Ok, Why do I have to go back to Africa where I was never from. I never said anything about not liking it here so get that out of your head.
Next, why can't MLK day have a sale, I mean he did a lot for the civilization of this country just like the Presidents and soldiers. Why do you have a problem with me saying that.
Whoever has a problem with BET needs to stop the madness, spanish, arab and asian people have stations too, why does one black station rile you so?
Anyway, as it seems many of you will ever understand why black people need anything period. So, I am done with this. It's not my job to educate the uneducatable.
As far as white people not always being to afford college (now or then). It was never a problem for you to go. Predominantly black colleges were created so that we could achieve higher education when we were not allowed into the best schools. Do you have a problem that the schools were created so that we can go and learn or would you prefer we still be picking cotton for Master? I mean get real.
Secondly, get off my tits about wanting a white man, I will want whatever the hecht I want, I didnt ask you for one. I notice people keep bringing that up, if you have a problem with it, it's your problem, never will be mine. Done!