Larry Gude
Strung Out
...I find myself suddenly in favor of considering limiting your right to keep and bear arms. Do you think you should have 2nd amendment rights, you personally?
'what if' is fun.
It dusk.
Just the right time .... for crime!
I'm leaving work when I hear a rustling of leaves above my head. Fortunatly, I have my trusty 9mm in my equally trusty shoulder holster.
So this is how the night will play.
Four Ninja lie dead at my feet. Each has an exist wound the size of my fist behind the smoking area that used to be their black hearts.
etc. etc.
I'm pretty sure this is how crime goes down mostly.
Sure you get some real stories sometimes, but this is how I imagine it.
...I find myself suddenly in favor of considering limiting your right to keep and bear arms. Do you think you should have 2nd amendment rights, you personally?