Biden Criminality


Well-Known Member
Yep. Saw that, this morning. It still disturbs me we might get ANOTHER Biden administration and NOTHING will come of it, because it will get squelched.

Still amazed that these disclosures aren't ringing enough alarms, as it isn't already disturbing that a son of a sitting VP received massive gifts - not in dispute - from people like Yelena Baturina - for doing - what?

It SHOULD raise concerns from everyone when even relatives of Presidents and Vice-Presidents receive HUGE GIFTS from foreigners - and from adversarial countries - even when there's no clear evidence of WHY.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Democrats > Unions > Organized Crime

The American Triad.

The Bidens are the new Genoveses.


Well-Known Member
Until the Dem party leadership admits that the smell is getting so bad they can no longer ignore it, NOTHING will happen.

All democrats are saying now is look at low unemployment and inflation coming down. Even if 10 people confirm Joe was getting a cut it will still be look over there.


PREMO Member

A 19-Point Time Line of Joe Biden’s Infamous Links to the Family Business

Comer recently identified “six specific policy decisions” that Joe Biden made that indicate he could be “compromised.”

“Where is the money?” Biden responded in June when asked about his ties to the business. He later said he was joking. “It’s a bunch of malarkey.”

The following 19-point time line lays out the data points obtained from whistleblowers, the “Laptop from Hell,” James Comer, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and the Senate 2020 report on the family.


In 2013, Hunter flew to China with Vice President Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two. During the excursion, Hunter introduced the vice president to his business partner Jonathan Li, the CEO of a company linked to Chinese intelligence.
Ten days after the visit to China, Hunter secured a ten percent interest in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund co-founded with Li. The fund’s capitalization was $1 billion.
The Bank of China, a state-owned bank, controls BHR Partners. BHR Partners’ website boasts 15 billion RMB (renmibi, the official Chinese currency) in various portfolio companies, translating to more than two billion U.S. dollars.
Hunter Biden held a ten percent interest in BHR with the entity Skaneateles LLC. He controlled Skaneateles, according to Chinese public records from Baidu, as the sole governor until its dissolution in September 2021, a Washington, DC, registration indicated. Documents obtained by Breitbart News, first revealed by the nonprofit Marco Polo, show the control of Skaneateles LLC is held by Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s top attorney, who also paid Hunter Biden’s IRS debts.


PREMO Member

The Bidens’ Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law

By Hunter Biden’s recent own admissions and corroborating evidence, he seems not only to have schemed to hide millions of dollars in foreign shake-down profiteering, but to have set up all sorts of paywalls, firewalls, and phony “loans” to ensure auditors would take years to unravel his illegal schemes—until well after the expiration of the statute of limitations. And his criminality succeeded so well that he has permanently gotten off not paying thousands of dollars in overdue taxes.

Joe Biden has serially lied that he did not know anything of his son’s business dealings.

That assertion is contrary to photographic evidence of him with Hunter Biden’s business associates, sworn statements from at least one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, clear evidence from Hunter’s own laptop, and now recent disclosures from FBI documents and whistleblower testimonies. And yet the President continues to lie, and the media continues to shrug that dads often do such things.

It is almost beyond belief, but increasingly likely, that Hunter Biden in the past conducted his illicit business over the phone in the presence, and with the complicity, of current president Joe Biden himself. And the full trove of evidence is still trickling in.

This sordid scenario is part of the larger Biden criminal landscape. Joe and Hunter may well have received $10 million from Chinese consortia for doing nothing other than monetizing Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidency and his apparent then trajectory to the presidency.


PREMO Member

Did federal attorney's office sideline experienced legal team BEFORE filing charges against Hunter Biden? Prosecutors listed in new court filings 'had no previous involvement in investigation,' whistleblower's lawyer reveals

  • Delaware prosecutors Lesley Wolf, Shawn Weede, and Shannon Hanson had worked on the Hunter Biden case for five years
  • But US Attorney David Weiss's June 20 letter announcing the charges lists Assistant US Attorneys Leo Wise, Derek Hines, and Benjamin Wallace instead
  • Lawyer for whistleblower Gary Shapley told 'None of the three were involved' in the investigation


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Fox News press pool report contradicts claim Biden family wasn't at White House ahead of cocaine discovery

However, Jean-Pierre claimed Friday while angrily responding to a reporter's question about whether the cocaine belonged to a member of the Biden family that they weren't present at the White House on that day.

"They were not here Friday. They were not here Saturday. They were not here Sunday. They were not even here Monday. They came back on Tuesday. So to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible. And I'll just leave it there," she said.

