Why so mean spirited?


New Member
TexasPride77 said:
Mike, I do get it. I really do. I question if you get it though. I just dont see why it is so wrong for the bullying minority to be civil. Oh well... I did try to stand up for what I felt was the right thing to do.

What is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right.

If that causes you and others like you harass even more...so be it. Have fun getting your kicks and punches in - its just too bad you cant look the people you are doing it to in the face when you do it.

I'm outta this thread as it is now pointless to defend a position/issue that is not taken seriously. :gives up: :shaking head:
:barneyhug: Hey little buddy! We all like you, it's ok! :huggy: :patriot: :elaine:


New Member
TexasPride77 said:
Mike, I do get it. I really do. I question if you get it though. I just dont see why it is so wrong for the bullying minority to be civil. Oh well... I did try to stand up for what I felt was the right thing to do.

What is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right.

If that causes you and others like you harass even more...so be it. Have fun getting your kicks and punches in - its just too bad you cant look the people you are doing it to in the face when you do it.

I'm outta this thread as it is now pointless to defend a position/issue that is not taken seriously. :gives up: :shaking head:
Wow!! You were easy. :baby:


professional daydreamer
TexasPride77 said:
pointless to defend a position/issue that is not taken seriously. :gives up: :shaking head:

DING DING DING....if you notice, the only people having a problem here, are those taking it seriously.
TexasPride77 said:
Mike, I do get it. I really do. I question if you get it though. I just dont see why it is so wrong for the bullying minority to be civil. Oh well... I did try to stand up for what I felt was the right thing to do.

What is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right.

If that causes you and others like you harass even more...so be it. Have fun getting your kicks and punches in - its just too bad you cant look the people you are doing it to in the face when you do it.

I'm outta this thread as it is now pointless to defend a position/issue that is not taken seriously. :gives up: :shaking head:
Don't let the door hit you....wait, that would be mean. Bye Bye! :howdy:


Well-Known Member
LesleyB said:
I I'm from the South, I guess this is just the way Northerners are. :

From my experiences traveling people are generally more friendly in the south. Thats just the way it is.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
TexasPride77 said:
I would like to see you walk down a street and make offensive statements to people in their faces and not get your lights punched by someone.

:howdy: I've seen her do it.



Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
LesleyB said:
I agree with the person that made the first post. I came to the forums hoping to find some locals with good and useful information regarding good apartments to live in, areas to avoid, etc... (Because I'm new to the area). There was one thread I found where someone, like me, asked for info and mainly got sarcasm, very little useful info, and people picking apart her post and being mean. My experience so far here in Southern Maryland has been that locals are not outgoing and friendly and are mean spirited smart ***es. I'm from the South, I guess this is just the way Northerners are. However, I have met a few that are nice. I guess the nice ones are out with friends and the rest spend their time on these forums making other people feel stupid so they can feel better about themselves. :wench:

Well..just when I was about to leave this thread - I saw your post. Well...welcome to the SOMD message forums anyways. Sorry you got a bad impression of the majority of the people here. As you will soon discover, there is a minority of bullys here who do just as you said "making other people feel stupid so they can feel better about themselves." They are on the boards a lot so they give the impression that they represent the majority of the members here...but they dont. Its just a fog that their nasty nature creates and often fools new members. If you attempt to stand up and defend someone who makes their concerns known....expect to get red for it. But dont let that bother you. The red they give is of such little value because the majority give plenty of green. Oh..and dont expect such folks to sign their red either - they find it easier to make blind stabs at people who they dont know.

If ya have any questions about the area....PM me.


Nothing to see here
Example of someone that gets it

Ms Tess has exactly 2 posts, prime example of someone brushing off the nonsense.

MsTess7 said:
We have a 30ft. X 25ft. in-ground swimming pool (9 ft. deep at far end) that was filled with pea gravel because previous owner's tenants didnt want the burden of maintaining it. It supposedly cost the owner $2,000 to have it filled with this pea gravel and now we want to get it out. I want to sell the gravel somehow but havent been able to come up with any creative ideas since I know Lowes sells this stuff for 5 bucks a 50LB bag. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

smartazz said:
So let me get this straight... someone pea'd in your pool...:eyebrow:

MsTess7 said:
:coffee: Ya about 2 tons of pea......no floaters though....thank goodness


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
thakidistight said:
Its an Internet forum, not a church:shrug:

Amen! lol but we are a social grouping and should abide by some form of socially accepted bahaviors. Being hateful to people has yet to be a socially accepted behavior. would you agree?


24/7 Single Dad
pingrr said:
From my experiences traveling people are generally more friendly in the south. Thats just the way it is.
I know I'm nuch friendlier when I travel in the south, Those folks up north talk funny.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
elaine said:
DING DING DING....if you notice, the only people having a problem here, are those taking it seriously.


I understand and perhaps you are right. But the new members do not know veterans of the forum. How are they to understand one member's sarcasm as being a joke? They dont know the people here....veterans should be understanding of that. How can you fault someone for not understanding the behaviors of the folks in the forum when they have never been here before? I've seen many new people ask questions to get helpful information but all they get is picked on. Thats not fair is it?

I know...some of yall are trying to just rile me up....and no....I'm not...and nor taking your punches seriously. I was trying to discuss a issue which I felt was valid.....while others saw as trival and an opportunity to be uncivil.

Oh well...
TexasPride77 said:
Amen! lol but we are a social grouping and should abide by some form of socially accepted bahaviors. Being hateful to people has yet to be a socially accepted behavior. would you agree?
Its an internet forum. A lot of useful information is found on the front page of somd.com. While some of the people on here are a cynical or sarcastic, most are willing to help. But some are just ###holes:biggrin:


professional daydreamer
TexasPride77 said:
Amen! lol but we are a social grouping and should abide by some form of socially accepted bahaviors. Being hateful to people has yet to be a socially accepted behavior. would you agree?

So, what you're saying is that everyone else should be like you.


professional daydreamer
TexasPride77 said:

I understand and perhaps you are right. But the new members do not know veterans of the forum. How are they to understand one member's sarcasm as being a joke? They dont know the people here....veterans should be understanding of that. How can you fault someone for not understanding the behaviors of the folks in the forum when they have never been here before? I've seen many new people ask questions to get helpful information but all they get is picked on. Thats not fair is it?

I know...some of yall are trying to just rile me up....and no....I'm not...and nor taking your punches seriously. I was trying to discuss a issue which I felt was valid.....while others saw as trival and an opportunity to be uncivil.

Oh well...

I'm not trying to rile anyone up. It's not my problem.