Whats wrong with me?


In My Opinion
first off you have to get noticed.
understand that when you go anywhere that has both the male and the female members of society, they are all looking for the same thing. well sort of. the men are looking for women and the women looking for men... unless you go to a homo bar, then I cant help you. (maybe assless chaps?)

now, assuming that you are in fact in a normal place that people would meet to hook up and do the bang bang, remember, you are never looking for your next long term girlfriend. Women dont like this, regardless of what they say about committment, it makes you look desperate, and the first thing they wonder is what is wrong with you.

Get noticed quickly.
Look around, every guy in the place is wearing jeans and a Tee-shirt with the name of their favorite band or some other saying. they all blend in. But if you walk in with a suit and tie, and maybe even a pair of 1970s style shoes with the big heels, Wear glasses, those old style heavy black rimmed birth control military issue ones, and put tape on the nose piece to help bring out the look, you will be noticed by all before you even make it three feet in the door. All the women know you are there now, and you will be easy to tell apart from the rest of the crowd.

Next women are looking for a man that can support their needs.
break out that 20 that you have been saving for a rainy day, flash it around make sure they notice that you are carrying large sums of money.
ask where the bathroom is, make sure women are around when you do this, then take out a compass and make it look like you are using it to locate the proper direction. this gives you the Indiana Jones look. A look of mystery. by the time you come back from the restroom, you will notice that all eyes will be on you, and the women will be giggling at the thought of having the nerve to actually talk to you.

Show everyone that you are a responsible person, order a milk from the bar and drink it in plain view of everyone there. make sure you get the milk mustache to enhance the image.

Notice that when everyone dances the floor is crowded and it seems as if everyone is doing the same thing. Not good. To stand out you need to study the John Travolta movie Saturday Night Fever, then go to the dance floor and recreate his disco moves in the middle of the floor. Within moments everyone will be standing on the side of the dance floor, you will be alone dancing while everyone watches you with looks of wonder.

After this dance, look around and find the ugliest woman in the bar, go over to her and talk to her. All the other women will be curious as to why you would do this. It will increase their desire to mate with you. It will show that you are not shallow, and that you must truely desire conversation over sexual activities.

Make sure you bring pictures of your mom, and make it no secret that you are still living with her, women love the fact that you are able to continue a relationship committment to this extent.

Do these few things and you will be surprised at the response you will get from even the best looking prospect in the bar.

No need to thank me. I only suggest these things in an attempt to help people find true love.

Nanny Pam

bcp said:
first off you have to get noticed.
understand that when you go anywhere that has both the male and the female members of society, they are all looking for the same thing. well sort of. the men are looking for women and the women looking for men... unless you go to a homo bar, then I cant help you. (maybe assless chaps?)

now, assuming that you are in fact in a normal place that people would meet to hook up and do the bang bang, remember, you are never looking for your next long term girlfriend. Women dont like this, regardless of what they say about committment, it makes you look desperate, and the first thing they wonder is what is wrong with you.

Get noticed quickly.
Look around, every guy in the place is wearing jeans and a Tee-shirt with the name of their favorite band or some other saying. they all blend in. But if you walk in with a suit and tie, and maybe even a pair of 1970s style shoes with the big heels, Wear glasses, those old style heavy black rimmed birth control military issue ones, and put tape on the nose piece to help bring out the look, you will be noticed by all before you even make it three feet in the door. All the women know you are there now, and you will be easy to tell apart from the rest of the crowd.

Next women are looking for a man that can support their needs.
break out that 20 that you have been saving for a rainy day, flash it around make sure they notice that you are carrying large sums of money.
ask where the bathroom is, make sure women are around when you do this, then take out a compass and make it look like you are using it to locate the proper direction. this gives you the Indiana Jones look. A look of mystery. by the time you come back from the restroom, you will notice that all eyes will be on you, and the women will be giggling at the thought of having the nerve to actually talk to you.

Show everyone that you are a responsible person, order a milk from the bar and drink it in plain view of everyone there. make sure you get the milk mustache to enhance the image.

Notice that when everyone dances the floor is crowded and it seems as if everyone is doing the same thing. Not good. To stand out you need to study the John Travolta movie Saturday Night Fever, then go to the dance floor and recreate his disco moves in the middle of the floor. Within moments everyone will be standing on the side of the dance floor, you will be alone dancing while everyone watches you with looks of wonder.

After this dance, look around and find the ugliest woman in the bar, go over to her and talk to her. All the other women will be curious as to why you would do this. It will increase their desire to mate with you. It will show that you are not shallow, and that you must truely desire conversation over sexual activities.

Make sure you bring pictures of your mom, and make it no secret that you are still living with her, women love the fact that you are able to continue a relationship committment to this extent.

Do these few things and you will be surprised at the response you will get from even the best looking prospect in the bar.

No need to thank me. I only suggest these things in an attempt to help people find true love.

Awesome advice! You are the best!


somdebay said:
Nice guys really do finish last...I think I am too nice...or maybe I am just meeting all the wrong girls? I'm too safe? Is being too romantic a bad thing?

The ironic thing in life is that after you're taken all sorts of people start coming on to you. They seem to crawl out of the wood work. Why is that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bcp said:
After this dance, look around and find the ugliest woman in the bar, go over to her and talk to her. All the other women will be curious as to why you would do this. It will increase their desire to mate with you.
Actually, this part is true. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Bronwyn said:
The ironic thing in life is that after you're taken all sorts of people start coming on to you. They seem to crawl out of the wood work. Why is that?

:yeahthat: Because everyone wants what they can't have.


ice cream lover
bcp said:
first off you have to get noticed.
No need to thank me. I only suggest these things in an attempt to help people find true love.
Where were you when I needed advice like that? :lmao:


Make the voices stop!!!!!
That is really some great advice, guess I need to break out the ployesters and platforms and go bust a move....... THANKS!!!!!!


I'm Rick James #####!
aps45819 said:
:lol: dated a girl a couple of years ago that my buddies refered to as the Klingon.

I didn't think you and I are we're dipping into the same dating pool... :ohwell:



Super Genius
aps45819 said:
:lol: dated a girl a couple of years ago that my buddies refered to as the Klingon.
Was that because she was clingy, or did she have a bony protrusion on her forehead? :killingme


aka Mrs. Giant
Very entertaining tread. :lol:

On a serious note, perhaps, even though you may very well be a great guy, you are unintentionally sabotaging your relationships. Look at what the re-occurring issues seem to be, what signs spell failure for you, and modify your behavior accordingly so you don't wind up alone and bitter. There's probably somebody out there waiting on you, but you have to fix yourself first.


All Up In Your Grill
Lugnut said:
It's a pretty powerful aphrodisiac. That's why I only fart in front of women I want to :bangbangbang:

I'm a considerate guy, I don't want to be a tease and give some poor homely woman the wrong idea. :shrug:

Aw snap! I'm in love. :huggy: