Women Haters


New Member
What a bunch of bull####. Are you that effed up that you don't understand that what benefits young men and women is a parent who teaches them that there's a difference between love and sex?

Thanks....I was waiting for you to come to my rescue again ~ MEN !:yahoo:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
#### apologies.

I think that Tshow is one of the more thought out people on here. I also think that if more women made the dude wait for a few months to get the butt, there would be a lot less unwanted children and ignorant mothers in this world.

I think it would be more realistic if they repealed all the laws protecting stupid people from themselves and forced everyone that can't function on their own by 21 to have their tubes tied- male and female. Never gonna happen, but it's more plausible than expecting stupid people to stop being stupid.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Right, because you are ultra focused on that statement and don't see anything else. There's more out there momma. :love:

No, Deb - there USED to be more out there. Now it just is what it is. Chain said earlier that he wants a highly sexualized woman.

Good luck with that!

Because you think you want that sort of thing when you're young. Then you get to be my age and you realize that what you really want is someone who understands you. A best friend. Though sick and sin (and my Jani B says).

And some "highly sexualized" female is not that person. Once your #### goes south, buh-byeee!


CageKicker Extraordinaire
No, Deb - there USED to be more out there. Now it just is what it is. Chain said earlier that he wants a highly sexualized woman.

Good luck with that!

Because you think you want that sort of thing when you're young. Then you get to be my age and you realize that what you really want is someone who understands you. A best friend. Though sick and sin (and my Jani B says).

And some "highly sexualized" female is not that person. Once your #### goes south, buh-byeee!

:duh: I never said it was the only quality I look for, that it made me ignore everything else. If that was the case, I'd have stayed in the hell I was in the last time around because it wouldn't have mattered.


New Member
Ok, here it is spelled out. The woman goes on a bad date, then starts talking about how she is going to be a better mother than these "baby making machines" without having any real life experience. Sounds a bit crazy and unstable to me?

I have had REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE nim nut ~ I was a NANNY .....I was on-call for these Doctors who didn't have time for their beloved children. I worked 24/7. I took them to school, appointments, soccer, swim class, piano lessons, horse riding lessons, spanish lessons, dentist, doctors apts. even picked them up from parties that got WAY out of hand. I cooked, cleaned, cried for them, loved them, taught them how to walk, talk, spell, sing, dance. ....I loved them...I did everything except provide financially, so shut up sh@t head. I wasn't some Nanny that just wanted a free ride on the gravy train. I went to COLLEGE, got an education and started my own business AND FELL IN LOVE with a wonderful man (won't talk about that right now) and He 'tolerated' me for two years, so.....SHUT UP! :duel:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

But it's not men. It's women.

The lowest common denominator, and it pisses me off more than you will ever know.

Larry Gude (my husband) talks so fondly his grandmother. She was smart enough to know that women rule the world and men (unless they're durhards) just do what the women say. And everything is fine.

And here go the women being stupid and letting some Neanderthal slap them around, ditch them, whatever. And they just friggin' take it!

If women were stronger, men would be better.

AND if men were stronger, women would be better.



New Member
I have had REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE nim nut ~ I was a NANNY
Getting paid to take care of someone elses kids does not give you any EXPERIENCE of being a parent. You were a babysitter.

AND FELL IN LOVE with a wonderful man (won't talk about that right now) and He 'tolerated' me for two years, so.....SHUT UP! :duel

I would suspect it is your unstableness that sent him running!

Didn't you say I shouldn't call someone names? Boy who is doing the name calling now. Why not practice what you preach crazy lady?


But it's not men. It's women.

The lowest common denominator, and it pisses me off more than you will ever know.

Larry Gude (my husband) talks so fondly his grandmother. She was smart enough to know that women rule the world and men (unless they're durhards) just do what the women say. And everything is fine.

And here go the women being stupid and letting some Neanderthal slap them around, ditch them, whatever. And they just friggin' take it!

If women were stronger, men would be better.

AND if men were stronger, women would be better.


What the world needs now.. is love, sweet love.

Bitterness abounds and it's killing us! :smoochy:


New Member
But it's not men. It's women.

The lowest common denominator, and it pisses me off more than you will ever know.

Larry Gude (my husband) talks so fondly his grandmother. She was smart enough to know that women rule the world and men (unless they're durhards) just do what the women say. And everything is fine.

And here go the women being stupid and letting some Neanderthal slap them around, ditch them, whatever. And they just friggin' take it!

If women were stronger, men would be better.

AND if men were stronger, women would be better.


AMEN Sister ! I am waiting for that STRONG MAN who can keep up with me. I am a LEO you know ~


New Member
Getting paid to take care of someone elses kids does not give you any EXPERIENCE of being a parent. You were a babysitter.

I would suspect it is your unstableness that sent him running!

Didn't you say I shouldn't call someone names? Boy who is doing the name calling now. Why not practice what you preach crazy lady?



New Member
well, in Georgetown you would be put away for calling Nannies 'babysitters'


Nannies Ruled that city !

I need a drink ! Goodnight!


24/7 Single Dad
But it's not men. It's women.

The lowest common denominator, and it pisses me off more than you will ever know.

Larry Gude (my husband) talks so fondly his grandmother. She was smart enough to know that women rule the world and men (unless they're durhards) just do what the women say. And everything is fine.

And here go the women being stupid and letting some Neanderthal slap them around, ditch them, whatever. And they just friggin' take it!

If women were stronger, men would be better.

AND if men were stronger, women would be better.

I've often thought women are the only reason we have civilization.
Left to our own devices, the last thing man would have invented is beer