Tone Down the Rhetoric- Lower the Temperature


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Jack Black is (was) on tour in Australia. One of the band members made a comment about the sniper missing the target. Their tour is now cancelled and it's looking like they will be deported.

Lots of YT vids, just go to YT and search for jack black.

There are repercussions for siding with the shooter. Many being called out and fired from jobs, or being forced to resign. This Hollyweird star is finding out first hand.
Lots of people getting blasted on X. Buncha stupidheads.


PREMO Member
Lots of people getting blasted on X. Buncha stupidheads.
Whatever they get, they earned

I've posted a bunch, Libs of Tiktok has been rounding them up and tagging employers in a Retweet ....

Most have lost their jobs ...... Firemen, Doctors, Nurses - I would question the ability of these people to do their jobs objectively if they encountered a person with a Trump sign in their yard or wearing a MAGA Hate in their waiting room - especially after the progressive reaction during Covid


Well-Known Member
Very unfortunate use of social media to destroy someone....
I've posted a bunch, Libs of Tiktok has been rounding them up and tagging employers in a Retweet ....

Most have lost their jobs ...... Firemen, Doctors, Nurses - I would question the ability of these people to do their jobs objectively if they encountered a person with a Trump sign in their yard or wearing a MAGA Hate in their waiting room - especially after the progressive reaction during Covid
I am familiar with that approach. Scouring social media posts for years...assembling a cut-n-paste version...THEN post the expose' to create drama at work.
NEXT is the mandatory policy change after multiple meetings....the demanded retractions and apologies,...the complete strangers and malcontents demanding that heads roll...and sullen HR situations for the months that follow.

Underneath all of it?...COWARDICE. The inability to say: We have freedom of speech in this nation and I will stand beside someone who has a differing opinion, and they can share it: Just make it factual, clear, and logical. The cowards prefer a different approach. Fear muzzles people. (Right USSR? PRC? NK?...and Dem party?)


PREMO Member
Underneath all of it?...COWARDICE. The inability to say: We have freedom of speech in this nation and I will stand beside someone who has a differing opinion, and they can share it: Just make it factual, clear, and logical. The cowards prefer a different approach. Fear muzzles people. (Right USSR? PRC? NK?...and Dem party?)

As the left has said for the past 10 yrs, YOU may have Freedom of Speech, you do not have Freedom FROM Consequences

now what the left has been doing vs what is now happening to the ' aww he missed ' is vastly different

for disagreeing with a progressive narrative dropping on Twitter or outright CALLING ;

Why do you [ business owner ] employ Hessian that


Getting people fired from their JOBS .... FOR A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION


Wishing the assassin had been successful


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just make it factual, clear, and logical.

This is where all those Democrats crying that the shooter missed fall apart.

I'm not opposed to someone suffering the consequences of their actions. If you get on social media - right straight in public - and call for death and destruction, appalled citizens have a perfect right to send it viral, and your employer has a perfect right to decide they don't want you as part of their organization.

People can have their opinions all they want - no one is stopping them. But other people get to have opinions as well, and if their opinion is they don't want a nurse who wishes the President had been assassinated caring for patients, that is their right.

I'm old enough to remember like yesterday when Lefties were demanding anyone who supports Donald Trump be fired. Yet now those same people are crying because their boss doesn't want an assassination cheerleader on the payroll.


Well-Known Member
Gurps wrote:
Why do you [ business owner ] employ Hessian that

Getting people fired from their JOBS .... FOR A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION

Gee, that sounds familiar! Instead of considering the veracity of the opinion and the facts that support it...people get labeled, and then discriminated against...and are ushered out the door.
Fortunately DEI is withering currently and ESG performance has been hugely disappointing. Both are artificial ...with outcomes NOT based on performance, character, diligence....nope: RATHER based on a set of identity guidelines and approved attitudes.
Freedom matters.
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Well-Known Member
So there a bit of difference between saying Joe is a doddering old fool who is bankrupting the country and saying he's Hitler, a threat to democracy, and he's going to put the gays and trans in camps for extermination.

