What am I missing about this???


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I recommend you save yourself. You should immediately sell off everryting you have in your 401k or IRAs and invest in Carbon Credits! :yay: :yay:
I dunno. I see a TV ad every day around lunch time about how silver is poised to skyrocket in value.

Same exact ad been running unchanged for about 10 years now. Not sure I trust those guys.


Active Member
I think it's just good old fashioned mass hysteria, no different than the villagers in Salem during the 1600s. They're a mindless mob and there's no reasoning with them. They are dangerous and innocent people die because of them.

The masters play these people like a fiddle.

What masters do you imagine are doing this and what is their goal? Why dont you use common sense and history to understand what is going on instead of blaming on unseen puppet masters? Seems like the easy way out. not much different then blaming anything you dont understand on all powerful god.

The markets are reacting to a global pandemic and having a president who denies all reccomeded medical advice and a VP who believes in prayer over medical advice is making the markets and investor even more reticent to put any faith in their ability to reposed honestly and effectively.

It's clear from Trumps public statements he doesnt even understand how viruses or vaccines work and yet he is out golfing yet again.

In scenarios like this traditionally the world has looked to the US to take the lead. The world no longer has a single country to look toward as a guide. China lied about the seriousness of the outbreak and now Trump does the same and has no clear policy to react.

Unlike the flu which we have a pretty effective vaccine against most strains we have no protection from this strain. That is the major difference here It's not that people are being hysterically its that no humans have ever been exposed to this disease before and it is completely novel. There are many people who will die from this that would otherwise survive. Why is this so puzzling to people?


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Well-Known Member
Listen, everyone, just calm down. We're all good.

The guy whose grandfather died of the flu and didn't know people died from the flu, says everything is alright. And we trust him explicitly because he owns the Dems. This Coronavirus crap is all over the news and no matter what is reported by the news, it's all fake anyway, so just calm down okay.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
(a) Interesting how holier than thou you were in your previous post....claiming that Klien wrote just an opinion piece...blah...blah...blah...

(b) Well just to point out the stunningly obvious: ELon Musk's comments were nothing more than an opinion as well. What medical training does he have? None.

(c) Your point that this entire thing is political and not medical is also rather stupid given the worldwide reaction. You seem to ignore the really basic fact that this is not a US centric problem...but you approach it from only a US centric view (which is typical of the Trump cult)

China and Italy have quarantined rather large swaths of their territory. That is not a political reaction now is it?
(a) First, it's Klein, not Klien. Second, nothing "holier than thou" about my comments. Klein is strawmanning to relieve his #TDS; just like you do. There was nothing helpful in his opinion piece (as in, helpfully adding to the conversation about the coronavirus). As such, my comments were made in response to @truby20 posting it; that Klein's piece really didn't add to the point Truby might having been trying to make.

(b) No disagreement that Musk offered an opinion. That's my point: he offered an opinion and was pounced upon because people wanted his opinion to align with their opinions (some desperately). That's not reasoned discourse (which is what I'm trying to encourage and something you seem hell-bent on not encouraging); that's mob behavior.

(c) First, I didn't say "this entire thing is political and not medical"; I said it was MORE of a political problem at this point than a medical one. In fact, Klein's opinion piece demonstrates that quite well. Second, as far as your comment, re: US-centric vs a global problem, so? Just what exactly...? I've never denied it was a global problem. And as to China and Italy doing what they're doing, how do you know that there isn't a political angle to what they are doing medically? If you have insight, please post your thoughts and links. I've made the comment that there is almost certainly a political aspect to at least some of those countries' behavior because it makes sense to ensure the political dimension(s) is(are) addressed. In Italy's case, the government is always (at least, generally) seen as incompetent so it is important for it to not just stand there, but do something. In China's case, there is a similar problem in that the CCP may be worried that it appears weak. As such, decisive action is an imperative. But there's also a possibility that China is reacting in the manner it is because it accomplishes other imperatives important to an authoritarian regime. But what about the other 100+ countries? Many have confirmed cases of the coronavirus, are not reacting (yet) as China and Italy (or even Iran) are, and are assessing as the situation develops. So using just two of many to prove there's something wrong with the Trump administration's approach is weak proof (unless, of course, you're going on record and saying that what all the other countries are doing is equally incompetent; something I don't see you doing. I see you being, like Klein, fixated on Trump. So who is being US-centric?).

So, as I close, three suggestions. First, actually read what you're responding to (not just my posts, but others', as well). You tend not to do that and it's not a good look. Frankly, it's sloppy. Second, it makes for helpful, reasoned discourse if you consider the possibility that you may have missed the point and ask for clarification in advance (or apologize) rather than going on the attack and being such a boor (as you generally do/are). In other words, don't be such a хуй. Frankly, it's juvenile. Third, your spelling and grammar mistakes undercut whatever point you try to make (as it conveys haste and emotion, rather than insight and intellect). Frankly, it's off-putting.

So if you'd like to come across as less of a troll and more of an enthusiastic debater worth reading either re-read what you're about to post before posting or take up @vraiblonde's occasional reminders to become a Premo member so you can correct your mistakes ex post posto (as it were). Both would also help to lessen your numerous mistakes in logic and reading comprehension.