The White House did not immediately respond to Fox's request for comment.

The illicit drugs were discovered by a member of the Secret Service on Sunday evening near the West Executive entrance, and have prompted questions from the press over who might have brought them into the White House.


PREMO Member
“While this was cocaine, it certainly could have been something else that either went undetected or was somehow secreted in something that wasn’t able to be visible by the officers,” McDonald said in an interview with The Daily Wire. “This will be an opportunity for the Secret Service to continue to better its procedures and protocols, to evaluate and reevaluate what they’re doing so that something like this doesn’t happen again.”

McDonald said that Secret Service members who screen people coming into the White House employ “much more complex and robust” procedures than what one might expect at a baseball or basketball game. He said the officers in charge of screening are “very, very good” at their jobs.

“We still need to figure out how this got in there, who brought it in. Once we figure out those answers, I think that’s going to be able to show us whether the Secret Service missed something here or if it was brought in by someone who potentially didn’t go through screening,” McDonald said.

He said that messaging coming out of the White House on the discovery was “incredibly poor” and only leads to more “speculation,” referencing Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates’s comments on Air Force One that the Hatch Act prevented him from commenting on the investigation.



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Ted Cruz Makes Surprise Prediction About Who Brought Cocaine Into White House

“You know, my guess is it probably isn’t Hunter’s,” Cruz said. “I don’t know that, obviously. We know that Hunter has a drug problem. We know that he has used cocaine and use crack cocaine in the past. But I doubt Hunter Biden is going in the West Wing all that often and going in that entrance all that often.”

“I think it is in all likelihood someone who works in the Biden administration, some senior Biden official, which makes the cover-up all that the more astonishing,” he continued.

Cruz said that with all the cameras that Secret Service and other officials have monitoring the White House complex he had a hard time believing that they have not already figured out who the culprit was.


PREMO Member
On Thursday, allegations surfaced via a document from Miranda Devine that supports the alleged meeting occurred. The reported document represents the first alleged proof of his claims:

Luft said six U.S. authorities attended the Brussels meeting, including four FBI agents and two prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, named Daniel Richenthal and Catherine Ghosh.

“Why did the government dispatch to Europe so many people?” Luft asked in a video released Wednesday in the New York Post.

“They knew very well I’m a credible witness and I have insider knowledge about the group and individuals that enriched the Biden family,” he said.

“Over an intensive two-day meeting, I shared my information about the Biden family’s financial transactions with CEFC, including specific dollar figures,” he added. “I also provided the name of Rob Walker, who later became known as Hunter Biden’s bagman.”

Walker is an infamous character involved in the Biden business. Suspicious activity reports obtained by Comer’s committee revealed Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC in 2017. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Walker was also cc’d on a 2017 email chain between Hunter and two of his former business partners, Tony Bobulinski and James Gilliar, about ten percent “held by H for the big guy.”



PREMO Member

DOJ briefed Hunter Biden team on Joe Biden allegations, but excluded IRS agents: Grassley

The Justice Department briefed federal prosecutors and agents on the team investigating Hunter Biden on a key FBI document containing allegations of a criminal bribery scheme involving Joe Biden in October 2020, but did not invite IRS agents to that briefing, Sen. Chuck Grassley charged.

That accusation was leveled just weeks after IRS whistleblowers alleged that the entire federal investigation into Hunter Biden's business dealings was influenced by politics.

The document in question is an FBI-generated FD-1023 form. The form, dated June 30, 2020, reflects the FBI's interview with a "highly credible" confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top executive of Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings over the course of several years, starting in 2015.


PREMO Member
Gal Luft was formally charged Monday in the Southern District of New York with counts related to willfully failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents.

Luft was arrested over the charges back in February while in Cyprus but he fled extradition after being released on bail.

Luft said in a video statement obtained by the New York Post last week that he had provided evidence of Biden family corruption to the FBI and DOJ in March of 2019, weeks before Biden announced his run for the White House. Luft said he heard nothing from the DOJ until American authorities arrested him in Cyprus earlier this year on charges of illegal arms trading, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, and lying to the FBI.

Luft, who spends most of his time in Israel, offered to meet with the DOJ in 2019 to hand over evidence and information from Hunter Biden’s dealings with CEFC. Luft advised the now-defunct Chinese energy company for roughly four years and during the time that Hunter and the company were working together.

The Department of Justice alleged in a statement that Luft, who serves as the co-director of a Maryland-based think tank, “engaged, along with others, in multiple international criminal schemes.”



