Why you men get in trouble


PREMO Member
Women don't speak Grunt.

two men are admiring

1) a Nice Deer [refer to: I'm gonna go hunting to night, but I aint taking no gun]
2) a Nice 2 inch thick RibEye
3) a Nice BB Engine in a Classic Muscle Car
4) a Nice [insert Firearm of choice]
5) a Nice pair of legs

one nods to the other, raise an eyebrow and both know what the other is thinking ... no words need be spoken

women :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:


Well-Known Member
two men are admiring

1) a Nice Deer [refer to: I'm gonna go hunting to night, but I aint taking no gun]
2) a Nice 2 inch thick RibEye
3) a Nice BB Engine in a Classic Muscle Car
4) a Nice [insert Firearm of choice]
5) a Nice pair of legs

one nods to the other, raise an eyebrow and both know what the other is thinking ... no words need be spoken

My Brother and I were with the Parental Units, out in town, in Nashville.
This very "'gifted' young thing" :hot: walks between us, and simultaneously J and I turn 180 deg. and watch her walk away, then take three or four steps to follow her. Dad looks back at us, laughing and says, "THIS way guys; we're going THIS way."


Routinely Derailed
Warm. Pfft. What is this, a day spa?
Please pardon the delay. I had a few mundane tasks to attend to.

Our purpose here is twofold: to educate Vrai and Chasey, and to respond to USWWarrior's encouragement.

My dear Vrai, "warm" is a relative term. Fireplace tongs, for example, heated until they turn bright yellow, are warm. At that heat, they can be used to detach (or render edible) a variety of human body parts. I would not expect you to either possess or be familiar with the appropriate surgical instruments, so I expected that you would improvise. Another suitable tool, which yields faster results and must also be warmed up, is a chainsaw. A cold tool for the purpose might be a relatively sharp, good-quality meat cleaver, adding new meaning to the term, "whacking off."


It should be noted that these tools are often effective in removing organs from either sex of human beings. Tongues, for example, although a grapefruit knife might work better than the larger tools because one has a better chance of minimizing collateral damage. Of course, collateral damage might be acceptable in exchange for the entertainment value of excising a tongue using the chainsaw.

So in terms of equalizing a situation, drawing out the story syllable-by-syllable may be a bit boring if you can cut to the chase, as it were (pardon the pun).

A footnote about the fireplace tongs: Reheating and reapplying the tongs to the task at hand may be necessary. In order to keep the subject vocal, it may be helpful to have a bucket of ice water around to revive him (or her) once unconsciousness ensues.

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Routinely Derailed
Please pardon the delay. I had a few mundane tasks to attend to.

My dear, "warm" is a relative term. Fireplace tongs, for example, heated until they turn bright yellow, are warm. At that heat, they can be used to detach (or render edible) a variety of human body parts. I would not expect you to either possess or be familiar with the appropriate surgical instruments, so I expected that you would improvise. Another suitable tool, which yields faster results and must also be warmed up, is a chainsaw. A cold tool for the purpose might be a relatively sharp, good-quality meat cleaver, adding new meaning to the term, "whacking off."


It should be noted that these tools are often effective in removing organs from either sex of human beings. Tongues, for example, although a grapefruit knife might work better than the larger tools because one has a better chance of minimizing collateral damage. Of course, collateral damage might be acceptable in exchange for the entertainment value of excising a tongue using the chainsaw.

So in terms of equalizing a situation, drawing out the story syllable-by-syllable may be a bit boring if you can cut to the chase, as it were (pardon the pun).

A footnote about the fireplace tongs: Reheating and reapplying the tongs to the task at hand may be necessary. In order to keep the subject vocal, it may be helpful to have a bucket of ice water around to revive him (or her) once unconsciousness ensues.


Now of course, we should keep our true objective in mind. If you intend to prepare the severed organ as a culinary delight, you may wish to preserve it as much as possible so as to minimize the wasted meat. You may also need sharper instruments for flaying and fileting. For these tools, a trip to a butcher shop supply house might yield just the tools you need for the job. Many exotic recipes are available, some of which come from South America, Australia, and remote regions in Africa; there are also a few tried-and-true American favorites born in interesting circumstances by inventive chefs.
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PREMO Member
Please pardon the delay. I had a few mundane tasks to attend to.

Our purpose here is twofold: to educate Vrai and Chasey, and to respond to USWWarrior's encouragement.


do you write horror novels ...... :twitch:

there is something wrong with you


Registered User
two men are admiring

5) a Nice pair of legs

one nods to the other, raise an eyebrow and both know what the other is thinking ... no words need be spoken

women :blahblah

This is because men are easy.

Women on the other hand are a little more like that old chevy on a cold winter morning and requires time to get warmed up.

What most men fail to realize is that women are mental (PUN ALERT) creatures and require a lot of mental stimulation before the physical side begins to kick into gear.

Men: Chick walks by..BOOM men are in Overdrive and ready for :smoochy:.
Women: Sexy man walks by and women are :gossip::evil::whistle::drool::dingding::hot: for the next three hours.
And thus begins the warm up of that cold chevy engine, slowly kicking into 2nd gear.
On the fourth hour women continuing thinking about the :gossip: with her friends, as she drives home, and begins thinking about her S/O (or Mr. Right Now, whatever the case maybe) all the wonderful things he does and begins to hit 4th gear (hopefully).
Now the mental stimulation is running rampant, the woman arrives home to see her S/O working in the yard, cleaning, cooking, etc, and now 4th gear is running smooth and purring like a kitten.
The woman goes to her S/O, gives a reach around and says, "How about we go take a shower?" Now men...if you play your cards right this is where it gets interesting, please understand that "Lets shower" means you are sweaty, dirty, smelly or all of the above and some women do not find this to be a turn on, she is politely telling you that if you want any :smoochy:, you need to wash. This is how we keep our engine running while making you acceptable without hurting your feelings. :evil:
After the shower, overdrive FINALLY kicks in and we are ready for :smoochy:

You see...this is why women :gossip: ...because most men do not understand that we are physically motivated by our minds...
God gave us one brain...

Sadly, God made a huge error in the male prototype and created two heads but with only enough blood for one to function at a time.


You see...this is why women :gossip: ...because most men do not understand that we are physically motivated by our minds...
God gave us one brain...

Sadly, God made a huge error in the male prototype and created two heads but with only enough blood for one to function at a time.
That's because God has a sense of humor. :lol:
This is because men are easy.

Women on the other hand are a little more like that old chevy on a cold winter morning and requires time to get warmed up.

What most men fail to realize is that women are mental (PUN ALERT) creatures and require a lot of mental stimulation before the physical side begins to kick into gear.

Men: Chick walks by..BOOM men are in Overdrive and ready for :smoochy:.
Women: Sexy man walks by and women are :gossip: for the next three hours.
And thus begins the warm up of that cold chevy engine, slowly kicking into 2nd gear.
On the fourth hour women continuing thinking about the :gossip: with her friends, as she drives home, and begins thinking about her S/O (or Mr. Right Now, whatever the case maybe) all the wonderful things he does and begins to hit 4th gear (hopefully).
Now the mental stimulation is running rampant, the woman arrives home to see her S/O working in the yard, cleaning, cooking, etc, and now 4th gear is running smooth and purring like a kitten.
The woman goes to her S/O, gives a reach around and says, "How about we go take a shower?" Now men...if you play your cards right this is where it gets interesting, please understand that "Lets shower" means you are sweaty, dirty, smelly or all of the above and some women do not find this to be a turn on, she is politely telling you that if you want any :smoochy:, you need to wash. This is how we keep our engine running while making you acceptable without hurting your feelings. :evil:
After the shower, overdrive FINALLY kicks in and we are ready for :smoochy:

You see...this is why women :gossip: ...because most men do not understand that we are physically motivated by our minds...
God gave us one brain...

Sadly, God made a huge error in the male prototype and created two heads but with only enough blood for one to function at a time.

I just tell my husband he ####ing stinks and if he wants any nookie, he best go shower. :coffee: I had no idea wimmins were supposed to say all of this tactfully. :ohwell: I usually don't "drop hints"... I guess :stupid:


Routinely Derailed
You see...this is why women :gossip: ...because most men do not understand that we are physically motivated by our minds...
God gave us one brain...

Sadly, God made a huge error in the male prototype and created two heads but with only enough blood for one to function at a time.

Yes, that has been my experience, for the most part. There are some women who think less and :smooch: more. Good explanation, Zara.