My argument that I've been repeating throughout this thread is that there is a dictionary difference between a moral and a good deed. A moral comes from some other foundation that society's - not a custom nor law - and therefore is semantically different than acting "good".
My point regarding a moral act for someone is that it does not happen because of a perceived reward, or threat of perceived punishment. A moral act is done for it's own reward - that of glorifying the religion that gave the foundation for the morality.
Again, i point to the raped girl being punished. Punishing her was the correct moral action of that religion. It is abhorant to mine. Both are moral concepts. Because they have a foundation of right and wrong rooted in something other than custom or law.
I am NOT saying that someone does a nice thing, therefore they are moral. I am NOT saying someone is religious, therefore they are moral. I am saying that when one does something because they believe it to be right - and that "right" is rooted in something other than custom, law, etc. - they are acting with a moral. When someone does something because society taught them what "good" is, that's not moral. No foundation bigger than custom.
And, scene.