Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
in your version

The flipside, God didnt exist until the Jewish belief created him, and was then subsequently "borrowed" by the Catholic church in the creation of its belief.

With that basis both beliefs (Jewish and Catholic) passed judgement on women before God was created.

But then you'd have to have an objective view and realize yours isnt the only belief, and there were many beliefs long before yours was a gleam in a greedy mans eye.

Oh I understand that what I believe isn't the only belief. I have studied a few religions before I made my choice. I am not that closed minded to think that mine is the only way people think, I know that there are many different gods that are worshipped.
It is a shame that past greed (and maybe even a few present greedy folks) have tainted something that was so beautiful...


New Member
When God speaks something it stands and holds true until the end of time.
That's why he made a plan of salvation Salvation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so people can be 'saved' from his judgment.
It can be referred to as: How NOT TO get Burned.

If you have to be 'saved' from a 'merciful' judgment (while at the same time, not even being part of the crime) then .... well .... that's pretty messed up.

maybe god should revise his plan so that it makes sense.


New Member
If you have to be 'saved' from a 'merciful' judgment (while at the same time, not even being part of the crime) then .... well .... that's pretty messed up.

maybe god should revise his plan so that it makes sense.

Think of it this way.
God passed judgment for all of man kind.
Jesus dies on the cross replacing animal sacrifice as the perfect lamb (sinless and spotless).
Then the plan of salvation is given to be saved from judgment (John Chapter 3 and Act 2:38) (merciful or not).
Or maybe we should follow the plan so we can be saved?? I don’t know that's just a suggestion..


New Member
At that time, all of mankind did. (it was just Adam and Eve)



do you realize how little sense that makes?


because if that is what actually passes for logic in your noggin, I'll stop wasting time.

It's still global punishment for the actions of two.

Does that sound just?

Does it sound merciful?

Does it sound good?

edit: be honest. If two people at your job stole a company truck would you agree that firing every single employee for their actions made any kind of sense?


New Member
I respect the fact that you know so much about the bible and you have so many questions.
That's great.
However your :sarcasm: can get you in trouble..

lol with whom?

edit: god maybe?

lol at that

according to christians he knows everything and is never wrong .... I couldn't change if I wanted to .... seeing as whatever was foretold in his 'plan' can't be changed (otherwise he'd have been wrong).
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New Member


do you realize how little sense that makes?


because if that is what actually passes for logic in your noggin, I'll stop wasting time.

It's still global punishment for the actions of two.

Does that sound just?

Does it sound merciful?

Does it sound good?
Yes I realize it doesn't make sense. (And you are not wasting your time, religion, politics and race relations are my favorite topics to discuss and not get up tight over)
I believe so strongly in God that it doesn't make any sense to me that people don't believe in him.
The exact point I was trying to make. (Not everything makes sense to everyone, however both sides have strong points and both sides have weak irrelevant points)
Do I think it's just? NO but I don't make the rules, I'm told them and I try to abide by them as much as I can. I'm not perfect far from it.
Does it sound merciful? Yes and NO!
Yes because he did make a plan to escape judgment; and NO because if you don't follow it the 'reward' is Hell (even if you don't believe it)...
Does it sound good? Yes to the ones that believe and are going and NO to the ones that don't believe and to the ones that aren't going.


New Member
lol with whom?

edit: god maybe?

lol at that

according to christians he knows everything and is never wrong .... I couldn't change if I wanted to .... seeing as whatever was foretold in his 'plan' can't be changed (otherwise he'd have been wrong).

See you got it.


New Member
Does it sound merciful? Yes and NO!
Yes because he did make a plan to escape judgment; and NO because if you don't follow it the 'reward' is Hell (even if you don't believe it)...
Does it sound good? Yes to the ones that believe and are going and NO to the ones that don't believe and to the ones that aren't going.

this is not a good thing!

If someone falsely condemns you and then gives you a way out, that is not merciful.

Do you know the meaning of that word?

If you think that these are the rules, then why doesn't it strike you that these rules don't make sense in any capacity?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I don't like the poll. Where is the I have no problem with any religion? I don't believe in any religion and think none make sense, but I don't really care what other people think.


New Member
this is not a good thing!

If someone falsely condemns you and then gives you a way out, that is not merciful.
Do you know the meaning of that word?
If you think that these are the rules, then why doesn't it strike you that these rules don't make sense in any capacity?

I know the meaning of the word.
I think he is merciful, after Sin entered the world, he could have just let us go to hell with no way out. Mercy gave us a way out. :yahoo:
They don't make any sense to you; however it makes sense to billions of people (Christians) in the world. Religions of the world: numbers of adherents; growth rates
I didn't write the book.
I just read it and believe it.