White People Should Be Exterminated?


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
BET has sitcoms, Nightly news, movies about black people and shows that talk about black celebrities and historians.

Ummm... I am not saying that I or other black people can not enjoy the other stations, my point is that we don't always relate to ti just like other cultures may not always relate to the rap video stylings.
Rap came over on a boat from Africa? What does downing women and crotch grabbing have to do with your culture? If that's what makes you proud:shrug:

I however prefer to watch shows with women who look like me and act like me and that I can relate to. Shows like Girlfriends and Half and Half on UPN (not Us Po' Negroes)

Why do you HAVE to act different?

It is not my intentions to offend anyone by reiterating that there are cultural differences between white and black people.

There are only differences when you accentuate them or make it so on purpose. I enjoy my heritage but it doesn't make me different to where I feel I need special treatment.

I can not relate to it, but watching Bobby and Whitney's show is hilarious because I can relate to it because I know black people like that or more so how we are.

I haven't seen the show nor plan to watch someone who beats his wife, who has no self respect and admits to drugs. Is that what you relate to?

Man, I hope this doesnt offend anyone, but I am open to answer questions that are reasonable like Vrai's.

Because shes the big white bwanna here?

I truly think you don't have much of a clue about alot of things.
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New Member
Speaking of Bobby & Whitney.....they said something funny about them on the radio this morning. They said something to the effect of Bobby and Whiteny went trick or treating with Charlie Brown because they heard he was getting all thos rocks and couldn't pass it up!

Ok, so it was funnier when the guy on the radio said it....... :dance:


Well-Known Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Man, I hope this doesnt offend anyone, but I am open to answer questions that are reasonable like Vrai's.

I apologize that my comments about your "blasting" music being rude was probably a little rude in itself. I'll mild it a bit. Why is it that blacks of all ages have to crank it all the way up with total disregard to anyone around them? It happens gassing up at Wawa, in traffic and the parking lot at Walmart....anyplace. I see the teenage white kids (M&M wannabee's) in the ricers doing the same but they are far outnumbered by the blacks of all ages. When a guy in his 50's climbs out of his Escalade to gas up and leaves his doors open while that noise thump-thumps, what is he thinking? Does he care at all that he is very obviously offending the people around him? Last Thursday at the Solomons car wash was a family cleaning out their Excursion with music blaring. No more than 5' away was a sign...NO LOUD MUSIC. You seem to think this is OK....why?


Well-Known Member
Lexi, do you happen to know why black people take their time getting out of the way?


1. In shopping lanes in the grocery store, they refuse to give you room to pass by. If they bump into to you they bump and go on. If I bump someone I say "I'm sorry or excuse me." I try to be polite.

2. Why when crossing the street do they take their good old time? When I cross, I run.


New Member
Homesick said:
Lexi, do you happen to know why black people take their time getting out of the way?


1. In shopping lanes in the grocery store, they refuse to give you room to pass by. If they bump into to you they bump and go on. If I bump someone I say "I'm sorry or excuse me." I try to be polite.

2. Why when crossing the street do they take their good old time? When I cross, I run.

This is hilarious! I for one cant stand the people (particularly the snobby looking whities) who are coming out of the store to find their car and they are taking up the whole isle of the parking lot like they don't here you putting along behind them waiting for them to move. I find my "white trash" kicking in and saying (sometimes outloud) "MOVE DOES YOUR FAT A$$ NEED THE WHOLE ISLE!"


Football addict
Homesick said:
Lexi, do you happen to know why black people take their time getting out of the way?


1. In shopping lanes in the grocery store, they refuse to give you room to pass by. If they bump into to you they bump and go on. If I bump someone I say "I'm sorry or excuse me." I try to be polite.
Sorry bud, everyone does this in the grocery store. I know because I work in one. It's not just 'black' people. A lot of old people do this and especially a lot of mexican people. I'll be waiting for ages sometimes, some people just have no courtesy and that certainly has no color as far as I can see.


Well-Known Member
Not picking here, not my style, BuddyLee, but I swear to goodness I run across this with black people all the time, especially in my neighborhood.


Football addict
Homesick said:
Not picking here, not my style, BuddyLee, but I swear to goodness I run across this with black people all the time, especially in my neighborhood.
Well, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong either, people perceive things differently. However, maybe society has forced this belief on you so that whenever you see a black person doing this you automatically make a note of it, perhaps an unconscious note (oh yea, he's black that's why). When a white person does this, does this same thing happen or do we let some things slide because we share that minute commonality?

