'm using the word hebetudinous as the way it was correctly used in context in my original post. Look up the correct word that I use and you will see it lists the word "STUPID" or look up the word "STUPID" and it lists the word "HEBETUDINOUS" - why can't you just admit when you are wrong? Eitherway, I know I am correct and I'm using both a dictionary and a Roget's thesaurus to make my point. Those of y'all with any remote interest in this pathetic argument, feel free to look it up yourselves (THE CORRECT WORDS I USED). Good day 2A. :howdy:
The word hebetudinous is the adjective form of the noun hebetude. The meaning would not and does not change.

You are now on a one day ignore and since I can't officially ignore you, I just will. Bye for 24.


2ndAmendment said:
The word hebetudinous is the adjective form of the noun hebetude. The meaning would not and does not change.

You are now on a one day ignore and since I can't officially ignore you, I just will. Bye for 24.

bye :howdy: I know they are related words but it does change for some reason or another... if you would take the time to look up the exact word I used instead of the root word you will see it means STUPID. :banghead: I'm not getting anywhere with you. :banghead: Just keep wearing your tinted glasses so you can see what you want to see instead of looking up the actual word that was used... HEBETUDINOUS!! which means STUPID :banghead: It was not used as a "noun" (hebetude) in the post but as an "adjective" (hebetudinous) - don't ask me why the meaning changes from the noun to the adjective form, it just does... look up my actual word and see for your self. :smile:

It bothers me that first you picked on the word specious - and was proven wrong, then you picked on the word aphasiac - not only were you wrong with that one too for picking on me for you even accused me of spelling it wrong and once again you were wrong. Now you are clinging to the word hebetude - that's fine - I checked yet one more reference and found that it means both STUPID and lethargic in the definition. You won't admit this because that would proove your previous post stating one could not be stupid and lethargic at the same time.... :banghead: UGGGHHH!!!! Men!!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here we go:

Terri and the balloon <--RM video
Terri is looking all over the place and her Dad is saying, "No, no, Terri - look over here. Look here, Terri." They do a close up of her face so you can't even tell what she's looking at. But it's obvious that she's not looking at the balloon by what her Dad is saying.

Terri and Mom
Terri is staring off into space. Mom positions Terri's head so it appears she's looking at her mother.

Terri Getting Her Mouth Swabbed
Okay, this one I might buy. It definitely appears that she's uncomfortable with having her mouth swabbed. But keep in mind that this woman has been like this for 15 years - is that a reason to keep her going, so she can express vague disapproval at having her mouth swabbed?

Terri "Listening" to Music
Supposedly this shows Terri "responding" to music. She grimaces and groans, so she must not like that particular style.

You're right! She looks great! Let's keep her hooked up and let her life continue! Heck, it's only been 15 years - she could snap out of it at any minute!



vraiblonde said:
Here we go:

Terri and the balloon <--RM video
Terri is looking all over the place and her Dad is saying, "No, no, Terri - look over here. Look here, Terri." They do a close up of her face so you can't even tell what she's looking at. But it's obvious that she's not looking at the balloon by what her Dad is saying.

Terri and Mom
Terri is staring off into space. Mom positions Terri's head so it appears she's looking at her mother.

Terri Getting Her Mouth Swabbed
Okay, this one I might buy. It definitely appears that she's uncomfortable with having her mouth swabbed. But keep in mind that this woman has been like this for 15 years - is that a reason to keep her going, so she can express vague disapproval at having her mouth swabbed?

Terri "Listening" to Music
Supposedly this shows Terri "responding" to music. She grimaces and groans, so she must not like that particular style.

You're right! She looks great! Let's keep her hooked up and let her life continue! :rolleyes:

Good links vria :clap:


Lord, I apologize.
All is going to be fine now that the extortionist, I mean, Jesse is here.

<img src="">


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Here we go:

Terri and the balloon <--RM video
Terri is looking all over the place and her Dad is saying, "No, no, Terri - look over here. Look here, Terri." They do a close up of her face so you can't even tell what she's looking at. But it's obvious that she's not looking at the balloon by what her Dad is saying.

Terri and Mom
Terri is staring off into space. Mom positions Terri's head so it appears she's looking at her mother.

Terri Getting Her Mouth Swabbed
Okay, this one I might buy. It definitely appears that she's uncomfortable with having her mouth swabbed. But keep in mind that this woman has been like this for 15 years - is that a reason to keep her going, so she can express vague disapproval at having her mouth swabbed?

Terri "Listening" to Music
Supposedly this shows Terri "responding" to music. She grimaces and groans, so she must not like that particular style.

You're right! She looks great! Let's keep her hooked up and let her life continue! Heck, it's only been 15 years - she could snap out of it at any minute!

Lets just say Michael Schiavo got threatened by God one night and turned over a new leaf. He turns everything over to the parents along with the 50K left from the settlement and he goes and lives happily everafter. The parents continue care for her on their own dime. No one knows what Terri wants but to paraphrase George, lets err on the side of life. What is wrong with that?


Charles said:
Lets just say Michael Schiavo got threatened by God one night and turned over a new leaf. He turns everything over to the parents along with the 50K left from the settlement and he goes and lives happily everafter. The parents continue care for her on their own dime. No one knows what Terri wants but to paraphrase George, lets err on the side of life. What is wrong with that?

I agree and last night I was watching McGinty's mailbag on Channel 9 and they had a viewer write in a great idea. When they issue the drivers license, they should add a line next to the organ donor option stating whether you would want to be recesitated or not... and then redecide your option every time you get your license renewed. I too thought this would be a good way to prevent the confusion in the future. If the drs. want to know about organ donor possibilities... why not let them know about rescessitating - it would also save them some work if you opt no for recessitation... :smile:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Charles said:
Lets just say Michael Schiavo got threatened by God one night and turned over a new leaf. He turns everything over to the parents along with the 50K left from the settlement and he goes and lives happily everafter. The parents continue care for her on their own dime. No one knows what Terri wants but to paraphrase George, lets err on the side of life. What is wrong with that?
I can't see anything wrong with it. When I ask people, should they pull the plug on Terri or not, most say "pull the plug". When I ask "well what if her parents want to take care of her?" most say "fine, let her parents do it then". It's just too sensible. Apparently the Schindlers have been trying to gain guardianship ever since they disputed the money with Schiavo.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I can't see anything wrong with it.
Okay, let's say when Terri dies, her parents want to have her stuffed and displayed in a glass case in their living room. Should they be able to do that? It's their daughter, right? And they're not hurting anyone, right? So if it makes them feel better, they should be able to, right? I mean, her husband was just going to have her burnt up - why shouldn't they be able to keep her on display?

That's a serious question, by the way.