If you dont see that difference you really are blind to reality.

Why didn't you address what i said. Trucks with pictures of a hog tied Biden in the bed? FJB flags and Screaming F Joe Biden.

It was his VP who said he was Hitler not a democrat.

You seem very confused about what is actually happening.


Well-Known Member
Yes: Benny got rid of the staff member, but if I live to be a thousand I will always believe Benny might not have said it, but he was thinking it.


Well-Known Member
The entire J6 narrative against Trump has been that he ginned up a crowd and incited violence. Since no one can come up with an actual remark he made that day - they link him to the event by saying the election was stolen and badmouthing Democrats.

For this - they impeached him for inciting a riot.

Without listing every remark about how dangerous Trump is - and his supporters - a man then shoots him in the head - and it’s not THEIR fault?

This is why you can’t unite the country - because the left cannot admit what the rest of the world sees - they wouldn’t admit they had propped up a senile, feeble man - and they cannot say, yeah, we shouldn’t have done all that about seeing Trump killed.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The entire J6 narrative against Trump has been that he ginned up a crowd and incited violence. Since no one can come up with an actual remark he made that day - they link him to the event by saying the election was stolen and badmouthing Democrats.

For this - they impeached him for inciting a riot.

Without listing every remark about how dangerous Trump is - and his supporters - a man then shoots him in the head - and it’s not THEIR fault?

This is why you can’t unite the country - because the left cannot admit what the rest of the world sees - they wouldn’t admit they had propped up a senile, feeble man - and they cannot say, yeah, we shouldn’t have done all that about seeing Trump killed.
And Democrats are just Sub-Human Evil Pieces of $hit.


Well-Known Member
The entire J6 narrative against Trump has been that he ginned up a crowd and incited violence. Since no one can come up with an actual remark he made that day - they link him to the event by saying the election was stolen and badmouthing Democrats.

For this - they impeached him for inciting a riot.

Without listing every remark about how dangerous Trump is - and his supporters - a man then shoots him in the head - and it’s not THEIR fault?

This is why you can’t unite the country - because the left cannot admit what the rest of the world sees - they wouldn’t admit they had propped up a senile, feeble man - and they cannot say, yeah, we shouldn’t have done all that about seeing Trump killed.

Of course it's not their fault. The guy who shot him was a Trump supporter who became disillusioned.

When Trump and the GOP go around calling democrats scum and lowlifes and thugs and criminals that is the inciting rhetoric. Not JD vance saying Trump is Americas Hitler.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Of course it's not their fault. The guy who shot him was a Trump supporter who became disillusioned.

Right out of the gate and another Lie.

Is it impulse or do you actually think about it first?

You haven't been on as much lately.

Been writing your Manifesto?


the poor dad
Nope he wasn’t a fan of Trump according to one of his classmates.

EXCLUSIVE: BETHEL PARK, Pa. – A former classmate of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks says the 20-year-old gunman once mocked him over his support of former President Donald Trump and had a general disdain for mainstream politicians across the political aisle.

"I brought up the fact that I'm Hispanic and, you know, I'm for Trump. And he said, 'Well, you're Hispanic, so shouldn't you hate Trump?'" Vincent Taormina told Fox News Digital Tuesday. "No. He's great. He was a great president. He called me stupid – or insinuated that I was stupid."



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Nope he wasn’t a fan of Trump according to one of his classmates.

EXCLUSIVE: BETHEL PARK, Pa. – A former classmate of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks says the 20-year-old gunman once mocked him over his support of former President Donald Trump and had a general disdain for mainstream politicians across the political aisle.

"I brought up the fact that I'm Hispanic and, you know, I'm for Trump. And he said, 'Well, you're Hispanic, so shouldn't you hate Trump?'" Vincent Taormina told Fox News Digital Tuesday. "No. He's great. He was a great president. He called me stupid – or insinuated that I was stupid."

The DNC and operatives paid a bunch of people to register as Republicans so they could skew primary elections. I've seen a couple reports suggesting that is the ONLY reason Crooks was registered Republican.