Unless, of course, all you are really interested in is trolling and/or rhetorical onanism.


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PREMO Member
First, actually read what you're responding to (not just my posts, but others', as well). You tend not to do that and it's not a good look. Frankly, it's sloppy.

oh but the rest of us get accused of not reading or understanding what WE Post

You're so triggered all the time. All that hysteria and depression can't possibly be good for you. Don't you have any hobbies or friends to occupy yourself with?
I like how she praises Trump one minute, can't wait to vote for him, and then in the next sentence, skewers him.


Active Member
You're so triggered all the time. All that hysteria and depression can't possibly be good for you. Don't you have any hobbies or friends to occupy yourself with?

Weren't you the one 6 months ago cheering about how great the economy was under Trump and how it was effecting your 401K?

Why cant someone do the opposite now that Trump has flushed away years of gains?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Weren't you the one 6 months ago cheering about how great the economy was under Trump and how it was effecting your 401K?

Why cant someone do the opposite now that Trump has flushed away years of gains?
Really Sappy? Please explain how Trump controls the world markets and global energy industries! :jet:


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
(a) What masters do you imagine are doing this and what is their goal? Why dont you use common sense and history to understand what is going on instead of blaming on unseen puppet masters? Seems like the easy way out. not much different then blaming anything you dont understand on all powerful god.

(b) The markets are reacting to a global pandemic and (c) having a president who denies all reccomeded medical advice and (d) a VP who believes in prayer over medical advice is making the markets and investor even more reticent to put any faith in their ability to reposed honestly and effectively.

(e) It's clear from Trumps public statements he doesnt even understand how viruses or vaccines work and (f) yet he is out golfing yet again.

(g) In scenarios like this traditionally the world has looked to the US to take the lead. The world no longer has a single country to look toward as a guide. China lied about the seriousness of the outbreak and now Trump does the same and has no clear policy to react.

(h) Unlike the flu which we have a pretty effective vaccine against most strains we have no protection from this strain. That is the major difference here It's not that people are being hysterically its that no humans have ever been exposed to this disease before and (i) it is completely novel. (j) There are many people who will die from this that would otherwise survive. (k) Why is this so puzzling to people?
(a) If you don't think there are groups who are seeking to manipulate public opinion for their benefit, well....

(b) I disagree. The markets are reacting to non-specific fears about a (possible) global pandemic. We tend to fear what we don't understand. And we don't yet fully understand this coronoavirus. More importantly, not fully understanding it doesn't mean anything more than that.

(c) Would love to see links in support of this as I have watched him lend support to what the experts are recommending. Or is it that he denies the advice of those you choose to see as correct?

(d) First, this is mid-reading. Second, your assertion is patently false.

(e) Again, mind-reading.

(f) Because leaders are paid to set a positive example. This is the exact opposite of Nero fiddling (which is what it seems to me you're trying to assert). I would be curious as to your thoughts on Obama's dealings with Ebola (given that's the comparison on offer in the media). Obama didn't take actions being demanded of Trump yet Ebola is a far more dangerous disease. Not that you're saying this directly, but how is what Obama did okay yet what Trump is doing not (okay?). BTW, I didn't have anything specifically against what Obama did so I'm not playing the "whatabout" game. What I'm saying is that political games are being played (back then with the #Anti-Obamas and today with the #Anti-Trumpers). Not helpful, so we should do our best not to play. But, of course, it is expected.

(g) What's your basis for this opinion? What are your metrics? This comment seems to be borne more out of frustration/anxiety/other things than any solid proof.

(h) This is not at all how I understand this. We have vaccines against certain strains of the flu (to include coronaviruses). However, as I understand it, flu vaccines are more of a dart throwing exercise (i.e., best guess) than an exact science. As I am not an epidemiologist I'm open to being educated on this. So help me out if you are one or can point me to one.

(i) It's only novel in the sense that it's a new variant.

(j) This applies to any disease. There are new forms of diseases popping up all the time, be it viruses or bacteria (e.g., TB). So not sure why it's more important here (other than the fear that is causing it to appear more important).

(k) What's puzzling to me is the lack of "this is what I would do" and explanations as to the economic ramifications of any suggestion. My point is that while I agree the global economy is suffering as a result of the coronavirus, the coronavirus hasn't collapsed the global economy. And that's the goal of this administration: to get the country through the coronavirus (scare). Reactions against what the administration is doing don't seem to realize (or are willing to admit) that their suggestions would collapse the global economy. That's both disingenuous (because they're not willing to admit the cost of their suggestions) and dangerous (because it's all being done to score relatively meaningless political points).

As always, am interested in entertaining ideas how to better deal with the issue (with supporting rationales as to how these alternatives are better for the economy). Yup, the markets are plunging, but I'll take a wounded market over an annihilated market. Maybe the coronavirus causes us to eventually reached the latter, but I prefer not to hasten the process or certainty of getting there.

Cheers. Join me in keeping calm and carrying on.

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