Would you kill you spouse?

Would you kill you spouse?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Other: Explain

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Aha! Lakers fan. I bet you think Kobe is a good, moral guy and his wife just had it comin.

How's your girlfriend doing?

I said I watch sports, not some morality check show. He does have some faults, but when you're a top dog, women normally gravitates towards you. Not saying that what he did was acceptable.


They make this toilet seat now, that's smart, and will quitely and slowly reset it's self into the lowered position. You guys should look for one and install it and save yourselves a lot of hassle.

My husband's smart. :nerd:

this brings up another subject. Women hate it when there's pee on a toilet seat (obviously). Granted, it mostly happens because of kids who don't know any better, but it brings me to my question. Why do women insist the seat is down? Wouldn't it be better if the seat was always UP, so that way nobody can pee on the seat? I mean, who pops a squat without looking? That's just asking for a wet ass.

And I always put the seat down, TYVM :neener:


I am so very blessed
But it's okay for you to buy items on sale because they're on sale?

I'm unsure of why I would buy something on sale, just for the sake of it being on sale.

I rarely buy much of anything, because I'm a freakin' penny pincher who really doesn't enjoy purchasing anything.

Besides, there is little money to spend things on because I have to pay the freakin' electric bill.

Maybe if someone.....anyone.....would turn off the lights when they aren't using them, I'd be able to afford purchases that aren't on the clearance rack. :burning:


I said I watch sports, not some morality check show. He does have some faults, but when you're a top dog, women normally gravitates towards you. Not saying that what he did was acceptable.

You wouldn't know much about being top dog huh. I'd be happy to teach you about it. First lesson: know your role and shut your ####ing hole. Go make me a sammich, bitch. :smack:


Not me. :jet: I would rather shove a pinecone up my ass than be with someone even remotely like this aszhole. :coffee:

Not me. Who wouldn't want man to show me my roles, allow me to wait on him, overlook all my shortcomings, allow me to prove my worth to him, and decide that I'm a keeper, all while I'm doing the housework?

That's the #### dreams are made of, I'm telling you. :getdown:

I'm unsure of why I would buy something on sale, just for the sake of it being on sale.

I rarely buy much of anything, because I'm a freakin' penny pincher who really doesn't enjoy purchasing anything.

Besides, there is little money to spend things on because I have to pay the freakin' electric bill.

Maybe if someone.....anyone.....would turn off the lights when they aren't using them, I'd be able to afford purchases that aren't on the clearance rack. :burning:

This guy is a self-righteous aszhole, BG. :nono: Don't you worry about him. :poorbaby: Come to WR.


aka Mrs. Giant
I mean, who pops a squat without looking?

Drunk men. :ohwell:

And men who wake up in the middle of the night and go pee have been known to miss the mark. :ohwell:

I think you guys need to occassionally have to clean up your pee so you appreciate what we go through.


this brings up another subject. Women hate it when there's pee on a toilet seat (obviously). Granted, it mostly happens because of kids who don't know any better, but it brings me to my question. Why do women insist the seat is down? Wouldn't it be better if the seat was always UP, so that way nobody can pee on the seat? I mean, who pops a squat without looking? That's just asking for a wet ass.

And I always put the seat down, TYVM :neener:

I'm glad you know your role. :huggy:


New Member
To answer this poll, if PJumper was my spouse, I'd probably take him out. :bubble:

You don't need to. After we got married she asked my how much I love her. I said, Enough, enough that I'll remain faithfull to you, which I have for the last 28 years but not too much that I won't let you go.

She said what do you mean? I said that if she wakes up one day and realizes that she is no lnger in love with me or can't live with me anymore, just let me know and I'll let her go.


aka Mrs. Giant
Not me. Who wouldn't want man to show me my roles, allow me to wait on him, overlook all my shortcomings, allow me to prove my worth to him, and decide that I'm a keeper, all while I'm doing the housework?

That's the #### dreams are made of, I'm telling you. :getdown:

You forgot while working a full time job and taking care of the kids. :ohwell:


You don't need to. After we got married she asked my how much I love her. I said, Enough, enough that I'll remain faithfull to you, which I have for the last 28 years but not too much that I won't let you go.

She said what do you mean? I said that if she wakes up one day and realizes that she is no lnger in love with me or can't live with me anymore, just let me know and I'll let her go.

That's a load off my mind. :shew: I'm glad you are off the market. :yay:

You forgot while working a full time job and taking care of the kids. :ohwell:



Well-Known Member
You don't need to. After we got married she asked my how much I love her. I said, Enough, enough that I'll remain faithfull to you, which I have for the last 28 years but not too much that I won't let you go.

She said what do you mean? I said that if she wakes up one day and realizes that she is no lnger in love with me or can't live with me anymore, just let me know and I'll let her go.

Awww...such a thoughtful bastard.


Drunk men. :ohwell:

And men who wake up in the middle of the night and go pee have been known to miss the mark. :ohwell:

I think you guys need to occassionally have to clean up your pee so you appreciate what we go through.

Actually that's a good point, that reminded me of a time when I was young and in a hotel and I must have left the toilet seat up after a late night bathroom break and then later that night my dad went SPLASH. :doh:

But if people don't expect it to be down, then that's safer for everyone. And if a guy misses, it won't hit the seat. Win/win!


Not me. Who wouldn't want man to show me my roles, allow me to wait on him, overlook all my shortcomings, allow me to prove my worth to him, and decide that I'm a keeper, all while I'm doing the housework?

That's the #### dreams are made of, I'm telling you. :getdown:

You'd be so lucky :coffee:
