

New Member
camily said:
My oldest is at Chuck E Cheese right now in Waldorf. I don't know if I should go get her or if that would be not such a smart move. By the time I got there.....
Its doing nothing in Waldorf ATM


But wait, there's more...
StarCat said:
Yeah looks like its heading toward my house where my husband and kids are. Thats really an excellent thing to hope for. WTF

Did you threaten to bake it some brownies? :shrug:


New Member
crabcake said:
Did you threaten to bake it some brownies? :shrug:
You really are a ##### :yay: Its nice that you truly dont GAF if something happens to me or my children, even I am not that heartless.


New Member
StarCat said:
You really are a ##### :yay: Its nice that you truly dont GAF if something happens to me or my children, even I am not that heartless.
:bawl: Some people don't know where to draw the line.


But wait, there's more...
StarCat said:
You really are a ##### :yay: Its nice that you truly dont GAF if something happens to me or my children, even I am not that heartless.

:duh: Oh quit with the poor me :drama: :blahblah: ... if you were THAT concerned about them, you'd be on your way home or calling them right now; not :blahblah: on a forum. :duh:


New Member
crabcake said:
:duh: Oh quit with the poor me :drama: :blahblah: ... if you were THAT concerned about them, you'd be on your way home or calling them right now; not :blahblah: on a forum. :duh:
She could call them and attach a link?


Wenchy said:
Interior closet and cover up with heavy blankets, comforters.

Bathtub if you don't have that with a mattress on top of you.

Forget the windows and get far away from them.
:huggy: Thank you!


New Member
crabcake said:
:duh: Oh quit with the poor me :drama: :blahblah: ... if you were THAT concerned about them, you'd be on your way home or calling them right now; not :blahblah: on a forum. :duh:
I already called them, jackass. I cant just up and leave work :rolleyes: I'm on here to find out wtf is going on since the news website doesnt say a hell of alot. :yay:


Set Trippin
crabcake said:
:duh: Oh quit with the poor me :drama: :blahblah: ... if you were THAT concerned about them, you'd be on your way home or calling them right now; not :blahblah: on a forum. :duh:
Either way, you really are a #####... Give her that much...:shrug:


But wait, there's more...
StarCat said:
I already called them, jackass. I cant just up and leave work :rolleyes: I'm on here to find out wtf is going on since the news website doesnt say a hell of alot. :yay:

Well, if you're monitoring the news on the forum while you're at work, you must not be that needed there. If I felt my kids were in REAL danger, I don't think a little thing like "work" would get in the way. :shrug:

mainman said:
Either way, you really are a #####... Give her that much...:shrug:

She didn't say anything I haven't freely admitted ... she don't get squat! :neener:


Set Trippin
Yo yo yo.... me and shorty had ribs at Boomerangs this evening...

Back to your natural disaster....