PREMO Member

FBI Informant File Alleging Biden Bribes a Part of Ongoing Investigation

According to House Oversight Committee Republicans who reviewed the bureau’s FD-1023 form, an FBI informant claims to possess two pieces of evidence that show President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden received $5 million each from Mykola Zlochevsky after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until a prosecutor was fired.

A source familiar with the FBI’s informant document confirmed to Breitbart News that Hunter and Joe Biden allegedly “coerced” the Burisma executive into paying them $10 million in bribes.

The FBI informant also claims Zlochevsky kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with Hunter and Joe Biden as an “insurance policy,” according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).


PREMO Member

🔥 The Biden Administration seems to be getting desperate, at least when it comes to stopping a new bribery whistleblower from testifying before Congress. The story began last week, when an Israeli professor with a murky covert intelligence background, Gal Luft, uploaded a viral 12-minute video claiming he was being “hunted” because he was prepared to testify before Congress that Joe Biden is a dirty, rotten traitor and bribe taker who has sold the U.S. out to the Chinese.

Now he’s on the most-wanted list. For a process crime, of course.

Yesterday the DoJ suddenly and unexpectedly indicted professor Luft, in absentia. Nobody even knew he was under investigation. It was the fastest indictment in DoJ history.

What Luft was charged with is particularly ironic. The government has charged Luft with a so-called “FARA violation,” under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. It’s a process crime. You can lobby for foreign governments all you want, but you have to send in the paperwork first.

The DoJ has often been accused of prosecuting FARA, shall we say, “unevenly.” Back in April, many observers believed that the drawn-out five-year Hunter Biden investigation, which only produced a paper-thin plea deal, would have produced instead a serious FARA charge, since Hunter has obviously been roaming the world hoovering up cash (and other things) from foreign governments and corporations, and they weren’t paying him for his keen insight and wit, either.

Some estimates place the total Biden family score at over a billion dollars.

Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley was one of many to write about the expected Hunter FARA charges — back in April of LAST YEAR:

Silly Jonathan! You’d think any con law professor worth his salt would know how things really work in Washington.

After an exhaustive five-year DoJ investigation into Hunter’s affairs, where every stone was left undisturbed, he got a mild, non-criminal plea deal over a small amount of unpaid taxes that he won’t even have to pay. Now he’s Even-Steven. Or Even-Hunter. Or something.

Anyway, until Trump, FARA was known as a joke of an ancient law, originally passed after World War I. Nowadays, everybody violated it, and nobody was ever prosecuted. It was just business as usual. But then Special Counsel Robert Mueller dusted the 1938 law off and weaponized it against the entire Trump political organization.

According to Professor Turley:

Here is notorious DoJ criminal Gal Luft, and his original 14-minute video clip, which seems to have gotten him investigated and indicted under Biden’s version of Operation Warp Speed (“prosecuting at the speed of darkness”).



PREMO Member

WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden

The New York Post’s Steven Nelson wanted to know why the Justice Department indicted Gal Luft on FARA charges but spared Hunter Biden.

“Yesterday, a US Attorney from the Southern District of New York indicted a man named Gal Luft for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act by working without registration for a company called CEFC China Energy. The president’s son and brother worked for the SAME firm without registration … what’s the White House’s take?” Steven Nelson asked Jake Sullivan.

Sullivan refused to answer the question.

“I’ve not seen that and can’t comment on it,” Jake Sullivan said.

BS he hasn't seen that


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid ‘Missing’ Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

A CEFC subsidiary sent $100,000 to Owasco P.C., a firm controlled by Hunter Biden, on Aug. 4, 2017, just days after Hunter sent a text to CEFC associate Raymond Zhao in which he cited his “ability to forever hold a grudge” if certain business was not conducted. That text message mentioned that Hunter’s “father” was nearby at the time, referring to President Joe Biden; pictures from Hunter Biden’s laptop show that Joe was with Hunter on the day the text message was sent.

Additionally, that CEFC subsidiary sent payments totaling over $5 million to Hudson West III, a business linked to Hunter, on Aug. 8, 2017, according to a Senate report. Hudson West III then paid Owasco, Hunter’s personal corporation, nearly $5 million.

The DOJ’s indictment cites as evidence against Luft behavior also allegedly exhibited by Hunter Biden.

The DOJ claims that Luft knowingly violated FARA by seeking to influence U.S. foreign policy toward China and “concealed these efforts by creating the false appearance that they were simply the sharing of sincere opinions of an independent expert on national security and international relations,” according to the DOJ indictment.