
What are you going to do Tuesday?

  • I'm going to DC to be a part of it all

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • I'm not going but will be glued to the TV

    Votes: 10 10.8%
  • It's just another day for me. Nutin' special

    Votes: 53 57.0%
  • I think I will lock myself in the bedroom that day and mourn. It's a sad day for America!

    Votes: 26 28.0%

  • Total voters
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New Member
yes, Sonsie knows, but you really dont.
you are basing it on a pre concieved perception. What do they call that again?

be honest, I was, I saw the N word because of what I perceived in my mind, not because of what I perceived in Sonsies mind. You could admit the same.

I before E except after C

From reading her posts prior to this one, yes I did make an assumption, but I think it was accurate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Things have changed Vrai, and your failure to acknowledge or admit that is sad.

Great. Since things have changed, why are we harping about the ways of the past?

It's nice to see you acknowledge the change because, honestly Nupe, sometimes you talk like a guy who was turned away at the lunch counter just yesterday.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion I think that some things should be accomplished prior to taking that office. Those things, he has not accomplished, like leadership of any sort.
so no, I honestly think he won the election soley based on the color of his skin, and the pandering of the news during the campaign.

he did not "earn" the position, it was more or less given to him.

He might earn the respect once he is in, but still, I of all the jobs that are given based on the ability to learn, President is not one of them. And not when the country is in such dire straights.

we needed a president that could jump in running and have a clue what to do.

and no, McCain was not that person either.

Let me get this straight...he won the Presidency of the United States solely because of the color of his skin? You are :killingme:

He didn't win an election but was simply "given" the position? :otter:

The Presidency is "given" based on the "ability to learn?" :whistle: (You are joking right?)

He doesn't have clue what to do? Time will tell on that one but as for the rest of your comments....damn!!!! :lol:

You are still my bud though bcp! :buddies:


In My Opinion
Let me get this straight...he won the Presidency of the United States solely because of the color of his skin? You are :killingme:

He didn't win an election but was simply "given" the position? :otter:

The Presidency is "given" based on the "ability to learn?" :whistle: (You are joking right?)

He doesn't have clue what to do? Time will tell on that one but as for the rest of your comments....damn!!!! :lol:

You are still my bud though bcp! :buddies:
answer honestly.
If he would have been a white guy, that nobody had heard of prior to his running, and with the exact same background. Would he have won?

:buddies: back to you.


Well-Known Member
Great. Since things have changed, why are we harping about the ways of the past?

Because the past is what we know? :shrug:

It's nice to see you acknowledge the change because, honestly Nupe, sometimes you talk like a guy who was turned away at the lunch counter just yesterday.

That comment is beneath You.



New Member
Well, thank you for that profound contribution to the conversation. :lmao:

To wrap this up on my part because I really have nothing else to say on this matter. I highly respect you and I may differ on some of your opinions, but I would never call you a name or label you "stupid" or a "racist"....Like I said, I respect you too much to do so. If that is the route you want to go......fine....it's your world!

.....peace be with you! :buddies:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Let me get this straight...he won the Presidency of the United States solely because of the color of his skin?

Do you deny that there are many people who voted for him solely because of his skin color? After all the celebration and interviews with his devoted fans? The ones who say they registered to vote for the first time because a black man was in the race?

Come on, Nupe.

Certainly his personality and general attractiveness played a part, but change his skin color to white and his political designation to Republican and he doesn't even win the primary. And the media certainly wouldn't fawn on a white man the way they've fawned over Obama. Bill Clinton came close, but he didn't have near the worship that Obama does.


Well-Known Member
answer honestly.
If he would have been a white guy, that nobody had heard of prior to his running, and with the exact same background. Would he have won?

:buddies: back to you.

Actually, I had heard of him. I really don't know the answer as to whether he would have won. I think the election really came down to his response on the economic crisis as compared to Mr. McCain's. I think a white guy giving the same response in the same manner would probably have prevailed as well.
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Well-Known Member
Do you deny that there are many people who voted for him solely because of his skin color? After all the celebration and interviews with his devoted fans? The ones who say they registered to vote for the first time because a black man was in the race?

