5 year old suspended for cap gun


Socki, you couldn’t beat your way out of a wet paper bag.

And if you ever take a swing at me I will drop you like a bad habit, woman or no woman. The minute you threaten me you are no longer considered a woman in my eyes but threat and I will do everything in my power to eliminate that threat.

Are we clear on that?

You go Shakazulu.


Well-Known Member
And for the record, I did not threaten anyone; I merely stated the consequences of her actions if she ever chooses to take a violent act against me, which, by legal definition, is not a threat.

Notice I said "if you ever swing at me", meaning if she never swings at me, there is no threat of harm.

Some of you really need to brush up on your reading comprehension and definitions.:coffee:

And you should quit being a DB. :yay:


Well-Known Member
The questioning without notifying the parents first was totally wrong no matter what.

I would agree that if the kid was questioned for two hours, that would be wrong. Are you suggesting that if a kid does something wrong in school they should not be questioned unless a parent is present?


Are you suggesting that if a kid does something wrong in school they should not be questioned unless a parent is present?

Not me. Teacher and administrators should have reign enough to maintain order in the bubbling cauldron of mayhem that is school.

However, this kid was not "questioned".

The kid was interrogated. For hours. And apparently done so in a manner ruthless enough to make the kid piss himself. I have a serious ####ing problem with that.


Well-Known Member
Not me. Teacher and administrators should have reign enough to maintain order in the bubbling cauldron of mayhem that is school.

However, this kid was not "questioned".

The kid was interrogated. For hours. And apparently done so in a manner ruthless enough to make the kid piss himself. I have a serious ####ing problem with that.

You're assuming that the kid was interrogated. All of this is an assumption based on what the parents are saying what happened...


You're assuming that the kid was interrogated. All of this is an assumption based on what the parents are saying what happened...

Actually, I'm not assuming anything.

Well, I suppose it could be argued that I'm assuming the entire story has not been fabricated and I'm assuming that I'm not being Punk'd. Other than that, no assumptions. What I've done is, I've formulated an opinion and a response based on evidence and accounts that have been presented to me, not only here, but elsewhere.

Should it turn out that the evidence is incomplete or inaccurate, I will adjust my opinion and response as necessary.

Although, I'm fairly certain that there's no further information that could be introduced at this point which will cause me to say, "Oh - well that makes it OK."


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'm not assuming anything.

Well, I suppose it could be argued that I'm assuming the entire story has not been fabricated and I'm assuming that I'm not being Punk'd. Other than that, no assumptions. What I've done is, I've formulated an opinion and a response based on evidence and accounts that have been presented to me, not only here, but elsewhere.

Should it turn out that the evidence is incomplete or inaccurate, I will adjust my opinion and response as necessary.

Although, I'm fairly certain that there's no further information that could be introduced at this point which will cause me to say, "Oh - well that makes it OK."

:lmao: Sorry, I just find it very hard to believe that a school interrogated a 5 year old for 2 hours.


Resident PIA
Overall, school isn't the place to bring any kind of toy in unless it's for a school assignment. Regardless of what the toy is.

However, 2 hours of questioning followed by a suspension seems harsh to me. The poor thing wet his pants. That should speak to how nervous he was.


But "It's Required" by the letter of the law. Makes little sense, complete over reaction but it is what it is. We've taken away common sense and created black and white rules.

FWIW, a couple of more days and the kid would automatically fail first grade (or at least the semester) for unexcused abscenses.


Resident PIA
I'm a synical bitch so I'm going to say this...I doubt the kid was questioned for 2 hours and the parents should not have allowed the kid to take a cap gun to school.

Flame away, but there's always more to the story when these things happen.
I'm sur eyou run your children through a complete strip search every day.
They also pick their nose and do a lot of other things like takes small action figures and stick them up their nose.
And we wonder why our children have issues when they grow older
Because the ADULTS forgot what it was like to be a little kid.


:lmao: Sorry, I just find it very hard to believe that a school interrogated a 5 year old for 2 hours.

At one time, I would have found it hard to believe.

I've seen too much ignorant #### lately to immediately give the benefit of the doubt school administrators. I'm sure that there's another side to the story, but like I said, other than outright denial I can't see anything that would mitigate the egregiousness of that behavior.



But "It's Required" by the letter of the law. Makes little sense, complete over reaction but it is what it is. We've taken away common sense and created black and white rules.

FWIW, a couple of more days and the kid would automatically fail first grade (or at least the semester) for unexcused abscenses.

Letter of the law, perhaps, spirit of the law...unlikely. Sounds like decision impairment. Cops use discretion all of the time when it comes to traffic and misdemeanors, so there is wiggle room most laws, especially the kind that cover cap guns. Just sounds like a bunch of risk adverse weenies that made a 5 year old piss on himself because they lack what my drill sergeant called "intestinal fortitude," also commonly known as a pair of balls to make a quick decision. Perhaps, if kharma is real, a cop or an IRS agent will take the same approach with them at their next audit or traffic stop...by that I mean strictly enforcing the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. Oh wait, I guess that would be different some how? My point? Hiding behind the law is a piss poor excuse for making a 5 year old piss on himself. I expect better from the people that are supposed to teach reasoning, social adjustment, and citizenship. Finally, if the law is really that jacked up...we need to fix it ASAP!
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Well-Known Member
Socki, you couldn’t beat your way out of a wet paper bag.

And if you ever take a swing at me I will drop you like a bad habit, woman or no woman. The minute you threaten me you are no longer considered a woman in my eyes but threat and I will do everything in my power to eliminate that threat.

Are we clear on that?

I don't really know what type of woman she is, but I fully understnad the type of "man" (sorry gentlemen) you are.


Well-Known Member
Didnt have time to read thru all the posts, but, when is the last time you heard of a 5 year old doing a shooting anywhere? Its absolutely ridiculous to carry it to the extreme. There is a big difference in a kindergardner making a gun shape with his hand and a 17 or 18 year old punk bringing a weapon into school and using it. I agree with another poster on here. Why are some students in middle and high school allowed to continue to attend and ride the bus, when they have been disciplined numerous times for fighting and bullying other students? Yet you're going to suspend a 5 year old?:cds:


Well-Known Member
Not me. Teacher and administrators should have reign enough to maintain order in the bubbling cauldron of mayhem that is school.

However, this kid was not "questioned".

The kid was interrogated. For hours. And apparently done so in a manner ruthless enough to make the kid piss himself. I have a serious ####ing problem with that.

Well you completely ignored the first part of my response. I agree wholeheartedly if the child was questioned, interrogated, which ever term you like to use, for two hours, there is no justification.

That however was not what I was talking about. The poster said the teachers questioning the child without notifying the parents first was “wrong no matter what”.

It is the wrong no matter what I have issues with. I think our teachers should question students about mis-behavior.
Actually, I'm not assuming anything.

Well, I suppose it could be argued that I'm assuming the entire story has not been fabricated and I'm assuming that I'm not being Punk'd. Other than that, no assumptions. What I've done is, I've formulated an opinion and a response based on evidence and accounts that have been presented to me, not only here, but elsewhere.

Should it turn out that the evidence is incomplete or inaccurate, I will adjust my opinion and response as necessary.

Although, I'm fairly certain that there's no further information that could be introduced at this point which will cause me to say, "Oh - well that makes it OK."

You better tread lightly or someone is going to kick your ass. :coffee: