Women Haters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah but...

it's a doube edged sword i agree.
It all boils down to a big gamble, do you open yourself up or keep reserved and fear that he/she will think your cold...

I vote we go back to the caveman days where we clubbed eachother and drug em back to the cave

...whose to say she won't be getting clubbed by some other gorilla the next chance she gets?


Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'd have slept with Larry the first time I ever met him, except we didn't have a place to do it. :lol:

And I haven't been unfaithful to him since that day, not even in thought.

...this is something that women often don't get.

You have no idea how much that lifted my spirits on a gray, dreary day, but every single guy reading this does. I feel like a puppy that just got petted by the only person in the whole world that I want to be petted by.

This is what Echo is talking about; the gamble, the vulnerability. It can be scary loving a woman because if she takes it way, it's tough. Of course, he's got no business thinking she loves him after the first date. :lmao:


...this is something that women often don't get.

You have no idea how much that lifted my spirits on a gray, dreary day, but every single guy reading this does. I feel like a puppy that just got petted by the only person in the whole world that I want to be petted by.

This is what Echo is talking about; the gamble, the vulnerability. It can be scary loving a woman because if she takes it way, it's tough. Of course, he's got no business thinking she loves him after the first date. :lmao:

...this is something that women often don't get.

You have no idea how much that lifted my spirits on a gray, dreary day, but every single guy reading this does. I feel like a puppy that just got petted by the only person in the whole world that I want to be petted by.

:frown: There are some of us who struggle to remember that wonderful feeling. Cherish it.


New Member
...right. Holding hands, a peck on the cheek. A hug for no reason. Warm and fuzzy's!
:yeahthat:Ya all are over complicating this dating thing. What about having fun together, getting to know the other person, enjoying each other's company, learning about one other. Take it easy, take your time. Finding someone you really hit it off with is not a race. Never go alone to someone's house you don't know. We read about those missing gals all the time. As for Mr. Security Officer insiting you come to his house on the first date, you were smart to refuse that one. Just because he's in Security doesn't means he's necessairly a trustworthy, decent person. Be smart, be wise, keep you eyes and ears open - watch for red flags. It doesn't mean you can't have a good time and enjoy life and meeting new people.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Don't think that's what she meant - it's just a saying because some people are just so hung up on looking for someone to date, etc.

Your no going to meet people sitting in the house watching TV or constantly sitting in front of computer either. Some people set their expectations too high in what they want and looking for. Nobody is perfect. Someone can let someone good pass them bye because they don't give them a chance or judge them without seeing what they are really like.

Yep. It's like hunting. There's a difference between "going where the game is" and "shooting at everything that moves."

If i had to wait 3 months
i would be lookin elsewhere
:shrug: but thats just me

:yeahthat: Sorry girl, I don't know too many people, male or female, that would wait that long.

...I read her loud and clear. Her post after yours she say;

Now, what if he says "Well, I'm just not talking about all sorts of personal stuff the first few months. I'm just not."

For her, and that's fine, sex is something you do after investing MONTHS in some new guy. I'm not suggesting people get down to it after the first 5 minutes or first date or any other predetermined time frame, but, months?

"Gee Herb, you're such a nice guy. You talk real nice and make a nice quiche and you're window treatments are just fabulous, but 2 minutes and missionary and that's all you like?"

How long is reasonable before one would like to know how deep compatibility goes?

And some (I'm included), consider that part of compatibility. Personally, it's not just about "getting off," but sex is how I get my "emotional fullfillment." So, sex is high on priority list and how soon she's ready for bed tells me a lot.

...well be the second smartest woman on the forums and you sound like a great woman. It's good for you to recognize that sex is down the list of things that are important to you. You'll save yourself a lot of wasted time if you tell prospects up front that there will be no sex until the 60-90 day probationary period is over and I'm not trying to be funny either. Right off the bat you'll cull the herd down to guys who at least are mature enough to respect that.

Good advice. :cheers: I wish her luck on that one though.

edited addition: Oh and I wouldn't say it always had to do with maturity. There's a number of reasons beyond maturity that would make someone not want to wait THAT long.

...that right? If you loved her personality, sense of humor, outlook on life, what she did, had done where she wanted to go, you wouldn't wait 90 days for someone you were considering for the rest of your life?

I wouldn't. I WANT a highly sexual woman. And if she makes me wait that long, she's not.

In my eyes, if she wants to "hit it" that quick after the first meeting......then who is to say that she isnt willing to "hit something else" when my back is turned

It's a gamble, but what in life isn't, especially when it comes to people? If you don't take the chance, you'll never know. If you absolutely have to know what the future brings, I hope your magic 8 ball works better than mine because the alternative is worse.

it's a doube edged sword i agree.
It all boils down to a big gamble, do you open yourself up or keep reserved and fear that he/she will think your cold...

I vote we go back to the caveman days where we clubbed eachother and drug em back to the cave

:yeahthat: :lol: If only it could be so much fun.
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CageKicker Extraordinaire
I was rolling my eyes at the "pool of choices comment"
Yes sex is important but not all is lookin to get their stinger wet on the first date...
I myself have been on about a dozen dates in the past 4+ months and pretty much all of em were ready to put out on the first meeting.
I politely declined because to me when a woman gives it up from the git go then she just has no respect for herself.
HOWEVER...to have to chase after it for 3+ months....aint no way in he11. a guy would be tempted to just go out and get some thus perpetuating the whole player persona

Why is it that when a woman has the confidence to defy social norm and the desire to embrace her natural sexuality that everyone swears she has no self respect?


Why is it that when a woman has the confidence to defy social norm and the desire to embrace her natural sexuality that everyone swears she has no self respect?

Christ all mighty they didnt even have time to know my last name! "to me" that sounds like desperation on their part :shrug:


Has confinement issues..
I can't read this thread because Echo posted too much. Flashing lights trigger migraines:frown:

I went on a date with a guy two weeks ago who repeatedly called his ex WIVES whores. So in our phone conversations this week, he asked what I thought his flaws were and one of them was the way he talked about his ex's.

His explanation for it was fairly rational and I honestly can side with him for his opinion. I know he filed for divorce from them both on the grounds of adultery and abandonment. He was in the navy at the time, so I'm not surprised.
In the end he made it pretty clear that he is bitter about his past relationships not simply because of the women, but because of the way men are. The men who took to sleeping with his wives are more of a problem that his ex's are.

People are not nice to each other and tend to only see what they want in the present. Too bad for those who end up looking for love late in life and wind up finding that ALL people carry scars and everyone has baggage.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I The men who took to sleeping with his wives are more of a problem that his ex's are.

...total 100% BS.

If I tell you it's raining outside and you go out and get soaked, it's not the weathers fault. Anyone can cheat, men or women. Go look for it. Wait for it to come to your door and there you go. Integrity starts at home. Everyone can choose to NOT cheat. So people cheat. Some people don't. That's on the individual, not the guys or girls out there.


Has confinement issues..
...total 100% BS.

If I tell you it's raining outside and you go out and get soaked, it's not the weathers fault. Anyone can cheat, men or women. Go look for it. Wait for it to come to your door and there you go. Integrity starts at home. Everyone can choose to NOT cheat. So people cheat. Some people don't. That's on the individual, not the guys or girls out there.

Yeah, well I said that I think he's a bitter crybaby. I told him he NEEDS to get over this bitterness and move on, lest he never have a good relationship. He got defensive and I told him to drop it.

I've been cheated on, and I cheated on my boyfriend when I was 19. It happens, but I learned that cheating hurts people and hurts yourself because you will carry that on your conscience for ever if you are any kind of decent person. Some people don't care. I believe in real life karma and my slate is not clean yet, but I'm working on it.


Yeah, well I said that I think he's a bitter crybaby. I told him he NEEDS to get over this bitterness and move on, lest he never have a good relationship. He got defensive and I told him to drop it.

I've been cheated on, and I cheated on my boyfriend when I was 19. It happens, but I learned that cheating hurts people and hurts yourself because you will carry that on your conscience for ever if you are any kind of decent person. Some people don't care. I believe in real life karma and my slate is not clean yet, but I'm working on it.