Just a thought...:shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Sorry bud, everyone does this in the grocery store.
I have to agree. Go hang out in any store - grocery or otherwise. It's not the black people with their carts in the middle of the friggin' aisle, blocking everyone else. It's white folk. And you go like this: "Excuse me, can I get by real quick?" and they LOOK at you :mad: like YOU'RE the one being rude.

As far as the *thump* *thump* *thump* goes, I see that more with white kids, too. Scruffy looking ones who should probably consider spending their stereo money on some soap and water, or maybe a razor to clean up that mess they've got all over their chins.


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
As far as the *thump* *thump* *thump* goes, I see that more with white kids, too. Scruffy looking ones who should probably consider spending their stereo money on some soap and water, or maybe a razor to clean up that mess they've got all over their chins.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: You've been visiting my college, haven't you?


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
As far as the *thump* *thump* *thump* goes, I see that more with white kids, too. Scruffy looking ones who should probably consider spending their stereo money on some soap and water, or maybe a razor to clean up that mess they've got all over their chins.

They're fondly referred to as "wannabe's".


vraiblonde said:
And you go like this: "Excuse me, can I get by real quick?" and they LOOK at you :mad: like YOU'RE the one being rude.

After having this happen to me several thousand times at Walmart - where the aisles are growing narrower even as we speak - I've given up on politeness.

And I've discovered that if you're somewhat pushy about getting people to move, you don't even ahve to worry about dirty looks. They usually won't even look at you at all.

Of course, there are some who will react aggressively - so pick your battles.

A few days ago, some ignorant woman at the gas station positioned her car so that noone could get by, and started walking into the store. I laid on the horn until she got back into the car and parked it as if there were other people in the world besides her. So she starting kvetching and smartassing her way into the store as I parked.

I met her in line and stood about 2 inches behind her and asked if she had anything she wanted to say to me.

Wouldn't even look in my general direction.

Apropos of nothing, this was a spoiled rotten white #####., driving her daddy's Boxster.


New Member
You know what is even worse? I experienced this myself this weekend at the Giant and remembered why my husband does most of the grocery shopping.

Those goody goody parents that let their kids get the groceries from the shelf down EVERY ISLE and they are standing there saying "this one mommy, this one mommy" and she is standing there in the middle of the isle with her cart "no Johnny the one at the bottom, the next one" Grrrr! Get the crap yourself and make your kid stand beside the cart! Granted every now and then is one thing but taking 3 steps you are stopping to get something and taking forever to let your kid get it is ridiculous and then there are those that allow their kids to push the cart for them who push right down the center behind mom who is paying no attention that the kid is blocking everything!


Football addict
sinwagon said:
You know what is even worse? I experienced this myself this weekend at the Giant and remembered why my husband does most of the grocery shopping.

