Originally posted by http
I doubt it. I bet you if the 100 folks of Dares Beach Calvert County wrote all to Starbucks saying they wanted one in their neighborhood, they wouldn't get it.
No, 100 people probably woulldn't do it. But tie together what everyone else here is saying.
1) Several hundred or even a several thousand people in the somd area contact starbucks to open a store there (yes, leonardtown, LP, and now california is the basis for this because they are either the county seat, or considered commercial/retail areas). Waldorf is more if a DC suburb than a small place in somd.
2) Starbucks wonders what the place called "California, Md" is. And "Lexington Park, md".
3) Starbucks looks at the area and see's no competition, but a strong desire from the local people for their business.
4) Starbucks finds there is a a prime location, right on the main road to grab custumers on their way to work.
5) Starbucks, now that they know where somd is, looks at the area and see's the population and the average household income. They like what they see, and decide to open up shop.
Sure, a simplistic look at it, but a very reality based one as well. And it all started with people gaining the attention of starbucks in the first place. And similar things go for other businesses. And consdering many businesses we know and love are actually owned by a few select corporations, getting your name to one or two instantly gives you name recognition to many others. It is beginning to work in somd.
Like vrai says, the more businesses that move in there, the more businesses somd didn't know they couldn't "live without".