Come on, Nupe.

Certainly his personality and general attractiveness played a part, but change his skin color to white and his political designation to Republican and he doesn't even win the primary. And the media certainly wouldn't fawn on a white man the way they've fawned over Obama. Bill Clinton came close, but he didn't have near the worship that Obama does.

I can't confirm or deny why other people voted for Mr. Obama. Did white people vote for him because his mother was white? Did black people vote for him because his father was a black African? Tell me cuz I don't know.

Yes, many people registered and voted for the first time because of Barack Obama's skin color. However, did people register and vote for the first time to vote against him for that very same reason? Probably.

What you will most likely never understand is the feeling of inclusiveness that he represents for many people who voted for him. For many, that inclusiveness is in addition to their support of his positions on the economy and desire for change. I can't and won't attempt to speak for the many millions of people who voted to elect this man. Time will tell if he is the right choice at the right time.


24/7 Single Dad
I think the election really came down to his response on the economic crisis as compared to Mr. McCain's. I think a white guy giving the same response in the same manner would probably have prevailed as well.

McCain suspended his campaign and worked on developing legislation.
Obama did nothing then voted along party lines.


New Member
McCain suspended his campaign and worked on developing legislation.
Obama did nothing then voted along party lines.


if by suspended you mean giving a televised interview the next day and not canceling a single debate or ad, then yeah .... he suspended it


edit: and a fat lot of good it did him too. That version of the bill got torpedoed. which also doesn't matter as both candidates voted for the final one anyway.


New Member
I can't confirm or deny why other people voted for Mr. Obama. Did white people vote for him because his mother was white? Did black people vote for him because his father was a black African? Tell me cuz I don't know.

Yes, many people registered and voted for the first time because of Barack Obama's skin color. However, did people register and vote for the first time to vote against him for that very same reason? Probably.

What you will most likely never understand is the feeling of inclusiveness that he represents for many people who voted for him. For many, that inclusiveness is in addition to their support of his positions on the economy and desire for change. I can't and won't attempt to speak for the many millions of people who voted to elect this man. Time will tell if he is the right choice at the right time.

Statistics show that the african american population voted in the same manner that they did in previous elections.

So I guess it was us crackers that voted for him because hes black.


New Member
Do you deny that there are many people who voted for him solely because of his skin color? After all the celebration and interviews with his devoted fans? The ones who say they registered to vote for the first time because a black man was in the race?

Come on, Nupe.

Certainly his personality and general attractiveness played a part, but change his skin color to white and his political designation to Republican and he doesn't even win the primary. And the media certainly wouldn't fawn on a white man the way they've fawned over Obama. Bill Clinton came close, but he didn't have near the worship that Obama does.

of course if you changed everything about him he wouldn't have had as large of a chance as he did. But he isn't republican. I would consider myself a liberal democrat, it is just the way i was brought up. I voted for him, not because he was black but because i agree with the way democrats generally think and vote. I am for gay marriages, i am pro choice, etc. I would typically vote for democrats because they represent me better. If a republican was pro choice and wanted gays to marry i might have voted for a republican, but in general they don't.

Did people vote for him based on race? yes some people did but you can't say that there aren't whites who didn't vote for him because of race. A friend of mine works with ladies who said they really liked what Obama stood for and would vote for him but he's black so they didn't.

Do i think that Obama being black got more black voters? Yes but i spoke to several of my black friends and they didn't just vote because he was black. Most of my friends payed much attention to what Obama wanted to do as president. They spoke to me about why they wanted to vote for him and while his race was a factor it was not the only factor nor the largest factor.


Well-Known Member
Statistics show that the african american population voted in the same manner that they did in previous elections.

So I guess it was us crackers that voted for him because hes black.

There you go again...blaming the White Man! :killingme
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