Those goody goody parents that let their kids get the groceries from the shelf down EVERY ISLE and they are standing there saying "this one mommy, this one mommy" and she is standing there in the middle of the isle with her cart "no Johnny the one at the bottom, the next one" Grrrr! Get the crap yourself and make your kid stand beside the cart! Granted every now and then is one thing but taking 3 steps you are stopping to get something and taking forever to let your kid get it is ridiculous and then there are those that allow their kids to push the cart for them who push right down the center behind mom who is paying no attention that the kid is blocking everything!
I loved people until I worked in a grocery store for a year. I still love people and their many dynamics but I sure do hate that stupidity factor. People trying to smuggle crab meat in their pants among countless other items; some guy thought he was hitting the brakes but instead jammed the gas and ran over/smushed/destroyed three carts, two kiddie buggies, the cart return, and also managed to hit two other cars; guys stealing purses and then going into the adjacent parking lot where everyone can see him; just last week a boy throws up on the floor. The mother see's this and continues to shop. The boy walks away and throws up again, all the while my manager just looks at them in disbelief; how about the dingalings who come into a closed line. Here you have your light off, a thousand billboard 'closed' signs but yet people don't seem to notice; throwing a three cart full-load in the express lane when those with a mere three items wait for eternity to come and go; those who tell you you're wrong when you haven't been a cent off in years! (this is great when they do an audit in front of them and they find out they were at fault, I love this.); WIC checks.:burning:lol If you screw up one minute detail in a WIC check you must pay for that WIC check, nice; gotta love the people who get in line and exclaim "wait one minute (which is like 10) I forgot this item, license, wallet, money, ect."; also gotta love the people who leave tons of de-shop (these are the items that one leaves around various parts of the store or the cart-full of items that one decides they don't want at the last minute). There are countless others but I'll stop here...for now.:burning:lol
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BuddyLee said:
I loved people until I worked in a grocery store for a year. I still love people and their many dynamics but I sure do hate that stupidity factor. People trying to smuggle crab meat in their pants among countless other items; some guy thought he was hitting the brakes but instead jammed the gas and ran over/smushed/destroyed three carts, two kiddie buggies, the cart return, and also managed to hit two other cars; guys stealing purses and then going into the adjacent parking lot where everyone can see him; just last week a boy throws up on the floor. The mother see's this and continues to shop. The boy walks away and throws up again, all the while my manager just looks at them in disbelief; how about the dingalings who come into a closed line. Here you have your light off, a thousand billboard 'closed' signs but yet people don't seem to notice; throwing a three cart full-load in the express lane when those with a mere three items wait for eternity to come and go; those who tell you you're wrong when you haven't been a cent off in years! (this is great when they do an audit in front of them and they find out they were at fault, I love this.); WIC checks.:burning:lol If you screw up one minute detail in a WIC check you must pay for that WIC check, nice; gotta love the people who get in line and exclaim "wait one minute (which is like 10) I forgot this item, license, wallet, money, ect."; also gotta love the people who leave tons of de-shop (these are the items that one leaves around various parts of the store or the cart-full of items that one decides they don't want at the last minute). There are countless others but I'll stop here...for now.:burning:lol
Buddy you are sounding like a mean old horrible republican. It is your obligation to clean up puke from some poor ill child, the mother can't interrupt her shopping for her kid, someone will clean it up, someone always cleans up their messes. Express lane? These people with 3 carts have to shop, and they deserve to be treated fairly! You cannot keep the binge shopper down with your oppressive rules! As far as de-shopping how elitist of you! These peoples time is valuable, they should not be bothered with taking that $18 twin pack of rib eyes allllllllll the way back to the meat department, you will find it in a few days stashed behind the paper towels and you can take care of it! Now how could you possibly be angry at the poor underprivledged guy who is forced to steal crabmeat just to survive. He is no doubt a victim and you scoff at him. It is YOUR job to SERVE them. They cannot be burdened with trivial stuff like common courtesy.


100% Goapele Head!
Homesick said:
Lexi, do you happen to know why black people take their time getting out of the way?


1. In shopping lanes in the grocery store, they refuse to give you room to pass by. If they bump into to you they bump and go on. If I bump someone I say "I'm sorry or excuse me." I try to be polite.

2. Why when crossing the street do they take their good old time? When I cross, I run.

Actually, those are just trifling individuals, as we black folks say, some people think they a have bumpers on when they cross the street, as far as being bumped, that's just rude and I dont like it, probably some big heifer too.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BuddyLee said:
I loved people until I worked in a grocery store for a year. I still love people and their many dynamics but I sure do hate that stupidity factor. People trying to smuggle crab meat in their pants among countless other items; some guy thought he was hitting the brakes but instead jammed the gas and ran over/smushed/destroyed three carts, two kiddie buggies, the cart return, and also managed to hit two other cars; guys stealing purses and then going into the adjacent parking lot where everyone can see him; just last week a boy throws up on the floor. The mother see's this and continues to shop. The boy walks away and throws up again, all the while my manager just looks at them in disbelief; how about the dingalings who come into a closed line. Here you have your light off, a thousand billboard 'closed' signs but yet people don't seem to notice; throwing a three cart full-load in the express lane when those with a mere three items wait for eternity to come and go; those who tell you you're wrong when you haven't been a cent off in years! (this is great when they do an audit in front of them and they find out they were at fault, I love this.); WIC checks.:burning:lol If you screw up one minute detail in a WIC check you must pay for that WIC check, nice; gotta love the people who get in line and exclaim "wait one minute (which is like 10) I forgot this item, license, wallet, money, ect."; also gotta love the people who leave tons of de-shop (these are the items that one leaves around various parts of the store or the cart-full of items that one decides they don't want at the last minute). There are countless others but I'll stop here...for now.:burning:lol
You know, I hate to burn Shoppers, but why is their produce (lettuce, broccoli, etc.) so crappy? And why don't they schedule enough people to work as cashiers on the weekends. The lines are so bad that, despite the prices, I have gone back to Giant.