
What are you going to do Tuesday?

  • I'm going to DC to be a part of it all

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • I'm not going but will be glued to the TV

    Votes: 10 10.8%
  • It's just another day for me. Nutin' special

    Votes: 53 57.0%
  • I think I will lock myself in the bedroom that day and mourn. It's a sad day for America!

    Votes: 26 28.0%

  • Total voters
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
As Inauguration day approaches, I seem to feel a sense of apathy. Tuesday means nothing to me and I really don't plan on watching any of the events scheduled for that day.

What are your plans for Tuesday?

Well I have to work, and then after work, I have 2 appts. So I will probably not be able to catch too much live. But if I am able to catch some of it at work, I probably will, because I just like watching this kind of thing. An inauguration is historic - Obama or no Obama. So I'd like to at least watch it later. I am more into the historic aspect of it along with the crowd watching & the goings-on of the mechanics of it all than the substance that is (not) Obama. :lol:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Retard fagboy. I spent 20 years in the military to be called a terrorist by a little queer like you. :killingme


Funny how the Libs (and tagalong Andy) scream like little girls if you say anything about their prescious Messiah, but for 8 years have spewed their vitriol about Bush. :killingme:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Can you please direct me to the posts on here where liberals on this forum have litterally called for his assissination or wished death upon him?



Give me a break and do your own research, Chihuahua. You know darn well there are probably 100's of posts in the past 8 years on that topic.


New Member
Uh huh. So where were you when the Left was spewing their nastiness toward George Bush and Sarah Palin? Didn't have anything to say about that, did you? But, by god, someone slams the Savior and you're on it, man!


sorry, I can't catch every thread. I haven't noticed anyone calling for Bush's death. If I see it, I'll certainly be the first to say that's stupid.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
No, nothing with the state. Your attitude towards humanity is sick. Your children should not be raised in such a disgusting manner. Hopefully they realize how terrible their own mother is and get out of there asap.

Where do you get off making comments like this - are you deranged?

Leave it to the Libs to take the discourse to the sewer level when you don't agree with someone's viewpoints.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You know, I'm trying, I really am. But the more I see of the rabid frothing Leftists who bow down before him, the less likely I am to give their messiah a chance. Did the Dems give Bush a chance? No. Are they still puling and whining and making fools of themselves? Yes.

And reading the little lefties on here insisting how terrible it is to wish Obama ill, when they've spent 8 YEARS doing the exact thing to George Bush is just the limit. "But we should support our leader!"

Effing hypocrites. They can shove their new president up their ass and I hope they choke on him.

AND I will tell you something else I'm sick of: RACE. That is the only real thing Obama has going for him - that he's a black dude. So much for race relations, because he has done more to divide the nation racially than any KKK member ever dreamed of. If black people really want to be identified solely on the basis of their skin color, they can have at it and congratulations on your separatism from us white devils that you hate so much.


And you morons can go right ahead and call me Hitler or whatever your little pea brains can come up with. I'll let you know when your opinion matters to me.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Uh huh. So where were you when the Left was spewing their nastiness toward George Bush and Sarah Palin? Didn't have anything to say about that, did you? But, by god, someone slams the Savior and you're on it, man!


That's right. They'll mew & cry about the inhumanity of it all over Obama, but no one was standing up against the nastiness to anyone with an R behind their name.



Give me a break and do your own research, Chihuahua. You know darn well there are probably 100's of posts in the past 8 years on that topic.

I have never once seen a post where someone has called for Bush's death... at least not on here.

Maybe on the DU but you guys frequent the DU much more than I do. :shrug:

I've seen several posts where people have called for Barack Obama's death. Usually, when it happens and I put it out there, Vrai steps up and deletes it. :yay:

It's amazing how you guys piss and moan about liberals over at the DU wanting Bush to die but yet defend anyone who calls for Obama's death. That makes you just as bad, ugly, vile and hateful as those who've called for Bush's death. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've seen several posts where people have called for Barack Obama's death. Usually, when it happens and I put it out there, Vrai steps up and deletes it. :yay:

Please show me where anyone called for Obama's death. All I saw was Sonsie wishing him a cancerous colon, which is hardly a threat of assassination.
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