What's for dinner?


Well-Known Member
Daughter is making me dinner tonight since she was working last night. I know there's a shrimp pasta dish and an adult beverage involved. She's a really good cook and excellent bartender, so I know it will be good. She needs to hurry up though, my stomach is growling!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Chicken Adobe with pancit and broccoli at mom's with sister and niece. Black cherry ice cream for dessert.


happy to be living
I use Bobli all the time, just gotta prep them first. Coat it with olive oil, a bit of salt, garlic powder and oregano, then bake it until the top starts browning. Then put your sauce and cheese and stuff on and bake it.
I baked it for 7 minutes before building it.; though I've never oiled or seasoned them beforehand (that sounds great!)