Would you kill you spouse?

Would you kill you spouse?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Other: Explain

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
You forgot while working a full time job and taking care of the kids. :ohwell:

Guys work full-time jobs too, and mow the yard, fix the car and other DIY in the house. Why would it be different for working wives to do their household chores? Taking care of the children are the responsibilities of husbands and wives, for a balance upbringing.


You'd be so lucky :coffee:


I would be. I'd count my lucky stars every night that a prince just like this would rescue me from a life of not knowing my role and having the majority of the decision making abilities. :diva:
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Well-Known Member
Guys work full-time jobs too, and mow the yard, fix the car and other DIY in the house. Why would it be different for working wives to do their household chores? Taking care of the children are the responsibilities of husbands and wives, for a balance upbringing.

Because we do this shiat every day, you do that shiat occasionally. Big difference. Now kindly take a walk on the TJ Bridge, and around 4:30pm so we can have a thread about it. TIA. :flowers:


Guys work full-time jobs too, and mow the yard, fix the car and other DIY in the house. Why would it be different for working wives to do their household chores? Taking care of the children are the responsibilities of husbands and wives, for a balance upbringing.
That's right! You tell em. The wimminz need to cook, clean, and provide everything for the children, while we teach them about womanizin, hunting drinkin, and home/car repair. :otter:

Now I'm not going to ask again...SAMMICH!! :wench:

I would be. I'd count my lucky stars every night that a prince just like this would rescue me from a life of not knowing my role and having the majority of the decision making abilities. :dive:
yeah! and if not for all of your newfound roles that keep you waiting on hand and foot, you'd be able to sit by the pool with a drink in hand and relax because everything else is done for you!


Registered User
That's right! You tell em. The wimminz need to cook, clean, and provide everything for the children, while we teach them about womanizin, hunting drinkin, and home/car repair. :otter:

Now I'm not going to ask again...SAMMICH!! :wench:

yeah! and if not for all of your newfound roles that keep you waiting on hand and foot, you'd be able to sit by the pool with a drink in hand and relax because everything else is done for you!

I soo want to sneak in your house and season your pans with the dish of grease I keep in my fridge...:evil:

Nope! This is what all husbands are thinking, some are just scared to say it! The same way they lied to you when you asked them if you look fat on that dress! Of course you look fat on that dress because you're at least two size bigger than the dress!


My job is to provide for the family and be patient and understanding for her shortcomings!

Umm wow...

Nope, happily fulfilling her wifey duties, preparing breakfast and doing the housework (which she insists) and making sure I'm happy in the bedroom!

I hope you reciprocate for your wife :yay:

Typical wife logic! Bad! If you would just kindly turn off the lights, Don't B*tch because we left the toilet seat up, then us, your hubbies would be very appreciative and decide you're a "keeper" and treat you to a nice dinner and take you to the mall (we'll endure the pain) and buy nice things for you that are not on sale!

How'd your wife get to be so lucky to land an amazing husband, such as yourself? :rolleyes:

Is it really that hard to just turn off the lights yourself or are you too good to do that? Is it "beneath you" to just turn the damn lights off?!

Oh no, she does speak her mind. We treat our marriage as a partnership, I just happen to have the majority shares.

Reading your posts make me feel very, very lucky to have my husband. He respects me as his equal :smile:

She sounds like she is a lucky woman. I'm all kinds of jelly over her role. :coffee:

Mmm jelly roll :yum:


New Member
Because we do this shiat every day, you do that shiat occasionally. Big difference. Now kindly take a walk on the TJ Bridge, and around 4:30pm so we can have a thread about it. TIA. :flowers:

No thanks! We're happily married because we take care of each other's needs. For the guys on the forum, if your wife can't even fix you a decent meal/breakfast, you need to re-valuate your situation. hopefully, I've given you some insight on how to have a happy marriage.

BTW, did I mention that my wife is coming back from a 6-week vacation, courtesy of this "azzhat"?


Registered User

Umm wow...

Reading your posts make me feel very, very lucky to have my husband. He respects me as his equal :smile:

Mmm jelly roll :yum:

Damn Kris...that was anti-climatic. WTH happened to the prego hormonal ass-whooping I was expecting?


No thanks! We're happily married because we take care of each other's needs. For the guys on the forum, if your wife can't even fix you a decent meal/breakfast, you need to re-valuate your situation. hopefully, I've given you some insight on how to have a happy marriage.

BTW, did I mention that my wife is coming back from a 6-week vacation, courtesy of this "azzhat"?[/QUOTE]

You send her to annual Stepford training? :snacks:


Well-Known Member
No thanks! We're happily married because we take care of each other's needs. For the guys on the forum, if your wife can't even fix you a decent meal/breakfast, you need to re-valuate your situation. hopefully, I've given you some insight on how to have a happy marriage.

BTW, did I mention that my wife is coming back from a 6-week vacation, courtesy of this "azzhat"?

What did you eat while she was gone?


Registered User

Bad wordage. I assume she is a Free Woman...
She is as long as she is in the USA...

Which means she can come and go as she pleases and since you have been married 28 years...she owns half of everything you have attained in the past 28 years.

There isn't any courtesy involved. She already earned it.
No thanks! We're happily married because we take care of each other's needs. For the guys on the forum, if your wife can't even fix you a decent meal/breakfast, you need to re-valuate your situation. hopefully, I've given you some insight on how to have a happy marriage.

BTW, did I mention that my wife is coming back from a 6-week vacation, courtesy of this "azzhat"?

Funny how she wanted to take a six week vacation WITHOUT YOU

Damn Kris...that was anti-climatic. WTH happened to the prego hormonal ass-whooping I was expecting?

I thought I did pretty good! I mean, what about the jelly roll comment?? :lol:


Lem Putt
To be perfectly honest, we wouldn't have to wait till items were on sale if guys turned the damn lights off when they leave a room instead of leaving them on and inflating the electric bill by 80.00 to 100.00 every month. Talk about wasting money...and you wonder why we nag at you. Of course we do because you are failing at your job of providing! May as well take a 100.00 bill and burn it for all the good leaving lights on is doing.

But since you are unable to lift your itty bitty finger to flip a switch and continue to waste money, we have to make up for your short comings by waiting for items to go on sale.

If you had 50 incandescent bulbs in your home, and you left them all running 24 hours per day, it would still cost you only $8 per month. Do you have 500 bulbs all burning 24 hours? Or is it possible that your $80-$100 waste is just a little inflated?